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The newest test-motor is completed and running the best of all the prototypes so far.
It is ten times more efficient than the last test motor built, and with more power and speed too.


The revs now are at a smooth 1800 with two permanent magnets installed above (or below on the opposite side) the fixed stator power coil shown here in this photo:

These permanent magnets working as a flux-bridge brought the rpms up from 800 rpm at .7amps current draw when running through a 12V/4a battery to 1800 with only .5 amps current draw on the meter.

This is a very good turn of events for this motor project..over double the speed, four times the power in torque, and actually less current draw too.

The explanation of this power is that the rotor coils are still oscillating their current after being energized for a few milliseconds, and will then glide smooth over the permanent magnet flux-bridge.

Tested on a prony-brake rig with 4 grams drag at one foot from the center of the shaft, the prony brake held the motor to 850rpm under this load.
These figures calculate to just over one watt output from the shaft.

Calculating the duration of the pulse in this motor to be 10%: the .5 amps meter reading x 12Volts x .10 (10%)"cycle-on-time" = .6 watts
So it can be easily argued from these simple figures alone that this motor generates a dollar for every sixty cents in just the power of the shaft.

Here are two pictures of the motor with only one permanent magnet installed per side at 2:30 and 8:30 in the counter-clockwise rotation.
Without the permanent magnets, the motor turned at 800rpm with the same amp draw.

The magnets will only work facing a certain direction otherwise they slow the motor.

More tests will determine how far I can go with this...already it has over doubled the speed of the motor with no extra current draw.

Here is a close up of the magnetical arrangement of things:>

Below are two pictures of the latest motor with 110V factory wound coils as the "flux-bridge" (now using permanent magnets here but soon will also be trying pickup coils behind the permanent magnets)

Here are two pictures of the newest test motor with the new .022gauge/33ftlength directional "thrust" power coils and also before permanent magnets and/or pickup-coils were installed:

Motor in the energized-colliding-coils position:

Rotating alnico magnets on back of motor which can determine the exact timing and current draw of the motor shown here:

Electric bearing used in this motor made from roller-blade bearing and 1/4inch I.D. nylon "hat" washer.


Electric bearing taken apart:

Chassis of newest motor taken apart to show construction:

Experimental "Clamshell" magnetic flux-line pickups

This photo is of an experiment to harness the flux lines just outside the coil as they head south using pencil leads with lead wires attached to them leading to a diode.

The pattern of th pencil leads is supposed to match up to the exact pattern of flux lines when the coil energizes.


Here is the basic circuit of the pulse motor.

The magnetic thrusts of the electromagnets are wired to be in collision with one another to create the mechanical-rotation power of this motor.

Technical note:

All the electromagnets are of the same impedance and windings, so the "time constants" will match up when all electromagnetic coils have their current cut at the same time too.

This means there will be more power immediately AFTER the current is cut; from the kickbacks of all the coils at once having their current released. The power from the matched-timing kickbacks would be of a S-S power, opposite of the initial N-N power feed.

Here is the same circuit, but with diodes added that will recirculate the current for better efficiency. This circuit will restrict AC current generation if using pickup coils.

Here are two circuits that will refill a capacitor or battery from the back-pulse of the motor as the motor runs:

A previous page on this invention hr>

Kronzen Motor movie

email the inventor and author: Cheers