Experimenter's Guide to the Joe cell


Alex Schiffer












Table of contents


Chapter 1



What is a Joe cell?


Chapter 2


Some properties of Orgone


Chapter 3

Comparative names for the life force


Chapter 4

Orgone polarity


Chapter 5

Theory of cell design

Theoretical requirements

Making a theoretical cell

Capacitor effect

End results


Chapter 6

Materials and cell design

Parts lists

Selection of materials

Machining operations




Chapter 7

Seed diameter/height ratio

Final notes on the above


Chapter 8

Water type and its relation to the cell

Water type


General notes


Chapter 9

Charging the water


The charging process

Additional notes

Final comments on charging the cell

Special notes on stage 3 water



Chapter 10

Cell connection to motors and motor modification

Cell location and mounting

Cell electrical connections

Cell to engine tube

Blind plug location

Ignition timing

Motor modifications


Chapter 11

When things go wrong

Approach to the problem

Fault finding topics

The water

Cell maintenance

The cell construction

The charging operation

Cell to car interface

Car modifications

Geographical location

Y factor

Closing comments


Chapter 12

Miscellaneous thoughts

Emerald Tablet

Cone angle calculation

Electrolysis process

Rotating fields

The past

The present

The future







JC05.jpg (17265 bytes)


Colloidal precipitate referred to in Chapter 2. The darker material on the left responds to a magnet, material on right does not. It is believed at present that this material does not come from either the stainless stell tube material or from dissolved salts in the water. It was not possible to weigh the material properly without drying it, however the amount of solid in each jar is estimated to weigh less than 1gm.



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View of a 'test cell' used for charging water.



JC04.jpg (36393 bytes)

Test cell showing bubbles developing during electrolysis at stage 2.



JC01.jpg (27331 bytes)

Test cell showing bubbles developed during electrolysis at stage 3. At this stage the cell is  'breeding', or attracting orgone energy into the water.




The contents of Joe cell chapters
What is the Joe cell
Some Properties of orgone
Some names for the life force
Orgone Polarity
Theory of Cell Design
materials and design
Sizes and diameters
Water types and relations to cells
Charging the water cell
Connectioning to motors
When Things go wrong
Miscellaneous Thoughts
Some Readers contributions
Brotherhood of Man
A Joe cell parts supplier
index page where the contents of these chapters came fom