Making a Difference

Here is an extract of a factual story that appeared in the late nineteen century or early twenty century

A man today has been arrested for trying trick people into investing in a phoney device. A device he says is able to convey the human voice over any distance via metal wire so that it can be understood at the other end.

This con man calls the device a telephone which is meant to convey a similarity to the word telegraph and capture the victim confidence because of the wide use of the telegraph today.

Well informed people who are familiar with the operation of the telegraph know that is impossible to send a persons voice over wire.


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is the real inventor of the refrigeration process largely ignored and thrown into prison and the multi nationals swooped when the patents ran out.


If God had meant men to fly he would have given them wings

Up to two years after the Wright Brothers had made their first historial powered flight at Kitty Hawk there were still people who had trouble in believing that it was possible and that it had happened despite all the newspaper reports.

Another virtual unknown

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Nicola Tesla who did so much to bring about the twenty century which he virtually invented himself with the credit usually going to others.

He is the man we have to thank for the wide use of alternating current in polyphase motors, fluoro lighting, radio etc.

Even then he had a fight on his hands with Edison who wanted the use the far inferior Direct current method of energy transfer.

Without his gift of royalties to George Westinghouse, we would today be struck with a DC power station every quarter of mile for our power needs.

Though out history there have been many people who have contributed to society the things that we now enjoy, and who were then accused of fraud or deceit and later to have their ideas proven and stolen from them.

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To the persons who are reading this, you can make a difference, maybe not in financial support, but by keeping an open mind on every thing presented to you, offer help to people trying to make a difference, try to understand and don't always take the word of the experts as the final say without question.

Make up your own mind based on the information available to you and if you can't get any material then actively seek it.

The world today is in such a mess, every where Pollution, energy shortages, food shortages,corrupt people in positions of power

Powerful self interested groups looking out for number one whether it is good for anyone else's interest or not.

The list of what's wrong grows daily.

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The world today needs all the help it can get today. The Goverments won't change it, the multi nationals won't really help either.

The only one's that can are groups of individuals and others like you, all over the world really caring and moved to action and support for each other any where on this planet we call our home !!! EARTH !!!

Take a Stand now

Find your nitch

Make A Difference


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Don't keep forever on the public road, going only where others have gone. Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods. You will be certain to find something you have never seen before.

Alexandra Graham Bell

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if you have any comments of this web site please feel free to contact me with further info or related web sites I can add to the web site or any addition information you may care to add. by using the email address below or my snail mail address below.

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Geoff Egel, 18 Sturt street, Loxton 5333 , South Australia, Australia