Electo magnet pump
This is a device which makes the use of Fleming's right hand rule which if drawn would represent in all directions in a three dimension space that is [up,down] [left,right] [front,back]
Take one line to represent the direction of the magnetic field another to represent the flow of the current and the final one to represent the direction of motion. This holds true from all combinations of magnets, current and direction in any form of motor.
A motor usually consists of a stationary magnetic field called the stator and in the middle a rotating magnetic field called the armature fed by a direct current alternated by commuter.
In this design there is no moving core except the motion of the liquid salty water.
Please remember this only an Experimental Idea
Obtain a P.V.C. pipe and cut to length desired. drill two holes directly opposite one another each side of the pvc and insert brass nuts and bolts
These will be the means by which electrical current will flow from one contact through the water and to the other contact.
Seal around bolt holes so that they cannot leak water. Take two leads from these points.
Now mount two magnets permanent or electro magnets over top of the contacts and fix into position.
If you wish to use permanent magnets go to a local vehicle wrecker and obtain a windscreen wiper motor .
Disassemble the motor usually with a hack saw and remove the armature section. You should know have easy access to the curved magnets inside.
These will fit ideally around the pvc tubing of the correct size and could be held in place with electrical insulation tape.
Set up tube and fill with salty water connect up the field coils if not a permanent magnet and pass a current through the contacts.
With the correct voltage, current and water conductivity. This you will need to determine by experimentation.
Water should then flow in one direction or the other.
With greater magnetic strength and wider current flow across the direction of water flow ,this could conceivable be used as a device to propel an aquatic vehicle across water.
Nuclear power stations already employ something similar in the reactors.
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