How the Great Pyramid At Giza was built, and Why!
  "King's Chamber" 
The King's and Queens Chamber work in conjunction with one another.  When the vacuum seal is opened at the top of the Grand Gallery, water flows down the Grand Gallery.  The check valve below the Grand Gallery is closed, and the valve in the antechamber is opened.  The column of water  flows into the queen's chamber compressing the air in the upper area of the Queen's Chamber.  When the water level in the Grand Gallery reaches the bottom of its travel the valve in the antechamber shuts.  This creates a condition where the compressed air in the upper part of the King's Chamber pushes water up to the Kings Chamber.

The vents in the King's Chamber are located about 4 1/2 feet from the floor.  The ceiling is about 19 feet high.  If these vents are air vents then they are poorly designed.  If they were air vents then they would work better if they were nearer to the ceiling.  Some people maintain they are air vents because air is vented through them.  It is the contention of the Pharaoh's Pump Foundation that these passages are for the discharge of water to the outside of the pump.  The location of the vents and being airtight, (actually water tight!) are consistent with this "room" being an air compression chamber above the vents and water below.

Below are a few excerpts from the book Pharaoh's Pump.  Although they are taken out of context they indicate what the book talks about, and the detail of the explanation of the Great Pyramid as a machine. The output of the pump is constant, because of the stored energy of the compressed air.  It is not intermittent as shown in the animated image.

 Khalaph Al Mamoon, a Mohammedan invader, opened the Great Pyramid for the first time in the year of 835 A. D. He believed, as did many others, that the pyramids were repositories of great treasure, and he like many others since, have found nothing of the sort.  Mamoon's men —used fire and axes to break through the "blocked doorway," or, "the concealed doorway," that protected the King's Chamber.
 As they whacked away at these slabs, the broken rock began to clutter up their wreckage area, and from time to time were compelled to remove the pieces.  The most convenient place to get rid of this broken rock, was to throw it down the duct.  It was nearby, and the floor of the King's Chamber could be kept clean.
 I believe that if these pieces of rock are removed from this duct, where they have lain undisturbed for the last 13 centuries, are sorted and matching pieces cemented together, we will get an accurate restoration of this shut-off valve.  We may see what the slabs looked like, and determine how they were formed.  Also parts of shafts may be found, together with shreds of rope. — Jig-saw puzzle fans would have a ball.
 I have long believed that, there is not a single fragment within, that is not a part of the original equipment.  Every shred and every piece is a component, of a functional element. Never, never, will I believe that this so called "debris" was lugged in from the outside, and stored or hidden, just for the fun of it.

About four feet above the floor of the King's Chamber, two vents are found leading to the outside, One is in the south wall, and the other in the north wall.  They are 8 inches in cross-sectional area, and come out 275 feet above the pavement.  Colonel Vyse poured water down these vents and learned that they emptied into the King's Chamber.  They are called, "air vents."   I am calling them discharge tubes.
This ancient pump is a monstrous thing.    The lower diagonal holds more than eighty tons, while the upper diagonal has a capacity of more than 300 tons.  All told, it takes more than 600 tons to fill it.  And, nowhere, since the time of the Pharaohs, have engineers worked or experimented, with such great masses of water in this fashion.
Try to imagine the great crushing weight of a mass of 300 TONS.  Try to imagine the shattering shock exerted on the closing buoyant valve, (described in book) when it suddenly stops the downward flow and diverts this great mass into the Queen's Chamber.
Try to imagine the tremendous pressure developed in the Queen's Chamber. — No wonder the walls have wedge shaped blocks, and the roof formed of great slabs five and one-half feet thick, and how many hundreds of tons of stone are piled directly on this roof, no one knows.
Then again, there is the roof of the King's Chamber made of 40 ton blocks, with hundreds of tons more piled on the walls, and topped with huge stone struts which bear down on the walls with additional leverage, to keep the roof from blowing off. - One begins to sense that the builders left a mighty slim margin for safety.

If you haven't already, clicked on other areas of the diagram to learn about the functions of the pump.
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