The McGuire Electric Car for The World

A directory for this page:
Data on my small Prototype.
Who needs this car?
Description of the 150hp 12 volt DC magnet motor.
A quick note to electrical engineers visiting the site.
These Animations Demonstrate the Parts and Working of the Motor.
Common Problems With Conventional Cars.
Safety Comparison Between My Car and Other Electric Vehicles.
How Much Does My Motor Cost?
How Do You Recharge the Batteries?
Primary Issue Right Now.
How Do You Convert a Car To Run On Electricity?
Here Are Important Design Considerations.
I Need Some Engineering Assistance.
Funding of Prototype.
Other Research of Pure Magnet Motors.
Another project from Scott Mcguire

Progress of Models and Prototypes.

I have built a small opertional model. It uses 8 ceramic magnets 0.5" thick (x) 1" width (x) 2" length. They are glued around the periphery of a 7" grinding disc (makes a good flywheel). Eight 3/8 bolts (coil cores) are positioned head first under and along the radial center lines of the ceramic magnets at a radius of 3.9375". That makes a 7.875" diameter. These bolts are wound with a total of 2 lbs. or 23 gage magnetic wire in sufficient thickness so as to allow 12 volts to produce enough magnetism to counter the magnets' attraction to the bolt heads. 633.7 ft./lb. so two pounds has 1267.4 feet and each coil has 158.425 feet of wire. They are wound through a bolt shank length of 58mm or 2.28"

                       Motor specs used/derived in/through calculations:

                                   HORSEPOWER =  .042 hp
                               WATTS CONSUMED =     9 watts (circuit energized 50% of time)
                               WATTS PRODUCED =    26 watts
                                   EFFICIENCY =   347 %

                                      VOLTAGE =    12 volts
                                   RESISTANCE =     8 ohms
                                      CURRENT =   1.5 amps
                                          RPM =   300 rpm
                                       TORQUE =  .737 ft/lb (eight pulses per revolution)
                                   ARM LENGTH =  .328 feet
                                    ARM FORCE = 2.247 lb.

Here's how I arrived at these conclusions

RESISTANCE The resistance was measured with an ohm meter to be 8 ohms VOLTAGE I'm using a 12 volt battery CURRENT Voltage = Resistance x Current therefore current is 1.5 amps TORQUE Torque is measured in foot/pounds. The radius of my motor is .328 feet and a force of 2.247 lbs is needed to move the rotor when no power is supplied to the motor. The magnets have "settled" on top of the cores. .328' x 2.247 lb = .737 ft/lbs of torque. RPM The rotational velocity was measured at 300 rpm WATTS CONSUMED The formula Watts = Voltage x Current determines the motor uses 18 watts. However the motor is energized only 50% (or less) each revolution therefore it really consumes only 9 watts HORSEPOWER The formula for determining horsepower is Horsepower = Torque x RPM x .0001904 therefore .737 x 300 x .0001904 = .042 hp WATTS PRODUCED 1 horsepower = 745.712 watts therefore the watts produced is 31.3 watts 745.712 watts 31.3 watts ------------- = ------------ 1 hp .042 hp EFFICIENCY Watts produced divided by watts consumed gives efficiency. Therefore 31.3/9 = 347%
The following are other equations and measurements used which give more detail. 1020 ml of water is needed as a weight to turn the rotor past the magnets. 1.020 liter = 0.26945544 gallons 1 gal water = 8.3378 lbs. 1 gal .2694554 gal ---------- = ------------ 8.3378 lbs 2.247 lbs 2.247 lbs. is needed at 3.938" rad to turn the motor. 3.938" / 12" = 0.328' arm 2.247 lbs. x 0.328' = 0.737 ft/lbs. of torque observed rpm is 300 rpm HORSEPOWER = TORQUE (x) RPM (x) .0001904 .042 hp = .737 x 300 x .0001904 1000 watts = 1.341 horsepower 745.712 watts = 1 hp 745.712 watts 31.3 watts ------------- = ------------ 1 hp .042 hp 26 watts is produced resistance of circuit is 8 ohms 12volts = 8ohms x 1.5amps 18watts is consumed = 1.5amps x 12volts 0.737 ft/lbs. of torque 180 rpm 0.0253 hp 18.836 watts is produced 0.737 ft/lbs. of torque 250 rpm 0.035 hp 26 watts is produced 18 watts is consumed but the circuit is only energized 50% of the time per revolution so really only 9 watts is consumed. 26 / 9 = 290% efficiency
1 g = .035 oz. 1 kg = 2.2 lbs. 1 kilowatt = 1.341 horsepower

Who needs this car?

I need this car. You or someone you know might too. Because of it's utter simplicity it is very reliable and easy to work on anywhere in the developing world. Your interest is worth its weight in gold. Keep in touch and visit the site frequently to keep current on the development of this car.

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Description of 150 hp motor.

The LaFonte Research Group Magnetic Equilibrium 12 Volt dc Pulsed Magnet Motoris the heart and soul of the McGuire Electric Car.


Electric vehicles are notorious for poor performance. Not so with mine. I fully expect to have 150hp to 300hp 12 volt dc motors which can easily fit in any existing car, truck, 4wd or SUV.

The two forces which contribute to the horsepower rating of any engine are TORQUE and RPM (revolutions per minute). You can find a detailed explanation of this formula at How Stuff

HORSEPOWER = TORQUE (x) RPM (x) .0001904

One little neodymium magnet 1" x 1.25" x .25" can lift 85 lbs. The large magnets to be used in my motor can lift hundreds of pounds each. For 150hp I need magnets which can produce at least 112 pounds of force each, and this at an easy to reach 500 rpm. My large magnets easily meet this specification. There are 16 magnets in the rotor (8 on each side) and there are eight magnetic attraction power pulses every revolution.v If my magnets were exactly 112 pounds powerful the horsepower per rpm is as follows:

0500 rpm = 150 hp
1000 rpm = 300 hp
2000 rpm = 600 hp
3000 rpm = 900 hp

For now I need to reach full power at 500 rpm in my calculations because I don't know yet how many rpms this motor will turn. As you can see this motor is very powerful. I have received emails from people who need at least 150 hp in their four wheel drive vehicles. This requirement is easily achieved and surpassed. I predict the actual horsepower of my motor to be double of the figures shown above.

Several interested electrical engineers have written without first studying the motor as described on this website and have written skeptical emails to me saying it's impossible to have a powerful motor for a car using only 12 volts. This is NOT a 12 volt DC electric motor. It is true that without the 12 volts DC power it won't run. However the 12 volts DC current supplied to the electromagnets in the stator is NOT strong enough to repel the permanent magnets in the rotor. If you turned the power on and left it on continually the motor will NOT run. It will develop ZERO hp. You could open the motor's cover and grab the rotor with your hand and spin it freely.

Can 12 volts supply enough magnetism in the electromagnets to neutralize the permanent magnets' "grip" on the iron cores of the coils? Yes. There are numerous 12 volt DC electromagnets on the market today which will lift hundreds of pounds each. This motor does NOT require power anywhere near that strong. McMaster-Carr has an excellent website from their catalog where you can see a listing of these electromagnets and read their specifications. Here is the graphic from that catalog page:

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A quick note to electrical engineers visiting the site.

* A quick note to electrical engineers visiting the site. You can't apply traditional engineering formulas to this motor. It is not an electric motor. The driving force is not electrical in origin. The current flow in this motor does not repel the permanent magnets. The electromagnet coils only produce enough magnetism to neutralize the magnet's attraction to the iron cores of the coils. The forces involved here are:

1. Magnetic attraction of permanent magnets to the iron cores of the coils.
2. 12 volt current flow through coils to neutralize the magnetic attraction of the permanent magnets.
3. Back EMF generated by the passage of the magnets past the coils.
     A diode prevents current flow before the magnets reache the coils.

Several interested electrical engineers have written without first studying the motor as described on this website and have written skeptical emails to me saying it's impossible to have a powerful motor for a car using only 12 volts. This is NOT a 12 volt DC electric motor. It is true that without the 12 volts DC power it won't run. However the 12 volts DC current supplied to the electromagnets in the stator is NOT strong enough to repel the permanent magnets in the rotor. If you turned the power on and left it on continually the motor will NOT run. It will develop ZERO hp. You could open the motor's cover and grab the rotor with your hand and spin it freely.

Can 12 volts supply enough magnetism in the electromagnets to neutralize the permanent magnets' "grip" on the iron cores of the coils? Yes. There are numerous 12 volt DC electromagnets on the market today which will lift hundreds of pounds each. This motor does NOT require power anywhere near that strong. McMaster-Carr has an excellent website from their catalog where you can see a listing of these electromagnets and read their specifications.

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These Animations Demonstrate the Parts and Working of the Motor.

All animations have been hyperlinked so this website will load faster. Please click on each one to see them in aciton.

Keep your eye on one blue magnet and watch it go all the way around the circle.

Five Animated Graphics That Show the Basic Layout of Motor
Here you can see the left fixed plate receiving its 8 coils into the bolt holes.
Here you can see the aluminum rotor receiving its 16 magnets into its recessed holding areas.
Here you can see the right fixed plate receiving the 8 coils it holds.
Now All Three Units Come Together to Make the Magnet Motor. Clearances between the cores of the coils and
the neodymium permanent magnet are no more than .040"
Here's how the axle is mounted on the rotor and fits through the end plates. Left side shown.

This graphic shows the "commutator" which is really a bridge between the two brushes. It's a solid chunk of copper turned on a lathe and then has grooves cut out for plastic nonconductive filler material. mcmotorrotorcommutator.gif
The LaFonte Research Group is developing an optical commutator which eliminates moving
parts and enhances reliability and ease of maintenance. I'll keep you posted on that.

This "easier to view" graphic illustrates the electrical system of The LaFonte Research Group Magnetic Equilibrium 12 Volt dc Pulsed Magnet Motor. mcmotornolafontesaver.gif

When the motor is turned off all magnets fixate in front of the cores of the coils and stops the engine. To start the engine the coils are energized and the rotor is set in motion by a small starter rotor of coils and magnets. The starter coils energize repelling the magnets as seen in this animation. When the starter is no longer needed another circuit makes it a generator. These coils do not have iron cores. When red the current is flowing, when yellow no current is flowing.

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Common Conventional Car Problems.

But first... Here are some common car problems. How many times have these happened to you?
  • Engine won't start.
  • Leaky or clogged radiator.
  • Leaky radiator hoses.
  • Failed water pump.
  • Broken water pump belt.
  • Bad starter.
  • Ignition failure, plugs, coil, computer etc...
  • Oil pump failure.
  • Carburetor problem.
  • Fuel injection problem.
  • Computer sensors gone bad.
  • Run out of gas.
  • Bad oil consumption.
  • Engine pollutes excessively.
  • Engine is worn out.
  • Auto mechanic takes advantage of you.
  • Internal engine failure.
  • Car problems when it's freeeeezing!

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Safety Comparison Between My Car and Other Electric Vehicles.

Typical electric car conversion kits use complicated high voltage dc or ac motors, regulators, controllers, etc.... Take a look at some examples. These are good electric vehicle systems and well proven technology but I believe my concept will appeal to you as well, even better.

My electric car is simpler, safer and more affordable than anything I have seen on the market. It works in all cars/trucks/SUVs. The electric motor is a 12 volt dc electromagnetic pulsed magnet motor. The only parts subject to wear are the sealed precision ball bearings.

Extremely strong Neodymium rare earth magnets provide the power as they are attracted to the "magnet attracting" soft iron cores. The electromagnet coils are only strong enough to produce a "neutralizing" same pole repulsion force which effectively "breaks" the magnetic attraction between the rotor magnets and the stator soft iron cores. 12 volts is safe. Next time you open your hood put one finger on the positive terminal of the battery and another finger on the negative terminal. Nothing happens. 12 volts is perfectly safe for humans, and I guess dogs and cats.

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How Much Does This Motor Cost?

I'm working on that now. Components include:
Aluminum or Composite Stator Frame.  $400 Estimated
Soft Iron Electromagnet Cores and    $2800 Estimated
Magnetic Wire Coils.                 $10 / lb.
Aluminum Rotor.                      $200 Estimated
Ball Bearings.                       $100 Estimated
Neodymium Magnets.                   $3200 Estimated
Transmission Plate.                  $500 Estimated
Obviously, the motor is the most expensive part of the McGuire Electric Car.
I'm shopping the internet for the best prices on all of these components.

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The McGuire Electric Car uses a Self-Sustaining Battery Charger

The batteries are recharged WITHOUT the need for gasoline generators, wind generators or plug-in battery chargers. All power needed to recharge the battery is onboard the car. It's not free energy or "something for nothing" but it is high tech engineering made cheap and practical. You can read all about them at Eagle Research.

Here are several battery charger devices from Eagle Research.

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Primary Focus Right Now.

My focus is on the design and engineering of The LaFonte Research Group Magnetic Equilibrium 12 Volt DC Pulsed Magnet Motor specifically for my need. I am soliciting assistance from interested parties including vehicle operators and reputable magnet and electromagnet manufacturers in the USA.

I do need financial assistance as well as engineering assistance. I have had several engineers email me with information. Thanks guys. If you are poor and/or of limited means God does not want you to send me any money! Your continued interest is worth its weight in gold. Keep in touch and visit the site frequently to keep current on the development of this car.

I need the help of others to make this vehicle a reality to those who need it most.

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How Do You Convert a Car To Run On Electricity?

The McGuire Electric Car is really my motor placed in any automobile. Items to remove from the car to convert it are (this is an ongoing list as readers provide input):

gas tank and mounting appratus
tank fuel pump, fuel gauge sender and wiring
filler cap
engine fuel pump
engine fuel return system
emissions control canisters and hoses
intake system and manifold
fuel injection
coil, distributor, plugs and all wires
radiator and hoses
cooling fan
computer sensors
oil pressure sender
engine temperature sender
motor and mounts and brackets
exhaust manifold, catalytic converters, muffler and pipes

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Here Are Important Design Considerations.

Design Considerations.

12 volt system using three deep cycle marine batteries.
Aluminum Rotor Diameter = 25"
Commutator = any machine shop can fabricate.
Housing material aluminum or composite.
Industrial large precision ball bearings.
Accelerator is a simple rheostat
(the thing you turn for your ceiling fan).
Alternator, power steering pump, air conditioning etc.
belt driven off rotor shaft.

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I need some engineering assistance.

The following drawings are my best guesstimations for engineers to look at regarding the design of the permanent neodymium magnets and electromagnet coil cores. I'm seeking engineering assistance from experienced magnetics engineers.

Current Engineering Questions

1. Gauss rating of magnet.
2. Tension and shear force on core.
3. Material for Core of Coils.
4. Wire size and number of turns for coil.
5. Back EMF produced by magnets passage.
6. Other Losses.
7. Current needed at 12 volts to neutralize magnet's attraction to core.

Rotor Neodymium Permanent Magnets and Core for Electromagnet

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If you are in Houston you are invited to come by and visit with me.
We can visit the machine shop where I plan to have the various parts fabricated.


For those wishing to contribute financially to the project I am accepting pledges at this time. Send me your pledge amount and it will be recorded here along with your email address or any other identifying name you desire. When the engineering is finished and its time to fabricate the motor I'll let everyone know.

Scott McGuire electriccar homepage

Scott McGuire;11735
South Glen #1802
Houston, TX 77099
Email Scott McGuire

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I am also doing research into the area of pure magnet motors. These motors depend on the interaction of permanenet magnets for their power. No external power is needed. No gasoline, electricity, wind, etc...

Another project from Scott Mcguire Return to Top of Page

Email the webmaster