The Swiss ML Testakica

 linden experiment

This machine was constructed about 15 years ago in a commune near Bern Switzerland and could have the answers to our energy needs .

Unfortunately the members of the community has expressed a desire to keep the details of the device from the general public ,due their belief it could be used by miltary authorities to harm humanity.

Whilst visitors have been welcome most have been disappointed by the fact that the community no longer demonstrates the device to the public , so it seems other researchers must find the secret to this amazing device.

What little is known is presented here.

I have Pal version video showing this device in operation more details are on our free giveaway encyclopedia of free energy available from the freebies link at this web site and from the following link


The Unit is started by hand by revolving the two disks in opposite directions and continues to move without further input.
This device has only two moving parts namely the bearing races at the centre of the disk.
The disk are made of clear plastic upon which are placed flat a series of fifty blade type steel or aluminium sections equally spaced around the middle sections of each disk.
The speed of the revolving disks is about 50 to 60 rpm limited to this by magnetic impulses from the magnetic section on the rim.
To those that have seen this powerhouse in operation it is certain that useable power is being extracted from the environment and some is being used to run the machine.
This is an energy system which relies on the self moving wimhurst electro static generator for the high voltage and somehow the members of this commune have found a way to extract ,amplify and convert this energy to powerful useful levels.
The Swiss M/l converter is based on a modified wimshurst electrostatic machine.

My people have seen the swiss m/l converter in operation but to do date no one has been able to understand
or successfully reproduced the results as claim by the Swiss commune group Methernitha in Linden .
But to one fortunate individual had a visit to Paul B.who is claimed to have had said that if they could understand the above following experiment they would be close to understanding how the device was able to work.(as illustrated above)
It consists of two plates of metal one aluminium the other copper separated by a insulator of some unknown
material could be paper or plastic(unknown)
It also included a horse shoe magnet wrapped with a coil of wire and both ends soldered together.
Paul B placed this capacitor made of the differing metals between the poles of a horse shoe magnet and
then asked a witnesses to connect the plates to two probes of a voltmeter to each plate and to their surprise
found a voltage of seven hundred volts which occasionally dropped in value..
I have communicated with some people how have performed the above experiment with little result however.
PB may have conditioned the insulator of perspex of other similiar insulator by the following means without
revealing what he had had done.
It is known that if you heat perspex or lucite until soft to touch and becomes tacky and you then subject the heated mass to
a high voltage field via means of metal plates on each side of perspex mass and leave it there until the perspex is
cool .Removing the applied high voltage charge
an electrostatic high voltage charge may still be continously taken from those metal plates
something like this also happens with the electrostatic microphones in modern tape recorders..
What part the magnet and the coil and differing face metal plates plays in additional to the electrostatic charge is yet to be determined by yours truly.
Looking at other parts of the machine the pickup fields that don't touch the spinning disks are also made up
of perforated Aluminium separated with a perspex insulated and withcopper behind it.
I would like to know if any one has performed the above experiment and got a successful result.

The theory of operation of a wimhurst machine is. The disks are of plastic, glass, hard rubber or in one case I saw old phonograph records.
The contra rotating disk causes air molecules to become electrically activated by the fictional movement of the air both disks causes.
This rotating action causes the disks to become continually charged and an electrostatic charge builds up, causing a flash over.
To stop this flash over, a series of foil sections are attached to the centre portion of each disk and equally spaced and back to back with foil sections on the outer sides.
To remove the charge, collection arms are arranged to collect the charge and transfers the charge to a storage capacitor. At 45 degrees to these collection points is a neutralising bar that extends to full length of the disk and has brushes at both ends. A neutralising brush equals the charges on the metal foil position at both positions on both sides.
The neutralising bar on opposite side disk is at ninety degrees to the one for the other side.

 what in the cans
For many the cans in front of the Testakica have proved to be a bit of a mystery.
From information I have obtained the general opinion is that the above diagram is close to explaining what in the twin cans. It seems to a combination of two copper cylinders interlaid with two perforated alumina screens
In the middle are six or more doughnut magnets upon which are wrapped coils some think they could be bifilar in nature.
Between each magnet there is an air gap made possible by the plastic spacers between each of them.
In the middle of the magnets there is a single spiral of copper or aluminium metal.
It is possible although not confirmed that there is a common ground at the bottom of each can connecting all these elements.
Don't quote me on this but it reminds me of an automotive transformed connected in reverse and shielded with copper and aluminium shielding.
I not sure what roles the magnets provide but tesla used a magnet field in his designs to give a dc voltage output
like modern day rectifiers in some of his AC circuits.
The magnets may also work similiar to work carried out by Captain Hans Coler.
 swiss  Testakica photo
Some facts know about this machine.
Constant Power output 230 volts at 13 amperes for a 3kw rating pulsed DC
Dimensions 110cm wide 45 cm deep 60cm high
43.23 wide 17.68 deep weight approximately 20kg/ or 44 lbs X23.58
Self propulsion by way of the esf flow principle of motorised brushes to revolve the twin disks.
the machine is started by hand revolving the disk after this no additional input power is required.
Once unit is functioning it is not able to be moved with the machine coming to a stop.
The temperature in the area of the machine tends to become cooler.
P.B. seems to be in the area next to or by the machine when first started.

Additional Information
There also seem to be a four inch single disk version that gave out 300 watts but I know only little of this at the moment.

Although not always seen a small motor is used to turn both disks at a constant speed in opposite directions in both devices.

From the weird science on the other sites section you can downland several small mpeg videos of the machine in operation. I have a 25 minute video of the Swiss ML in operation in the Australian Pal format.

I am continually searching for addition information about this device and if there is anyone who has additional information on it's construction and operation I would be most grateful as I have already built a wimhurst machine ,I would now like to construct a ML machine.
If you have any information on this device and you send it to me it will be kept confidential if you so wish.


.Some late information I have recieved (28/Sept/97) unconfirmed.

The correspondent has written to me

I currently think the energy comes from a different dimension, and that a toroidal-type oscillating magnetic field can be a catalyst for an energy transfer. (This is a loose and poor description)" In the middle of the magnet stacks in the large containers could be a "wire". Now, this is what Don Kelly from S.E.A. tells me. an electrode like the one Prof. Stefan Marinov described in the small machine. In a post card Prof. S. M. Said, "The capacitors have a cylindrical grid, cylindrical plastic insulator and a copper spiral in the center. I saw in one of the small machines there are NO MAGNETS."

About the permanent magnets, The chief technician (Luzi Cathomen) told a freind of mine (The Linden Report 1994)that the ends of the magnets or in the cass of the magnet stacks between the magnets seems to work the best. The toriod coil could just be used for energy storage but I don't know.

If you or some one else could get the Linden Experiment (according to U.P.Sander)to work then the Testatika could be explained. Insted of a two foot loop try hooking your Wim. static generator up to the Wires around the hours shoe magnet then try placing the flat Cu. Al. capacitor between the poles. may be d/c power would come out insted of the static electricity going in.

Report supplied by Albert Hauser

Report: Methernitha Linden, Switzerland.

Together with my two companions, I visited the community Methernitha in Linden,

on the 14th February 1986.

During our 4 hour long visit, we did following observations. First, my shorted

report was printed in our association newspaper "DIFOT-News" no. 5, May 1986, later

in UFO-Contact no. 6, 1986 and last the English version from the same publisher,

February 1987. The persons in Linden asked me to be patient in publishing our

observations via the big magazines.

During the ongoing time I have had the possibility to compare my ideas with the

other visitors. Further we have seen rather good pictures, and reports from other

visitors. These have been printed in bigger news letters allready.

Even relatively many persons have seen the tecnology already, until now the shown

technic isn't understanded.

To avoid misunderstandings, bad reputations and also to avoid the possiblities for

misuse of the system, I have decided to give my opinion, this concerning.

Based on the quistions to our hosts we received following respons:

They described themself as primitive Christians. - A community counting approx. 200

persons, living "biblical" together, with their own school, machine factory,

market-garden and also a film studio.

That's the reason why they did'nt want to publish the developed technic, which has

taken approx. 25 years to develop. - Especially because they were afraid of the

possibility of misuse, - also from the weapon-industry.

It's maybe wellknown, that the device has to be hand-started and thereafter the

machine is self-running.

The performance is partly known, and corresponding data is stated on my drawing.

During our visit, the big machine was tested with a 1.000 watt glow-lamp. (there

was also a smaller machine)

The machine(s) was mainly constructed of traditional parts and materials.

The shown machine weighed approx. 20kg. - The foundation plate was of wood and the

rest was mostly made of plexiglas.

pos. 1 Plexiglas disk o500x5mm with 50 chrome-steel lamellas, approximately

0,2x20x16Omm, placed on the outside surface. - This was called "the cloud"

pos. 2 Correspondingly big disk of the same material, but in a darker colour,

but running in the opposite direction, and with lamellas placed on both the sides.

- This was called "the ground"

pos. 3 Magnet wheel against a timing gear for braking the disks pos. no. 1 and 2.

(Controling the speed at 6Orpm)

The disks was connected with a flexible belt transmission.

pos. 4 The lamellas was a little magnitized and made of a material/or coated for

protection against corona oxidation.

pos . 5

All lamellas are made of perforated sheets of metal and all without touching the disks. There is 8 pcs on the front of the disks and maybe also 8 pcs on the back side.

The last mentioned is'nt placed parellel with the disks. - The electrodes is turned edging in a radius, and by turns assembled in lays of perforated plates and isolating plates.

pos. 6 Concentric acryl pipes between 3 perforated sheeded pipes (metal-coating and in the center a bifilar coil around a magnet-tupe.

pos. 7 and pos. 8. - A smaller lying "capacitor"

pos. 9 A glass-tupe around an aluminium spiral, which really was a revolving shaving.

Dos. 10 Horse shoe magnets with coils which are turned bifilar, - and between the shoe-legs several lays of isolating sheets and perforated metal sheets.

pos. 12 Possibly a rectifier. - An oblong piece of perforated metal plate placed vertically and around a coil. The glass cover contains one or several crystals.

In accordance with the notes from other visitors, the end-caps are magnetic.

In my opinion, the systen isn't evacuated, because a smaller machine had a quite open rectifier.

The electric connections between the single parts can only be mentioned uncompletely.

But the likeness with the old "Wimhurst machine" is clear. Here we have several

electrodes. (Wimhurst have totally 6, and 4 of them are touching).

The horizontically placed electrodes are - like "Wimhurst" transmitting the high voltage itself to pos. 6.

There is a question concerning the center magnet or the coatings. - The many coatings are internally connected, - also to pos. 7 and 8, and partly also to other parts, like pos. 9, 10 and 12.

The useable performance, shown on'the drawings with the + and - connections, and on the coloured photos with read and blue wirings, looks like as if they where connected from 2 metal rings placed on the top of pos. 6.

In accordance with the reports from other visitors, the thick wooden foundation plate

should be made in turns of lays of perforated plates and isolating plates.

Also they started a smaller machine which was running in 2 hours. - We tested the machine with only measuring instruments. - It means to say, that we didn't load the machine with any resistance. - I think the performance is maybe 200 watt.

Surprising, but this model was'nt so heavy, only approx. 1 kg. - The size of the disk was only approx. 12 cm, and the construction was much more simple. (few "capacitors" only)

The self running mechanism was constructed of a little traditional DC-motor, which for the use was winded with thinner thread.

Information below added as of 26 January 1998

Some Recent Information to hand from


This device use a kind of PCM ( Pulse Current Multiplier ) for converting EHV ( Electrostatic High Voltage ) to Low voltages/High current. The PCM device uses some Radium doped capacitors with a radioactive dielectric ( like the Bruce Perreault valve ) connected in parallel with some step down transformers....The small vaccum energy fluctuations produced in the dielectric by the radioactive material between the plates ( Thanks to Casimir (...?) ) of these capacitors create an induced voltage in the stepdown transformer connected in parallel. The EHV from the Wimshurst machine is used only for creating the initial E-potential ( like the Moray radiant energy converter...). The main mechanical design is a kind of enhanced Wimshurst machine that we can find in all common freeNRG books ( Borderland, Childress, Tesla Book...). The loopback can be closed because some DC current produced by this machine is used for powering the rotating magnetic motor hidden in the main design..... You may find find the latest Testatika diagram from Nelson Camus in the "NET- JOURNAL" No 2/12 ( December 97) and also the complete feedback about the TransAltec Conference ( on 6 dec 97) in Zuerich with some pictures and comments about some demonstrations that I have done during this meeting...

Converting EVH To LVHC Patent

This patent contains the main principles for tapping ZPE by using a kind of Electrostatic machine and also explain how to convert EVH to LVHC.... Nothing Weird or Magic......This is only Advanced Physics... :-)

Testatika Generator

It is the first scientific method to convert electrostatic into electrodynamic power:

Fuel: Radium Chloride

Method of Conversion : 2 Wheel brushes in motion in different ways.

Wimhursts Capacitor: Electo static capacitor store power

Leyden Jar : Normal DC capacitors of Farad by 300 volts DC

Below is circuit diagram suggested by Jean Naudin showing how the high voltage can be converted to a lower voltage and suggested method of getting free energy using radium doped dielectric in the capacitors.

The diagram below is usually regarded as a discredited drawing but the radium doped capacitor is something new in this now old drawing.

The truth is somewhere in the middle maybe.


A similar device will be demonstrated at the next EXOTIC RESEARCH conference. This conference will run four days. July 23 to July 26 1998

Calvin B. from International High Tech. is now in the process of building this device. We are able to build this as recent information has been obtained from The Boston Musium of Science. At the end of the conference we will tell ALL!

Bruce A. Perreau

Correspondence received March 1998 I have received this letter from a contact some parts identify people has been deleted.

March 10 99

an extract follows.

Now to the ML converters in general When I talked to two the two engineers Sauder and Snicker who had made measurements on earlier models. I mentioned those variations and fantastic assumptions made by other researchers.

Then S and S looked at me and started to smile.They said that the constructions done by those who tried to copy the machines in one or other manner are “ on the wrong track “ Taking a photograph (or a video and making a Japanese copy is the wrong way to do it.!

Sheer guesswork is not the way to get a result!

The principle must be understood!! Sauder sad that the converters they had tested were extremely simple! eg the big jars or capacitive “pots”( of earlier models )” were plastic containers filled aluminium shavings like those you get when you turn a rod of material on a lathe. Also there was not a so called rectifier diode on top; it was a kind of solenoid with a movable jumper ,like that of a potentiometer or variable inductor. Baumann had to tune that jumper after S & S had partially disassembled and inspected one of the machines.

It is a pity that engineers although competent in their proper disciplines do not observe precisely and memorise what they have been working on ! This also with S and S, not an exception .

Nevertheless I can trust ( not believe ) what Sauder tells me.

Here an argument why Methernitha was certainly not showing a Hoax The elephant still does not work. It seems to me that the Methernitha have gone now through the phase of mystic physics”.

At present they have to get back the money they have spent for the new factory and the setting up of the electronics production; This only comes by hard and realistic work.

It may be a configuration I have thought of when I came back to Linden in September 1994 . Here we again see coils, permanent magnets, a capacitor .When we consider where the Testakica power comes from in the first place. then it are those “pots” on the sides! Whatever the excitation of these combinations might be ,T/he secret lays in the pots. Paul Baumann had his reasons why he uses high voltage excitation. It is how he started and never abandoned this scheme. When you look at the elephant with its 2 meter disks and what is mechanically involved - it is a real mess and over killing. The elephant might even never run as expected.

Here I should say, again that I trust much more the technique with magnets than with wimshurst disks. My friend Werner Kunz recently got a strong stoke from a 20000 volt charged capacitor.. He told me he could hear the angels signing.

With magnetic circuits there is less danger and magnets can hold much more energy than capacitors. The Volkrodt circuits seam the right path to follow. The explanations given in his 1985 paper sound logical, although I have not gone though the calculation and formulas.

I am mainly an experimenter. What I can prove by measurement I can trust! I am definitely facts oriented. All other beliefs are out of my consideration.

End of extract

from an email message recieved by me (web master )

Here are some Infos from Mike Watson which Marinov told him:

Date: Sat Jul 21, 2001 4:51 pm
Subject: Marinov on the Testatika etc

Hello All,

Some years ago I met Stefan Marinov in London and took the opportunity to question him about the Testatika. As is well known Marinov was a member of the "inner circle" of I think twelve members who ran the Methernitha group in Linden. Marinov was the only one not in on the secret of how the testatika worked. However, Baumann unexpectedly gave Marinov one of the small machines to play with.

Marinov said that the two Leyden jars contained no magnets. The central electrode was a helix of a few turns of thick wire. The concentric mesh were simple cylinders insulated from each other by clear plastic cylinders.

The machine had a single revolving disk with iron wire for sectors. The wire was threaded from one side to the other radially on the disk face as can be clearly seen in the photos of the small machines.

The machine would only start with the disk axis pointing east-west. When operating, if the disk was stopped with the finger there was a steady torque on the disk. If a sheet of metal was held behind the machine the rotation stopped and the rest torque stopped.

There are no rubber contacts or brushes on the disk. A few spins with the fingers would start the machine. The wheel of the machine delivered less than 100mw according to Marinov's estimates. Marinov had an electrostatic motor, and said that the torque on the testatika disk at rest was greater than from his electrostatic motor. The testatika disk revolved 30-40 times slower than that of the electrostatic motor.

During his tests he estimated that the power output was about 100 watts as judged by the heating effect in a power resistor.. Marinov had no test equipment available to do quantitative tests since all these observations were made at Linden, and Marinov did not expect to be shown anything when he visited.

These early machines were built by Baumann when in prison from scrap materials found in the workshop. Baumann also said that the sectors of the big machine were a lightly magnetised special Fe-Ni alloy.

Unfortunately Marinov is no longer with us, he told me that the group would tell him the secret provided his swore an oath of not disclosure. He would not do this because he regarded this as against the spirit of science.

The Methernita group seem to think that the Testatika is based on principles not known to current orthodox science.

What about unorthodox science? It seems to me there is plenty here for fruitful research. The problem is that dowsers and others do detect such unorthodox EM-like fields but no satisfactory instrumentation exists to detect them objectively. Objective instruments do exist but are of an unsatisfactory statistical nature. Quantisation and energy conservation go hand in hand. If an unquantised Electromagnetism exists and given the apparent uselessness of conventional instruments for such fields a new method of detection would be needed.

If Baumann is using such unorthodox fields in the Testatika then presumably he discovered the field first and created the machine after to prove it to himself.

Regarding such fields, what about the Bedini scalar field generator, orgone, Karl Welz's chi generator, Dowsing fields etc. All these point hazily to another unknown power.
Mike Watson

email message from: newsgroup

This was translated from a home video made at Mathernitha.

Documentation of the Testa Distatika of amateur video film
Present persons:
1 man of Methernitha (M) and 2 Germans (D) and (T), hardly talks.

M: There is not yet quite finished, there come still segments drauf. I can show these segments here you.

Belong still drauf. Only then it begins to function.
D: Is that magnets?
M: No those are special alloys.
D: Is that magnet foils?
M: One could magnetize those.
D: A magnetized foil is that now and those drauf is stuck here.
M: See that are a 2-metriger and a that are a meter. And 4 KW deliver there.
That is those, which saw to Dr. Winter. Those delivers 4 KW.
D: Those delivers 4 KW?
M: Half of the double converter.
D: Is that a double converter?
M: That is exactly the same again.
D: Why do you build those not parallel, but now more largely in the diameter?
M: We are to, we are to.
D: I mean to build parallel am that for advantage or more largely to be built. What is the advantage?
M: I would estimate stationary, which delivers it approximately 20kW.
D: 20kW?
M: Yes.And there should approximately half of there.
D: Thus approximately 2kW?
M: Yes. There did I see still one (machine there above) in tandem it?
D: I see her there in front.
M: That is in tandem. May I tell briefly or do interest it you not? Can they make smaller or not?
D: Make how smaller?
M: Yes, if they have 4.
D: Well, theoretically one could switch 6 or 8 consecutively.
M: Yes, geht.s more simply if they knew each disk 2 KW of gittern.. They can make that.
But is for a newspaper?
D: No, it really interests me. M: Approximately 60, not faster.
D: 60 revolutions for the 50 cycles per second.
M: Those are the Kondenser.
D: Those are leydnische bottles?
M: (those are the leydnischen bottles, thereby one the voltage get there ago). And from there we take the current away.
D: I.e. as said, the principle functions in such a way, which one the electrostatic field...
D: one forms.das....
M: That is, like if it straehnen exactly here has, that it ahead already saw.
D: Is clear, is clear. With what is the energy removed now?
M: The energy is removed then there.
D: To both Poland.
M: and go..... Those are still special (is).
D: Moment,the energy goes now from here where to?
M: That can be done there up.
D: Here above drauf?
M: and there it is strengthened.
D: What is called strengthened to that extent?
M: That is called simple..... There do we quote one.... as say one?
D: Transformer.
M: Transformer.
D: It is converted?
M: No, it is up-changed. We do not need that. We have direct current.
D: Here however is high voltage of like much 20?
M: No, those are 100, 100, 100kW.
D: 100kV M: Yes. That gives such a flame.
D: And goes here above drauf. And that is..... which is still times exactly?
M: That is thing, with what we increase the capacity or?
D: Moment as is increased now here the capacity? As that is made.Spark gaps or which is that.
M: No, there are only magnets and things (coils?) in it. Where we there there....
D: That you do not want thus to say which it are.
M: No I would also not like that.
D: Well. Thus like said thus it goes here........
T: Important!
D: Property of OK ONE. That can be done say here drauf and strengthened it. And then the energy continues?
M: The energy comes then down on the condensers and it is stored there.
D: On the wrong niches bottles?
M: Yes, on the wrong niches bottles. And from there evenly it leaves.
D: For what still times here in front was this section?
M: The section.
D:Yes. M: that is........(lachen)
D: Well. A type is spark gaps.
M: Jas that is it, but I cannot do it you.....
D: Is a vacuum inside.
M:Vacuum, I means......
D: Vacuous. Vacuum is which other one.
M: Vakuu Best Regards, Ken

Further information sites these sites are over 2 years old may not be current.

Further information

Testatika and Overunity

Magnetic paradox

Some email comment from
Dipl. Ing. Stefan Hartmann
Hartmann Multimedia Service Hartmann Multimedia Service
Keplerstr. 11 B, 10589 Berlin, Germany
Tel: 030-34500497, FAX: 030-34500498
neue Handynummer: 0177-3450049
email: Stefan Hartmann
email direkt aufs Handy

Have a look here: Plasmavolt

Now it is also clear to me, how the Testatika works.
Baumann has also found out, that he could extract much more energy, when the pulsed HV pulses onto radioactive minerals and rocks.
As he is a mineral collector, he probably tried, how a high voltage pulse could enhance the output of such small radioactive rock or mineral !

As in the big capacitors is said they contain a single vortex wire inside some rock material it is now clear, that this is probably the collector wire for the electrons, which are produced during the High Voltage excitation !

Also the basic experiment from Baumann, with his swing arm modell machine and the charging of the capacitor could be this principle !

A high power electret in the upper arm is fast moved a few times over the stack of weak radioactive mineral sandwiched between collector mesh electrodes and this way this mineral gets a few High Voltage induction pulses, thus it is stimulated to release many high speed electrons, which charge up the mesh collectors and thus the capacitor !
This probably is also true for the horseshoe-magnets, which have these mineral plates with metal collector electrodes stacked up !
These minerals must be weakly radioactive and if the magnet field is modulated or the electrodes a fed with High voltage pulses, they will release beta electrons and charge up the electrodes around them...

I also once heard, that inside the background tubes there are many stones and minerals inside there, this is probably also a container for weak radioactive stones and rocks which are pulses in this sort of capacitor to release more energy than fed into them !

Also the Morray converter was a RF stimulated diode amplifier, with radiocatively doped diodes with Uran and other radioactive materials !

So all in all we can say, that all of these devices use the power of stimulated radioactivity to get this huge power output !

It seems the new company has just found a very safe way to produce and release this power from very weak K-40 radioactive material !

So not much mystery for me anymore with the Morray and Testatika devices


Testakica demo
more of the Testakica demo
close up of lit light bulb of the Testakica
small single disk testakica device
Large testakica device
large testakica bulb lighting

email energy 21