Over the last past five years by means of this website and previously by the shareware method and also by the insertion into a British computer magazine compact disk of the now famous Encyclopedia of free energy we have the aim to bring to the worlds attention as to research and advances in cheaper and better forms of energy generation for the masses.

Also during this time we have been slowing collecting the means to transfer this information to the internet by means of our websites now positioned across the world.

We are now in need of your assistance in the collection of material related to these fields and also to other content at our websites.

If you have a video either in ( Pal or NTSC format) of these fields we ask you please to make a copy and forward to it us to the address below)

We are also in need of photo copy aticles text and diagrams ect.

We are trying to place this material on the net for all to share.

Please note this is a private project and we have no outside funding to help us in our efforts and to defray internet costs so that we cannot pay for any material sent and any cash donations are welcome.

( Geoff )

Geoffrey Egel
18 Sturt Street
Loxton 5333
South Australia