magexperiment diagram

Electrical Current Generator including Torque Reducing Countermagnetic Field


I have other devices on my web site along the lines here, but this one is interesting on several

grounds in that the author mentions the fact the device needs to be in harmony to function.

The device has actually been built and in common with one other device I am aware of ,which decreases the input power when under a Load.

The author also has made a video of the device in action some parts of which you can download from the slection below .

Some videos of approx 50 k in length of the The Jim German machine in operation
on off operation
shorted out operation
side veiw

( if you don't havethe RealPlayer 5.0, you may download it freely at :

The magnet must be in one piece and has a hole drilled through the centre of it to accomadate a spinning shaft.

The author also suggest put several in combination to decrease input even more.

For further info suggest you contact the author at the email address below or the postal address supplied below.

An Article supplied to this web site by

James W German Rte 2

Box 2091A

Shepherd Tx 77371-9222


Describing his invention.

In the "lenz- test, the core of the coil is not shown, explained, or for that matter even seen as an inductor, much less, one that can be "tuned"

 lenz circuit

Standing waves will be generated with this arrangement, being a standing wave a pole of opposition will be generated.

These are the conditions the "lenz" test were done.The pole generated at the ends of ll will always oppose the motion, if ll is formed as part of a complete tuned circuit, meaning providing a load for ll, generation of a pole

that will enforce the motion can be generate.

To understand this correctly,the core and the coil should be designated as l1,l2, with this in mind,if a tuned

circuit were formed,the load would be l3


The direction of an induced e.m.f. is such that it opposes the chance that produces it. for example, if a

permanent bar magnet is moved towards a coil that forms part of a complete circuit, then current flows so that

the magnetic field abound the coil repels the magnet, if this were not the case, no work would need to be done

to cause charge to flow, breaking the principle of constant energy"


this is absolute wash.

If a current is made to flow in a coil that is a complete circuit, 1 of 2 possible poles will be formed. These poles have nothing whatsoever to do with the "constant energy law",

But rather simply a current causing an electromagnetic field to be formed that must dissipate. If you are moving a magnet towards or away from a coil wound on an iron core, but not part of a tuned circuit, a standing wave will

be generated and the pole created will oppose the direction of motion.

On the other hand, if a coil is wound on a core that is a part of a tuned circuit. see diagram

 lenz circuit

If we remove the aluminum from the center part of l-3 and replace it with a nonconductor, it can be seen that a complete circuit for the counter force is not present. This will cause dissipation of the counter force on first

entry of l-3. (steel ends) and not as an inductive load,resulting in the formation of poles that,will oppose the direction of motion.

see diagram below.

 lenz circuit  lenz circuit

It can also be seen that if the circuit in the l-3,inductive load is not complete as a whole unit,generation of a harmonic can not occur, and with out this you can not shift poles.

l-1 being the core, l-2 being the coil (e.m.f. out) l-3 being rotary "tuned load" (l/2 length of l-2) the resulting electromagnetic field will be obsorbed by l-3. upon being obsobbed, the generation of a hormonic will occur as well as a change of direction of the current. (180 degree phase shift)formation of the magnetic poles will occur on the harmonic.

If we remove the aluminum from the center part of l-3 and replace it with a nonconductor, it can be seen that a complete circuit for the counter force is not present. This will cause dissipation of the counter force on first

entry of l-3. (steel ends) and not as an inductive load,resulting in the formation of poles that,will oppose the direction of motion.

see diagram below.

It can also be seen that if the circuit in the l-3,inductive load is not complete as a whole unit,generation of a harmonic can not occur, and with out this you can not shift poles.

for those skilled in the art of transmitter final circuits (xmtr tank circuits) the diagram 1a below may lend some

help in under standing the basic principal of operation of the generator.

diagram 1a below has been drawn to show the "l coil" or inductors so they may be compared to that of a transmitter final circuit.

If you remove l3 and the magnet from the diagram, or cover the two with a piece of paper, and show the top end of ll connected to an antenna, and connect bottom end of ll to earth ground.

It can clearly be seen that this is a basic transmitter tank circuit. putting l3 and the magnet back

in to place, and now rotating l3 through the space provided between the magnet and ll, ll being made of steel, induction will occur in l2 upon rotation of l3, and if a load is placed on l2 a counter magnetic force will be generated. with l3 being at the right place at the right time and of proper length. (aprox. 1/2 the length of ll)

l3 will act as a proper load for the c.f.

As the counter force is being dissapated a harmonic is being generated that must dissapate. l3 not having an inductive path will form a standing wave at the ends of l3.

 lenz circuit

This standing wave will cause the poles at each end

to be created. the poles created will add to the torque causing the motion of l3.


 lenz circuit

The following are pages from U.S. patent # 5,191,258

You may care to use the patent searcher to view the rest of patent

using the the patent server as my web site listings. webmaster >>

It is important at this time I make mention that the "l" designations ll-l2 and l3 are not shown on the drawing but have been added at this time to show there functions as a tuned circuit.

it is also important that i say that the U.S. patent rules would not let me show the "L" designations or make mention or reference to them as the patent process was two far along, or to put it another way, I did not enter

them on the first application, and as such could not enter them at all.

thanks from Jim German

United States Patent [19]



[76] Inventor: James W. German, Rte. 2, Box

2091A, Shepherd, Tex. 77371

[21] Appl. No.: 757,548

[22] Filed: Sep. 11, 1991

151] Int. CI.5 H02K 1/12

[521 U.S. Cl 310/254;310/46;


[58] Field of Search 310/254,113,102 R, 310/46, 90, 156, 192, 264, 67 A, 138, 166, 153, 168; 322/46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 47

[561 References Cited


2,218,859 10/1940 Schweitzer 322/46 X

3,261,998 7/1966 Bosco, Jr. et al 310/268 X

3,431,444 3/1969 Wilson 310/168

U5005191258A (barcode number )

[11l Patent Number: 5,191,258

[45] Date of Patent: Mar. 2, 1993

3.983,430 9/1976 Howard 310/168 X

4,027,229 5/1977 Frink 322/50

4,237,391 12/1980 Schur et al 322/49 X

4.385.246 5/1983 Schur et al 322/49 X

5.030,867 7/1991 Yamada et al 310/156

Primary Examiner-Steven L. Stephan

Assistant Examiner-E.H.To

Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Jackson & Walker


An alternating electric current generator comprises an armature rotatably carried by a

drive shaft and positioned between stabilized. non-moving magnetic elements. The end

armature has first and second magnetic field transmitting sections with a magnetized

section sandwiched there between. As electric load is applied to the generator, a countermagnetic

field is generated through the armature to increase speed of the drive

shaft and thereby lessen torque required to rotate the drive shaft.

1 Claim, 3 Drawing Sheets

 lenz circuit

 lenz circuit

Some drawings Illustrating the device in various positions

 lenz circuit

 lenz circuit

 lenz circuit

 lenz circuit

 lenz circuit

 lenz circuit

Some videos of approx 50 k in length of the The Jim German machine in operation
on off operation
shorted out operation
side veiw

( if you don't havethe RealPlayer 5.0, you may download it freely at :

Solaris home page solaris web master