A further Page of information of David Hamels attempts at building a flying disk

The above is David Hamel's drawing showing relationship to each components notice the different ball shape and spinning disks levels.

Notice all the magnets in repulsion mode.

David Hamel seems to think that pryamids of Egypt have something to show us in the constuction of a flying disk

The above pyramid shape give some of ideas as to where the magnetic disk levels are and size relationship to each of the three levels

On the top level above although not shown is a circular weight that keeps the spinnind device in a state of perpetual un balance or so it seems.

A better drawing of the flying disk as drawn by Jean Louis Naudin

Could these drawings indicate a connection with eartly Egyptian history.

Below a slight modification on the Hamel spinner showing the big circular magnet below the smaller round magnet
This may be significant and could be a demonstration of the butterfly effect although I am unable to confirm it.

Above David Hamel Demonstating his now famous Hamel spinner as described in Part one of my reports.

David showing The marble needed to create his cone on which the magnetic disks are positioned into place in his

Disk Construction.

The Above components David is using to constucted the flying disk

The first top plate are mounted and resting on moveable circular balls as show in diagram in the second report.

The second is of marble cones and its holder also made of marble.

A diagram showing th path of the metal ball when the hamel spinner is in motion as described in part one.

A diagram showing how there is a titling motion when the device is in an operational Phase.

A possible bell shape using stepped magnetic arrangement of magnets.

This may be David Hamels Idea for an electrical generator.

NB I will be givivg further updates when new information comes in on this device so keep checking for more information on this most interesting device.

Check for additional information at my other pages for additional info about David Hamel

The Hamel Experiments

The Hamel Spinner


animation showing how disks are fitted in hamel saucer project
animation showing how disks are fitted together
simple demo hamel spinner
another hamel demo

A constructors attempt at building hamel disk

The Following are on line locations

Another excellent Hamel device website

other websites on David Hamel Devices and history







Solaris home page

Geoff Egel