The Author of this article Michael Barrie Smith


1 Alberts UNIFIED FIELD EQUATIONS were published in the transactions of the

'Prussian Academy of Science' in 1929.

The article was only a few pages long and it consisted for most part of mathematical formulae.

It was also published in a number of news papers of the time.

2 Gravity can be simulated with simple mechanical devices.

Lowes and Wilkinson used metal rollers to simulate the earths magnetic field.

Like John Searl they found that at very LOW speeds the device became SELF SUSTAINING. However the did have some drag problems in early models the roller where reshaped like barrels to overcome this.


Consider our planet, it has North near the top and South at the bottom. For a piece of metal to be attracted to a magnet it must assume the opposite pole. The planet is filled with magma which is magnetic.

As our planet turns drag causes the magma to form rollers that roll against the crust. If the crust is magnetic with north to the top the magma MUST have South to the top.

Now draw a ball with the North pole at the TOP and the South Pole at the BOTTOM. Now take a cross section at the equator (10 deg north and south). Looking from the TOP (NORTH) draw the crust it looks like a ring that goes on a finger. Now draw smaller rollers inside the crust(Magma).

Going back to the Magnetic bit IF NORTH is AT the TOP of the crust them the magma MUST have SOUTH at the TOP. Now consider that a ball is like two lenses back to back then the focus is the centre of the earth. This causes a compression stress on SPACE TIME at the centre.

In space there is little compression or expansion so the ether is moves into the stressed area to equalise the stress this is what nature does this inrush is what holds us firmly to the planet it also causes a very high electrostatic field between the centre and the surface.

This is what NASA tried to tap with the tethered satellite experiment. That is why the excess current killed the cable. See Michael Faraday's Equation for Homopolar or Acrylic Generators.



Vout = B r dr FROM Michael Faraday.


This formular applies to Homarpolar or Acrylic generators.

Vout = Voltage out.

= rotational velosity in Radians per second( you can convert radian to degrees if you like)

2 rad = 360 degrees.

r1 is the inner radius where the magnetic field exists (0 if it goes through the centre)

r2 is the outer radius where the magnetic field exists (usually the outer edge for Homopolar)

(for acrylic generator usually less than the outer diameter.)

B = magnetic field strength in Tesla ( Very important person for free energy research "Nikola")

To understand this equation one should have a grounding in algerbra.

BUT what it really means in laymens language is that output voltage is

Vout = {[(r2 x r2 x B) / 2] - [(r1 x r1 x B) / 2]} x

if r1 is the centre r1 = 0

From this it can be seen that the best way to increase voltage is to increase (rotational speed)

How can we use this? John Searl has in his S.E.G. it converts gravity (inrush of ether into energy for use). NEXT TEST can we shield a object from this inrush of ether, YES all we have to do is DEFOCUS the inrush around the object .

If we now put the rollers on the outside of the Ring the action will now cause the ether to be flung outwards away from the centre additional rings at the right distance (see a planetary Map to work out the sizes / ratios) will intensify the effect. It will cause the inrush to divert around the object and as a result we would also have a electro static scalar field with negative on the outside. This field can be used to travel in space where there is little gravity to shield from. (SEE John Searls SITE)

What does this mean for us? Free energy from our environment. Space travel without fuel. Electric cars that never need charging or gravity shield cars we would not need roads, tyres, fuel or pollution.

What a horrible place to live in, or that what our Governments think!

Triangle Shaped UFO's:

Many reports of this type of craft over the US and England any person who has seen them from underneath has said it looked like the back of a refrigerator now looking the article by

Richard Lefors Clark Ph.D using water to cause diamagnetism, well it all falls together now. What if the pipes that they saw were actually a continuously wound small pipe around a pipe former with water running around it.

At a distance it would look like a normal pipe but is a spiral pipe like a thread on a bolt and would be very had to see unless close. This would be a easy terrestrial ship to make and would be ideal for public transport as it only requires high flow pumps and water as it uses the earth own magnetism the lever the ship off the ground.

The ratio of front to back flow will cause the ship to go forward or backwards. The same goes for steering. Now this craft would still suffer drag and would have some limitations. Now this is why the U.K. craft has a active colour changing because it is still slow.

The US on the other hand is blue black and uses High frequency generator to create a scalar electro-static field to stop drag. This gives almost unlimited speed. It doesn't need to be hidden.

If this works with water and copper pipes imagine how well it would work with mercury and steal pipe and the 'Flemmings' right hand rule and the liquid piston pump, supersonic pump speeds could be achieved. The use of mercury and steel and the harmonic relationship between them seems to indicate a gravity shielding ability.

This has been mentioned in many books and may make everyday travel pollution free. It seems from some research I have done the critical speed of the water is less than 1000 m/s to cause levitation. This can be decreaseed even further if a continous vortex is kept going inside the pipe. The figure is as low as 600 m/s the added advantage is the resistance of a copper pipe will drop right off to almost nill. This experment can be found in

"Living Energies" by Callum Coats.


Michael Barrie Smith

P.O Box 492




Related Article- from the web master

 orstead diagram

I came across this idea in some papers I received The idea seems to originated from some one called Richard Lefors Clark Ph.D dated 18/3/86 4015 Crown Point drive P-3 San Diego CA 92109 He seems to suggest a way to generate a strong diamagnetic field by pumping water through copper tubing wound in a spiral helix using a normal water pump. He also seems to suggest that by putting four to six coils on a platform and then turned upside he could levitate the platform. Professor Clark suggests that if put a normal electric current through the tube we get a strong normal magnetic field. Suggests also that the connection of diamagnetism and electrical effects has hidden the true nature and utility of diamagnetism. For evidence he quotes an experiment performed by Oersted Now with water flow in the copper coil only Connect a loop of wire in a complete circuit with an ammeter. Move the copper wire coil close to the water carrying helix copper at close range. No magnetism but electrical current is produced in the ammeter circuit. He also seems to suggest that we need high speed flow pumps and directional flow coils to improve the design. Maybe the two designs in this article could be linked to create the above flow pumps. Wind coil mentioned in this second article like normal dc coils are wound. Start at one end and tightly wind down in spiral path until one layer is finished and in one rotation back to the top then back down again as at the start. Editor's note If what the professor suggests is correct, think of what kind of new motors and generators could be made, perhaps better performing than those we have now.

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