Some Interesting Animated Alternative Energy Devices

                        Volume 1  October  99

Animated  Gifs from  the internet    bought  to you  Energy 21 Solaris  Brightsparks   and the Alternator Websites .
When next on the web visit our websites  for more detailed information
on these devices  and for more energy related and other devices that don't make the Public mainstream press

French and American Inventors  have claimed to have  discovered how to turn ordinary  water  and high energy electric plasma and carbon rods into a new gas fuel.
Carbon rods placed under water to produce   a gas  that they claim to be far superior  to  hydrogen gas .
For more information and details on how to do it for yourself   visit   the energy 21 website.
An USA Patent has been applied for at this time.

A Canadian inventor  by the name of David Hamel claims to know how to produce anti gravity flight by using the repulsive affect of magnets formed in three inner and outer  repulsive  magnetic rings.  And  an oscillating bottom plate as shown   here.
Check out the Hamel invention at the SOLARIS website.

This is animated diagram of device that was
Said to have been widely reported at the beginning of this  century.    The Inventor Garry was said to have able to produce a continuously motion  due to his discovery of a magnetic neutral area round a magnet.
A metal plate blue here was said to switch magnetic poles as it travel through this neutral  zone  .
Many  now are trying to reproduce this effect.
Check out the contents website page  and look for Gary
Magnetic motor. Website.

Many experimenters have previously  researched  using the electrostatic force  to produce motion.
This French  energy researcher seems to have made something also similar along these  lines.


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          Look out for the   encyclopedia of free energy on CD   coming   shortly.