This machine exists today in a commune near Bern Switzerland andcould have the answers to our energy needs.
The Unit is started by hand by revolving the two disks in opposite directions and continues to move without further input.
This device has only two moving parts namely the bearing races at the centre of the disk.
The disk are made of acyclic plastic upon which are placed flata series of fifty blade type steel or aluminium sections equallyspaced around the middle sections of each disk.
The speed of the revolving disks is about 50 to 60 rpm limitedto this by magnetic impulses from the magnetic section on therim.
To those that have seen this powerhouse in operation it is certainthat useable power is being extracted from the environment and some is being used to run the machine.
This is an energy system which relies on the self moving wimhurstelectro static generator for the high voltage and somehow themembers of this commune have found a way to extract ,amplify andconvert this energy to powerful useful levels.
The Swiss M/l converter is based on a modified wimhurst electrostaticmachine.
My people have seen the swiss m/l converter in operation but todo date no one has been able to understand
or successfully reproduced the results as claim by the Swiss communegroup Methernith in Linden .
But to one fortunate individual had a visit to Paul B.who is claimedto have had said that if they could understand the above followingexperiment they would be close to understanding how the devicewas able to work.(as illustrated above)
It consists of two plates of metal one aluminium the other copperseparated by a insulator of some unknown
material could be paper or plastic(unknown)
It also included a horse shoe magnet wrapped with a coil of wireand both ends soldered together.
Paul B placed this capacitor made of the differing metals betweenthe poles of a horse shoe magnet and
then asked a witnesses to connect the plates to two probes ofa voltmeter to each plate and to their surprise
found a voltage of seven hundred volts which occasionally droppedin value..
I have communicated with some people how have performed the aboveexperiment with little result however.
PB may have conditioned the insulator of perspex of other similiarinsulator by the following means without
revealing what he had had done.
It is known that if you heat perspex until soft to touchand becomes tacky and you then subject the heated mass to
a high voltage field via means of metal plates on eachside of perspex mass and leave it there until the perspex is
cool .Removing the applied high voltage charge
an electrostatic high voltage charge may still be continouslytaken from those metal plates
something like this also happens with the electrostaticmicrophones in modern tape recorders..
What part the magnet and the coil and differing face metal plates plays in additional to the electrostatic charge is yet to bedetermined by yours truly.
Looking at other parts of the machine the pickup fields that don'ttouch the spinning disks are also made up
of perforated Aluminium separated with a perspex insulated and withcopper behind it.
I would like to know if any one has performed the above experimentand got a successful result.
The theory of operation of a wimhurst machine is. The disks areof plastic, glass, hard rubber or in one case I saw old phonographrecords.
The contra rotating disk causes air molecules to become electricallyactivated by the fictional movement of the air both disks causes.
This rotating action causes the disks to become continually chargedand an electrostatic charge builds up, causing a flash over.
To stop this flash over, a series of foil sections are attachedto the centre portion of each disk and equally spaced and backto back with foil sections on the outer sides.
To remove the charge, collection arms are arranged to collectthe charge and transfers the charge to a storage capacitor. At45 degrees to these collection points is a neutralising bar thatextends to full length of the disk and has brushes at both ends.A neutralising brush equals the charges on the metal foil positionat both positions on both sides.
The neutralising bar on opposite side disk is at ninety degreesto the one for the other side.
For many the cans in front of the Testakica have proved to bea bit of a mystery.
From information I have obtained the general opinion is that theabove diagram is close to explaining what in the twin cans. Itseems to a combination of two copper cylinders interlaid withtwo perforated alumina screens
In the middle are six or more doughnut magnets upon which arewrapped coils some think they could be bifilar in nature.
Between each magnet there is an air gap made possible by the plasticspacers between each of them.
In the middle of the magnets there is a single spiral of copperor aluminium metal.
It is possible although not confirmed that there is a common groundat the bottom of each can connecting all these elements.
Don't quote me on this but it reminds me of an automotive transformedconnected in reverse and shielded with copper and aluminium shielding.
I not sure what roles the magnets provide but tesla used a magnetfield in his designs to give a dc voltage output
like modern day rectifiers in some of his AC circuits.
The magnets may also work similiar to work carried out by CaptainHans Coler.
Some facts know about this machine.
Constant Power output 230 volts at 13 amperes for a 3kw ratingpulsed DC
Dimensions 110cm wide 45 cm deep 60cm high
43.23 wide 17.68 deep weight approximately 20kg/ or 44 lbs X23.58
Self propulsion by way of the esf flow principle of motorisedbrushes to revolve the twin disks.
the machine is started by hand revolving the disk after this noadditional input power is required.
Once unit is functioning it is not able to be moved with the machinecoming to a st op.
The temperature in the area of the machine tends to become cooler.
P.B. seems to be in the area next to or by the machine when firststarted.
Additional Information
There also seem to be a four inch single disk version that gaveout 300 watts but I know only little of this at the moment.Although not always seen a small motor is used to turn bothdisks at a constant speed in opposite directions in both devices.
From the weird science on the other sites section you can downlandseveral small mpeg videos of the machine in operation. I havea 25 minute video of the Swiss ML in operation in the AustralianPal format.
I am continually searching for addition information about thisdevice and if there is anyone who has additional information on it's construction and operation I would be most grateful as Ihave already built a wimhurst machine ,I would now like to constructa ML machine.
If you have any information on this device and you send it tome it will be kept confidential if you so wish.
.Some late information I have recieved (28/Sept/97)unconfirmed.
The correspondent has written to me
I currently think the energy comes from a different dimension, and that a toroidal-type oscillating magnetic field can be a catalyst for an energy transfer. (This is a loose and poor description)"In the middle of the magnet stacks in the largecontainers could be a "wire". Now, this is what Don Kelly from S.E.A. tells electrode like the one Prof. Stefan Marinov described in the smallmachine. In a post card Prof. S. M. Said, "The capacitors have a cylindricalgrid, cylindrical plastic insulator and a copper spiral in the center. I sawin one of the small machines there are NO MAGNETS."
About the permanent magnets, The chief technician (Luzi Cathomen) told afreind of mine (The Linden Report 1994)that the ends of the magnets or inthe cass of the magnet stacks between the magnets seems to work the best.The toriod coil could just be used for energy storage but I don't know.
If you or some one else could get the Linden Experiment (according toU.P.Sander)to work then the Testatika could be explained. Insted of a twofoot loop try hooking your Wim. static generator up to the Wires around thehours shoe magnet then try placing the flat Cu. Al. capacitor between thepoles. may be d/c power would come out insted of the static electricity going in.