Capture Capacitor Explained In More Detail

The capture capacitor was diagrammatically detailed in my early radiant energy research manual version 3.0.0 information release. Calvin Bahlmann is now utilizing a low power version...

Essentially the capture capacitor consists of two electrodes of dissimilar metals. A dielectric material is sandwiched between these two electrodes. In a low power, capture component there exists a minute impurity of naturally occurring radioactive substance. It is always present in clays and is almost always present in ceramic materials.

If you want to generate more power you will need to add additional amounts of radioactive material to the dielectric. Paul Brown had obtained a patent on the basic principle of what I am calling a capture capacitor...

Contact Potential Difference Cell - U.S. Patent No. 5,087,533 - February 11, 1992

Paul Brown's concept presents a basic principle of how and why a high energy capture capacitor functions. Brown's concept did not contain an electrolyte.

I call the component a capture capacitor because it captures electrical energy directly from the decay products of radioactive substances. The amperage that is generated is not the result of electrochemical action. However, there is minute chemical interaction that provides the potential difference vehicle.

What makes my component unique from Brown's basic concept is that my dielectric formula can be electronically triggered into giving up its energy quickly. This results in a component that can provide high power for useful applications.

                   -Bruce A. Perreault   12/22/02


Nu Energy Horizons Alternative Energy Research
Nu Energy Industries, P. O. Box 22, Rumney, New Hampshire 03266-0022 USA

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