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The following article below is paticularly interesting as in relation to the Swiss Testakica as written web site testakica

Capacitive Discharge Motor - J Snell

as previously seen at the Keelynet website

 The following file relates to current experiments Jon Snell has been doing with the E.V. Gray capacitive discharge motor.

It starts with approximately 3kv charge on Cl. When Cl is fully charged and switch contacts are aligned, it fires through Ti and places a charge on C3.

Ti's CEMF (counter or back electromotive force) is sent to C2, recovering a great portion of the charge. C3 is then fired through T3 for additional torque.

C2, at full charge, fires T2 and partially charges C4. T2's CEME is sent to Cl. C4 is then fired through T4 for additional torque.

This differs from Gray's system. He sends CEME pulses directly to the batteries. That's not really healthy for the plates. This circuit only accepts a small trickle of power from the outside to top off Cl and C2. It can then run a small generator or alternator circuit to provide current to charge the batteries.

Whatever power passes from Cl to C3 creates a magnetic field in Ti, but NO CHARGE IS LOST while creating the field! Magnets DO NOT "consume" the electricity.

Make yourself a test set up. Use Two large low voltage Capacitors. Make sure one is about 1/2 the capacity of the other. Charge the smaller one fully and discharge it into the larger one. Take measurements ON BOTH before and after discharging them together to see how much power is transferred.

Now do the same with a small bulb in series as you discharge the small cap into the larger one. Measure the power levels in both caps. You will have had some light produced and some heat, but the WHOLE charge is transferred to the other capacitor!! !!!!

Reciprocating charges are most likely what the Statica machine is based on.

If you place a highly inductive electromagnet in place of the bulb in the example above, you'll have a magnetic field produced that doesn't "consume" any power. Heater elements can be used the same way! This proves that all electromagnetism, heat and light are produced in electrical circuits by the "zero point" energy and the electricity is just a catalyst!!!


This is not my discovery. I just gleaned it from a book from H.A. Industries. I tested the theory using the experiment above. It WORKS!!!

I think that F/E and overunity results are in the VERY near future. Please feel free to put the motor circuit in the public domain. Have fun!

Ti, T2, T3, T4: High induction stator electromagnets

Diodes are all rated at >2x input voltage

Commutator switches (51, S2, S3, S4) control magnet timing.

C3 and C4 should be twice the capacitance of Cl and C2.

Cl discharges and powers Ti and stores 1/2 charge in C3

C3 discharges remaining charge through T3

C2 discharges to power T2 and stores 1/2 charge in C4

C4 discharges remaining charge through T4

Magnets "fire" just as slug is approaching alignment, applying torque to rotor

Power supply is variable 1kv to 4kv A.C.

After startup, power supply only "tops off' Cl and C2 because most of the power is recirculated within the circuit.

Cap. Discharge Tests

Have tabulated the results of repeated tests. I think the variations are due mainly to how long it took to get readings. I wasn't using my best DMM, and believe that in taking the readings some charge was lost. (C2 was 2xlO,OOOuF paralleled - didn't take meter reading) With globe in place, it would flash quite brightly on closing 52.

With a motor in mind, hooked up an E/magnet to Capacitor, with a P/magnet attached to E/magnet. On discharge, the P/magnet shot away with great speed.

At any rate, here is the circuit and results. Regards, Glen



Without globe

Before Discharge After Discharge

Cl C2 Cl C2 Total

Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts

9.76 - 3.51 3.38 6.89

9.76 - 3.56 3.42 6.98

9.77 - 3.55 3.37 6.92

9.77 - 3.53 3.38 6.91

Average 9.765 6.92

Total Voltage of Cl + C2 = 70.86% of undischarged Cl

With Globe

Before Discharge After Discharge

Cl C2 Cl C2 Total

Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts

9.73 - 3.47 3.4 6.87

9.75 - 3.65 3.35 7

9.76 - 3.49 3.39 6.88

9.76 - 3.54 3.37 6.91

Average 9.75 6.915

original site of information as displayed below

Mirror Image Symmetry in Coil Winding

Applications and Advantages in Magnetic Field Generation


By Toby Grotz

June 15, 1997

For full details and drawings, refer to the Proceedings of the 27th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC-92 San Diego, CA August 3-7, 1992, P-259, Vol 4, pp 4.3 11- 4.313); or request a copy of Fulcrum Vol. No. 1, April 1992, from the University Of Science And Philosophy, P0 Box 520, Waynesboro, VA 22980, phone: 1-800-882-5683.


An improved method of winding inductors, transformers and motors has been discovered. This invention greatly enhances the ability to generate magnetic fields with a given amount of wire. This invention is as fundamental to the use of magnetic fields as was Nikola Tesla's use of rotating magnetic fields for the generation of alternating current.

The mirror image symmetry of winding coils is achieved by winding two strands of wire onto a coil form at the same time. This method results in two coils each occupying half of the form. The set of coils is then connected in parallel. When the coils are connected as described above, the net result is the ability to generate many times the magnetic field within and around the Solenoid.

This invention has a wide range of applications in transformer, motor, generator, and loudspeaker design. This paper will detail the results of tests performed with solenoids. Magnetic field strength has been measured and will be shown to be substantially increased using mirror image symmetry.


Earl Koenig's Mirror Image Symmetry

U.S. Patent 4,806,834

An improved method of winding inductors, transformers and motors has been discovered by Earl Koenig of Averill Park N.Y. This invention greatly enhances the ability to generate magnetic fields within a given space and with a given amount of wire. This invention is as fundamental to the use of magnetic fields as was Nikola Tesla's use of rotating magnetic fields for the generation of alternating current. The mirror image symmetry of winding coils is achieved by winding two strands of wire onto a coil form at the same time.


In order to visualize this process, imagine a cylindrical coil form. As the form is turned, wire is wound simultaneously onto the form starting from each end. The wires are wound until they meet in the center of the coil form. Here the wires are connected to form one terminal of the circuit. The wires at the opposite ends of the form are connected to form the other terminal of the circuit. The result is a set of coils connected in parallel on a common form. More windings can be added, if rather than connecting the coils when they meet in the center, the wires are wound back over the form toward the ends where the respective windings originated. This results in two coils each occupying half of the form. When the coils are connected as described above, in parallel fashion, the net result is the ability to generate many times the magnetic field within and around the Solenoid.


Mirror Image

1. An object having a spatial arrangement that corresponds to that of another object except that the

right to left sense on one object corresponds to the left to right sense on the other.

2. An image of an object, plan , person, etc as it would appear if viewed in a mirror, with right and left reversed


1. Correspondence in size, shape and reletive position of parts on opposaite sides of a dividing line.

Mirror Image Symmetry:

1. A condition midway so divided so that equal portions simultaneously separate in opposite directions as viewed from the neutral location between each half section.


We have tested this design using two identical Guardian 11 HD INT l2VDC solenoids. One solenoid was re wound using mirror image symmetry and the same wire that came on the solenoid. The performance of the solenoid using the mirror image symmetry is outstanding, far beyond the solenoid using conventional windings.

Resistance Inductance Current Gauss Force (ohms) (mH) (Amps @ 5VDC) @ SVDC (gins) Mirror Image Symmetry 2.0 1.08 2.45 121.2 340 Standard Winding 7.3 4.28 0.68 58.5 169

The results shown above indicate that four times more current can be used to generate a magnetic field with mirror image symmetry winding techniques.

The measured value of magnetic field of the mirror image symmetry configuration, measured at the center of the ends of the solenoid, is double that of the standard winding. The force available with a plunger in the solenoid was also measured to be twice that of the standard configuration.

Another way of looking at the results is to consider the economic advantages of using mirror image symmetry. The data suggest that a device wound with mirror image symmetry can produce the same effects with a greatly reduced amount of wire in a smaller package or produce a device with twice the power in the same size package as currenty available.


1. Lower cost

2. Longer Lasting

3. More efficient

4. Smaller in Size

5. Lighter in Weight (Space Flight Hardware)


1. Electric Generators

2. Motors: Alternating Current, Direct Current

3. Electromagnets: Solenoids, Relays, Lifters, Actuators

4. Linear Reciprocating Motion: Loudspeakers, Microphones

5. Power Transformers

6. Induction Heaters

7. Induction Welding

8. Chokes/Ballasts

9. Magnetic Levitation



P0 BOX 559


From the book Tapping The Zero-Point Energy pp 167-170

Scalar Current by Moray B. King

One of the most unusual claims associated with certain "free energy" devices is the ability to conduct appreciable power on ordinary thin wires without heating them. To an electrical engineer this result is extraordinary and it would constitute a definitive demonstration of a novel form of electromagnetism. Here is suggested an experiment that could produce "cold conduction" and demonstrate an hypothesized phenomenon known as "scalar current."

Scalar current


Scalar current arises by abruptly bucking magnetic fields onto a caduceus wound or a bifilar wound coil (Figure 1). If bucking magnetic fields are impressed onto an ordinary, single wound coil, no current would flow since the magnetic fields cancel. However, impressing these fields onto a caduceus or bifilar coil would allow two oppositely flowing "virtual" currents to occur because, by symmetry of the windings, the opposite current vectors sum to an effective zero current. The currents are described as "virtual" since they are comprised not of electron flow in the wires, but rather a displacement current in the vacuum zero-point energy outside the wire. It is as if the abruptly bucking magnetic field manifested a pair production of two macroscopic, oppositely rotating, displacement current vortices in the zero point energy.' These vacuum energy vortices are stabilized and supported by the two symmetric wind ings.

There are many ways to impress the abruptly bucking magnetic fields onto the caduceus or bifilar coil. One method could use two electromagnets with the proper control circuitry to appropriately phase the magnetic fields. In another method the coil could be spun in the air gap between two opposing permanent magnets using brushes and slip rings to tap the scalar current (Figure 2).

Bedini described using this method in his "gravity field generator" where he not only reported "cold conduction" but also a weight change in the apparatus as well.2 A third method could shift the bucking fields onto the coil by either physically oscillating opposing permanent magnets or shifting their field by variable reluctance techniques.3 Obviously any method that resulted in shifting a bucking magnetic flux onto the caduceus or bifilar coils could be utilized in this experiment.

The experimenter could also explore how to best combine the current in the opposite windings. The windings could remain separate or be combined in series or parallel (Figures 3 and 4). Another option could add a second caduceus (or bifilar) coil in the air gap at the opposite poles of the bucking magnets so that both ends of the alternating bucking magnets are launching scalar currents (e.g. Figure 2). These two sets of coils could then be combined appropriately to keep the currents in phase to maximize the output.

An attractive attribute of this suggested experiment is its simplicity. It is hoped that those working with these ideas freely share their results for it will expedite the development of a new technology.


1. M.B. King, "Cohering the Zero-Point Energy," Proceedings of the 1986 International Tesla Symposium, International Tesla Society, Colorado Springs, 1986, section 4, pp 13-32.

This paper explains how "free energy" and "antigravity" might be possible with today's physics. By applying the theories of system self-organization to the theories of the zero-point energy a theoretical case is presented with experimental suggestions. Bucking fields and caduceus coils are discussed.

2. T. Bearden, T. Herold, E. Mueller, "Gravity Field Generator Manufactured by John Bedini," Tesla Book Co., Greenville Texas, June 1985. Also J. Bedini, "The Bedini Motor, A Free Energy Device,"

Bucking Magnetic Fields presented at the Tesla Centennial Symposium, Colorado Springs, August 1984.

The authors describe their theory and experiments with Bedini's gravity field generator. The device is

a Kromrey type generator (U.S. Patent #3,374,376) modified to produce scalar currents

3. F. Richardson, "Electromagnetic Convertor with Stationary Variable-Reluctance Members," U.S.

Patent #4,077,001, 1978. This patent describes a method for shifting the magnetic flux of a

permanent magnet without moving parts