Crystal set Power circuit

Crystal set power

Powering Electrical Devices with Energy Abstracted from the Atmosphere by L.R.Crump U.S. patent 2,813,242

In the early days of radio when valves were the norm and very expensive, many people were unable to afford them. A simple device called a crystal set was the norm. It consisted of only a few components, many made by the people themselves. A coil usually hand wound by trial and error. A tuning capacitor A diode which allowed current to travel in one direction , this was usually a piece of galena crystal with a movable piece of wire this was moved about on the crystal until a signal was obtained.

I have also seen the blue Gilette razor blade and a lead pencil used in the same manner.

Later a crystal diode was introduced which made things considerably easier and the final component a head piece or head phones. The headphones are the most interesting piece as far as energy is concerned as current is supplied from the rest of the device needed to make then work. This invention makes use of this current to power other devices.

Coil and capacitor are tuned to frequency of a radio transmitter from which the diode rectifies the signal and delivers a D.C. pulsating current , a full wave rectifier would give a better output.

To deliver an increase in power several tuned circuits could be coupled together. Results obtained from a 5 Kilowatt standard broadcast station from five miles away using only an indoor antenna to pick up the power signal. 2.5 to 3 volts at 0.5 to 1 milliwatt. A longer outdoor aerial would give better results

Please note that the newer coils using ferrite rods give a stronger signal and the coil can be substituted by one made by your self, A few turns are only needed to receive the stronger short wave stations such as radio Australia. Of course you would use your own short wave station in your country.

I have found that insulated steel wire coil gives better results than copper. The diode should also a geranium type in preference to others types.