A self-powered test with the BingoFuel Reactor
created on April 2, 2003 - JLN Labs - Last update April 18, 2003

All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.

On April 16th, 2003, the 5HP power generator has worked successfully in closed loop with the synthetic gas produced with the BingoFuel Reactor.

Photo above: The fuel tank ( not used here ) has been completly removed for this test.

Starting sequence: the BingoFuel Reactor is connected to the power grid,
while the BFR produces the required synthetic gas, the 5 HP engine is started.

Closed loop operation: While the 5 HP engine is running, powered by the BFR,
the transformer is quickly disconnected from the power grid
and then its is connected to the output of the power generator electrical. The loop is closed...

See the video of the 5 HP engine self-powered with the BingoFuel Reactor

To see the video, the free downloadable RealPlayer is required
You may download free the RealPlayer 8 Basic at : http://proforma.real.com/real/player/blackjack.html

Click on the picture above to see the video ( 936 Kb )

Tests results with the BingoFuel Reactor in closed loop operation on the power generator

Closed loop test procedure :
The gasoline fuel tank has been removed during this test.

1) The BFR is powered with the power grid,
2) the 5hp engine is started with the gaz produced with the BFR,
3) the BFR is quickly disconnected from the power grid and connected to the output of the power generator...

The plasma energy is lower during the closed loop operation than with the power grid energy. The power is just enough to maintain the self-running. The engine is only able to run about 2 minutes because of the carbon rods consumption and manual tuning requirement. A new version of the BingoFuel Reactor is under development, this version ( v2.0 ) will be able to run for a long time without tuning and adjustment...

The loop is closed : while the 5 hp engine is powered with the gas produced by BingoFuel Reactor, the BFR is powered by the power generator...

Email : JNaudin509@aol.com

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