some of victor schaubrger inventions

Schaubergers inventions

Victor Schauberger and the spiral flow.

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If you think about it for a while ,you can I am sure you can think of many ways that nature uses a spiral pattern. To the conical windings of sea shells ,the spiral patterns of stellar galaxies and even to ourselves with our RNA and DNA structures in our bodies.

All the storms that ravage our planet from time to time are spiral in pattern, be they hurricanes,twisters or whirly winds that can be seen in rural Australia.

In the northern tropics of Australia the sea takes up the readily available solar energy.

Whirling sea current starts a circular uplift of heated vapour and in no time a cyclone with the full fury of powerfull forces coming from within to maintain the storm and then some energy left over to cause massive damage as well as residents of Darwin Australia knew when Cyclone Tracy nearly destroyed it.

You must be familiar with the water flow out of bath tub down the drain plug spiralling in different directions depending on which part of this planet you are on.

You may have even emptied liquid from a bottle by shaking it to form a vortex and noticed it emptied quicker than if you had not..

It takes only a small amount of energy to get the vortex going but with the aid of gravity the mini cyclone continues until the bottle is emptied.

An unknown American inventor built and patented a water ram pump from information involving the spiral flow which he claims to have gleamed from a visit to the Egyptian Pyramid.

There may yet be a truth in the old laundry detergent advertisement of a white tornado in a bottle admittedly a big one.

Mankind only real attempt to utilise the spiral is in weapons of destruction by using a rifled barrel in arms ordinance to give flight stability and distance accuracy.

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A man by the name of Victor Schauberger a pre world war one timber worker saw great potential in the spiral flow.

Victor being a keen observer of nature in the forest often noticed things that others did not.

He often saw lights at night in the rushing streams of his native Bavaria and was puzzled as to what they could be. Until he reasoned that they were the rocks being in impacted with one another.

When he told others they did not believe him until he took from a shelf some rocks and placed them into a bucket of tap water. He took the bucket and the rocks into a dark place and reproduced what he had seen in the forest to astonished witnesses.

The Timber department where he was working had an economy drive and needed a means on how to improve their transportation of logs from the forest which up to then had been carried out by teams of oxen.

Victor suggested using the forest streams to transport the logs and estimated a saving of ninety percent.

The engineering experts were negative and pointed out that the logs they were cutting were oak and beech not know for their ability to float.

But the forester knew that on the cold Bavarian nights his idea would work. Some how over coming the opposition of the experts he convinced the owner to give him a chance to prove his idea.

He built water shutes and put in wooden slats to spiral the water flow in a manner similar to a rifle bore.

When logs were inserted into shutes the logs spun around their axis and moved like bullets without touching sides of the shutes.

The idea proved very successful.

During World War two Victor Schauberger was interned in a nazi concentration camp and was forced to work on a flying disk project using his ideas. It is not known by this author if the project was completed or if the saucers actually flew.

After World War two Victor migrated to the United States on promises by various agencies to help him develop his ideas . Those promises later proved to be hollow.

At one time he was committed to mental institution but by the timely interventions of trusted friends he was released with his sanity intact. Victor returned to Europe in 1958 and died soon after.

This man may have died but some of his ideas remain. He suggested that we look at the cooling cycle and not always be focused on the waste heat produced from our devices.

The explosive force we now use to provide energy such as in the automotive combustion cycle, for example tends to be harmful to the environment, Whilst the implosion equivalent may not if it can be found. We should be working with the laws of natural forces instead of using wasted energy to oppose them.

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The Water tornado machine as illustrated.

This is a machine Victor may have constructed to generate electricity. A small electric motor drives a conical center piece which has a large water inlet.

As the device spins a centrifugal force raises the water level and forces the water out through two spiral arms.

The arms nearly reach to the outer limits of containment vessel and a recoil action is produced when the water sprayed out comes into contact with a wavy or rippled steel ring.

The water then flows back to collection area by means of gravity.

The centrifugal force in the spiral arms creates a reduction in pressure on bottom part and this leads to great efficiency.

The two arms were said to look like a wild animals harmonic spiral horns thick at the base and coming to a thin point at each end.

When the machine was running the generator was then switched on line.

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Clean Air Machine.

This another spiral device but uses the shape of an oval egg.

Soilt air is introduced from the side and combined with water that the reduced pressure draws from the bottom via a tube . The spiral flow in the tube cleans the air with water which flows back to the base. Clean air then exits from the top.

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The Wind Tornado machine with a Mega watt.

James Yen working for the Amerian company Grumman Aerospace estimates a turbine of only six feet in diameter could give a mega watt where as normally a conventional one of two hundred feet would be needed

The concrete silo as illustrated has an open top and is open to one side. A electric motor could be switched on to begin the whirlwind and once the swirling action had begun could be reduced in speed or taken off line.

An air flow enters from the top of the tower and the air is forced to whirl because of the way the tower is constructed. When the air flow is whirling a reduction in air pressure is caused Air coming from the bottom is drawn into the vaccum and in doing so drives a air turbine generator.

Experiments with wind tunnels seem to confirm this idea will perform as expected.

We may let get to see a spiral action in generation of our power needs if scientific establishment is ready to seriously look at it.

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