The Story of the Dotto Ring - KeelyNet 12/17/01

Gianni A. Dotto was born in Venice, son of a prominent engineer who was the designer of two hydro-electric generating plants on both the American and Canadian sides of Niagara Falls.

His father was an Italian Marquis and since Gianni is the eldest son, he would have inherited the title had he not become an American citizen. The family is directly descended from Galileo and the Galileo Coat of Arms has been adopted for use as the Foundation's letterhead.

Before World War II, Gianni had received flight training but Mussolini never did trust the Dotto family so Gianni was drafted into the Italian Army as a paratrooper.

When Italy surrendered, Gianni was able to join the American Air Force as a fighter pilot in time to participate in numerous engagements against the German Messerschmitts before the war ended.

After the war, Gianni became head of the racing division of Alfa-Romeo and started race-driving cars of his own design. His racing career ended when his wife, Renata, served him with an ultimatum: 'Either give up racing or me.' He is a prolific inventor as he is owner of many Italian patents bearing on the automotive industry and, subsequently, just as many American patents.

He is highly educated, holding the Italian equivalent of an American Ph.D. in nuclear physics from Milan University and the same degree in mechanical engineering from another Italian technical school. Subsequently, he received a degree in electrical engineering from Wayne University in Detroit.

While Gianni was teaching at Milan University, the medical school requested the services of a physicist to collaborate with the doctors on a research project. This started him on a career as a 'Bio-Physicist;' that is, a physicist that specializes in the area of the science of physics that bears on the human body. This embraces an amazingly wide field as it has to do with magnetic fields, polarity, the various vibrations and pulsations generated by the brain and, of course, the effect of the many facets of nuclear fission on the human body.

It was there that Gianni discovered that magnetic fields induced by an electric coil and by permanent magnets had a small effect on the human body, but that a mild magnetic field created by adjacent hot and cold areas was definitely beneficial. In other words, the thermal unbalance created a magnetic field that matched the natural field of the body.

The development of the 'Dotto Ring' was Gianni's practical way of producing a piece of equipment that could impress the beneficial magnetic field on the body. The ring is 27 inches in diameter, made of heavy copper and has adjacent heated and refrigerated areas. (click for larger picture)

Through the ring he has reproduced in a compact, accessible form the same magnetic environment responsible for the good health and longevity of the Hunza people.

Visitors to Hunzaland always attribute this great advantage to their diet, air and water but Gianni could not accept this belief because there are many valleys in the Himalaya Mountains where the diets, air and water are similar to that of the Hunza's but the inhabitants of these valleys are devoid of the same health and longevity manifestations as in Hunza.

With the principle of the 'Dotto Ring' in mind, a panoramic view of Hunza valley makes Gianni's theory easy to understand. At the head of the valley there is a huge glacier or ice mass and in the valley itself the temperature becomes quite warm thus creating the thermal unbalance mentioned previously and which is re-created in the principle of the 'Dotto Ring.' When a Hunza travels across this valley, he receives a beneficial treatment from a mild magnetic field. The similarity of the 'Dotto Ring' to the Hunza valley is interesting to say the least.

Gianni has written what he describes as a 'simple explanation of just how the ring works.' Simple to a physicist perhaps but difficult for a layman to understand; consequently, the following preliminary explanation has been outlined for the purpose of clarification.

The nucleus of each cell contains a material known as the DNA, which is an abbreviation for de-oxy-ribo-nucleic acid. This subastance contains the life or genetic code. The presence and function of the DNA had long been suspected by our doctor-scientists and had been presented as a theory, but it was only about seven years ago with the development of the electron microscope that the presence of the DNA was confirmed. Now it can be seen, photographed and sketched.

Imagine a tiny ladder twisted together in a coil fashion until the unit forms a double helix. The DNA is pliable and rubbery and is never still as it constantly vibrates in resonance with brain signals and even outside influences. The DNA is polarized, one end being plus and the other being minus. A healthy DNA reproduces healthy cells and aids the body to naturally overcome and eliminat an invasion of bacteria or toxins. This, of course, adds up to good health. When the body lands within the beneficial magnetic field of the 'Dotto Ring,' polarization of the DNA is oriented properly and resonance is synchronized to that of a healthy cell.

Important animal tests required by the medical authorities have been underway for the past three years, culminating in seven official tests that were conducted under rigidly controlled conditions. The test were conducted by Professor Gerald L. Willis, Biology Professor at the University of Dayton, and Dr. Robert E. Zipf, Ph.D. Dr. Zipf is owner of a group of biological laboratories and has been Coroner for Montgomery County, Ohio for twenty years. The room in which the tests were conducted was kept under triple lock so that only Professor Willis had access to the area. Dr. Zipf performed the pathology on the test mice.

Mice, six per cage, and 8 cage per test were injected with cancer cells. In three tests, C-37 cancer cells were used and in two other test, Krib type carcinoma cells were used. The most recent tests were conducted on mice that had induced leukemia.

Results have been very good indeed. The untreated mice died in about seven days while, with a few exceptions, the treated mice survived. When the treated mice were finally sacrificed, they showed no evidence of cancer. These tests, as well as actual experience using the ring on the human body, prove definitely that there are no side effects.

Gianni Dotto has now had five years of experience in the use of his ring. For the past two years the ring has been in operation in his Bio-Physics Laboratory in Kettering, Ohio. Results have been uniformly good.

Following is the scientific paper prepared by Gianni Dotto.

Background of the Theory of the 'Dotto Ring'

Most of the external physical factors which have been implicated in the evolution of life are of an electromagnetic nature. It has now been established that throughout the reviewable geological period the biosphere has been a region of electo-magnetic fields and radiations of all the frequencies know to us - from slow periodic variations of the earth's magnetic and electric fields to gamma rays.

It is fundamentally possible on the basis of general considerations that any of the ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum could have played some role in the evolution of life and are involved in the vital processes of organisms. This has already been demonstrated for a considerable region of the spectrum; for electromagnetic radiations in the infrared range (photobiology) and from x-rays (radiobiology).

The situation is different with the vast remaining region of the spectrum, which includes electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) of superhigh, ultrahigh, high, low, and infralow frequencies. Experimental investigations and theoretical considerations suggest that EMFs can have a significant biological action only when their intensity is fairly high and that such action can be due to only one process; conversion of the electromagnetic energy to heat or vice versa.

There is an increasing amount of reliable experimental data which indicates that EMFs can have non-thermal effects and that living organisms of diverse species, from unicellular organisms to man, are extremely sensitive to EMFs.

Finally, it has been found that very weak natural EMFs can affect organisms of various species. All this indicates the necessity for a fundamentally new approach to the problem of the biological action of EMFs and for the need to reconsider the question of the possible role of EMFs in the vital activity of organisms. (Parin)

It is believed that my work is not the first attempt at such an approach to the problem on the basis of the concept of the informational role of EMFs in the evolution and vital activity of organisms. There exists three kinds of 'biological activity of EMFs':

  • 1. The effect of natural environment EMFs on the regulation of vital processes.
  • 2. The role of internal fields in the organisms in the coordination of physiological processes.
  • 3. The interaction between organisms by means of EMFs.

It is not sufficient to consider only the energetic aspect of the interaction of EMFs with biological systems and in a portion of my past investigations I have dealt with the informational functions of these fields in living nature.

I have constructed equipment necessary to conduct my cancer research. A substantial data bank of case histories has been accumulated. Not all case histories are well defined but general results are amazingly good. This is understndable, however, since I am in the process of establishing the first formulation of a new biological problem.

My concept of the informational functions of EMFs in living organisms and the hypothesis expressed in this respect will undoubtedly rouse interest in a wide circle of the medical readers.

The objectives of this research project are:

  • 1. Prove that the human body responds favorably when exposed to EMFs.
  • 2. Establish what type of EMFs are more effective.
  • 3. Determine the specific frequency of EMFs for different types of disease.

Working Theory of the 'Dotto Ring'

There are four basic, major, but disparate theories explaining the development of cancerous tissues.

1. Virus (theory supported by scientists of Sloan-Kettering, N.Y.).

2. Low negative voltage across cancer cell skin (Cone, NASA).

3. Excess of base pairs per turn on DNA double helix (Dotto).

4. Alteration of the DNA code due to a certain type of virus (Temin).

The first theory would be correct if we are to accept the hypothesis that all the viruses of the four groups responsible for the manufacture of the nucleii (even if similar in size, shape, and crystal form) are tuned to a different frequency, according to the location in the human body of different groups of cells. In this case, a virus out of position can create the Temin phenomena of mixing up the sequence of the DNA code. If this is the case (The theory that some day immunization against cancer will be as simple as polio immunization is unrealistic. The variety of cancer immunization viruses will be in the numerical magnetide of trillions.)

Theory #2 (Cone, NASA) would be acceptable if we consider a cancerous cell a parasit cell, to some extent.

According to Theory #3 (Dotto), the magnetic charge of the genetic code is maintained at the proper level by the electrical property of the double helix, which functions as a common transformer; where the voltage of the primary and the secondary winding is proportional to the number of the turns of the coils.

If the DNA double helix of a cancer cell has a lesser number of turns than the DNA double helix of a normal cell; consequently, the number of base pairs per turns will be greater. Greater base pairs per turn of the double helix and eagerness of completing the outer electron orbiting of the atomic structure of the nucleous leads to a greater capability of reproduction of the DNA.

The second and third theories then are similar in principle but explained from a different observer's viewpoint. One explains the result, the other explains the cause.

Theory #4 (Temin) is a consequence of Theory #1 (Sloan-Kettering, N.Y.) - however, with an incorrect interpretation of the phenomena. Due to the tremendous variety of viruses classified in 8 distinct groups, 4 RNA types and 4 DNA types, there is no way in which to resolve the immunization capability unless the immunization factor can be obtained with the natural method described in the second Dotto patent application #42,301, filed June 1, 1970;

"Milk taken from the right breast of a nursing mother is maintained separate from the milk taken from the left breast. On high 'g' centrifuge, viruses are separated from proteins and fats. Immunization will start with oral or injection methods, by using RNA type viruses from the right breast and repeated two months later with DNA type viruses from the left breast. In the human breast, there are all the variety of viruses necessary for the immunization."

Why, then, the electronic reactor (Dotto Ring Device) and not chemistry to resolve the problem?

To begin with: In the normal process of life of a healthy body, when a new cell is produced, the orbital electron spinning of the new cell assumes a direction opposite to the one of the mother cell, in order to maintain the mutual attraction.

When the increasing kinetic electron energy of the new cells overcome the energy of the mother cell, the orbital electron spinning of the mother cell is forced to change direction and mutual rejection occurs. In the process, the entire energy of the mother cell collapses (in the same fashion as a transformer core) and its energy is absorbed entirely by the new cells.

However, if the energy potential and derived magnetic field in the human body is diminished or unbalanced, the new cell loses the body support to increasing kinetic energy and the dying cell never changes directional electron spinning. The dying cell, then, maintains enough residual energy to be attracted by the new born cell and becomes its parasite.

The DNA of the new cell now must perform double work; support the new cell and the parasite cell, with the result that the life span of the new DNA will be shortened. The oncoming new DNA must now have enough energy to support the dying cell and the parasite cell. Furthermore, it cannot rely any longer on the body support due to a weak or unbalanced magnetic field.

In a desparate attempt to be liberated of the parasite cell, then DNA sends a message to the enzymes. Most of the time the enzymes are too busy in the assimilation of the processed food of modern civilization with the result that the DNA of the new cell now has to support two parasite cells, and so on...

When the combined energy of the parasite cells becomes greater than the energy of the new cell, the new DNA loses control over the RNA in the formation of protein. The RNA's are then formed by the combined genetic code of the DNA of the parasite cells. This will occur when enough or greater genetic code in the summation of parasite cells overcomes the control of the normal DNA.

The DNA code so completed may have all the information necessary to sustain life, but in the wrong sequential order; and a new strange life in the life is born. This phenomeon is known as cancer. From the above explanation it is quite obvious that a cell in the dying process must lose its entire energy to be removed by the blood or lymphatic system, otherwise the body must have enough enzyme supply to destroy the cells before they become parasites.

To prevent and control cancer several methods can be applied;

  • 1. Magnetic intensity, homogenuity, and orientation in the human body must always be maintained at the optimum level.
  • 2. Mineral balance and proper distrubution are essential.

That is, the cell needs copper to convert AC impulses from the nervous system to DC energy. This energy is necessary to maintain the DNA in the proper oscillation frequency.

Aluminum and zinc are necessary to maintain the voltage level.

Iron is necessary to accumlate inductive energy EMF.

The most important elements, magnesium and oxygen, are necessary to insure the total collapsing effect of the iron when the electron orbital spinning in the nucleous reverses.

In modern civilization, where the entire environmental surrounding is bound to destroy humanity, the above conditions are essential for survival. While natural food consumption maintains the proper mineral balance, and may maintain the enzyme proportion in the high level, the most important factor is to supply the body with enough energy to maintain the magnetic field as described above. However, we must clarify that we call magnetic force any energy capable of attracting or repelling matter. In reality, there are four different types of magnetic force, each one caused by a different physical phenomenon.

No. 1 - Permanent magnet. If we try to magnetize a bar of copper, we will never succeed because in the copper the outer orbit of the electrons increases in the kinetic energy without shifing electrons from one orbit to another. The same effect we will obtain if we try to magnetize a bar of nickel.

Now, let's take a copper-nickel alloy, such as alnickel, and expose it to the EMF of a high inductive coil. The directional spinning of the electrons orbit in the nickel does not change, but the orbital spinning of the electrons in the copper reverses its direction.

Result: Any atom of nickel strongly attracts an atom of copper, creating a bipole. The energy summation of all bipoles combined creates one of the strongest permanent magnets on the market - Alnickel V.

Every permanent magnet then must be composed of at least two different atoms, one of which is willing to change the orbital spinning direction of the electrons. This type of permanent magnet is not recommended for any therapeutic purpose for the human body.

While in mice tests this type of permanent magnet seems to be very promising (Barnothy, Pressman, etc.), the physical working principle is similar to the H bonds attraction that holds together the DNA. The tumor in the mouse disappears due to the disassembly of the DNA in the affected cell by the demagnetization effect of the H bonds. At the same time the genetic code of the healthy cell is also altered and the consequences in the following generations could be very undesirable.

No. 2 - Electromagnet. This type of magnetic field obeys the third Newtonian law of motion (to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction).

If an iron bar is inserted in the center of an inductive coil, every electron traveling along the coil wire forces one electron in the iron bar to travel in the opposite direction. This type of magnetic field is not recommended for any therapeutic purposes.

On the contrary, it has been proved to be detrimental even in mice tests. Electrons flowing along the magnetic coil will shift electrons from one part of the body to another. In this process RNA type viruses of negative polarity will be shifted from diseased cells to healthy cells in the same fashion as the electrons. Furthermore, the shifting of electrons deprives the healthy cells of the energy necessary to support life and will produce severe side effects of dizziness that will last for several days thereafter.

No. 3 - Electrostatic attraction. When we rub a bar of hard rubber or a bar of amber one aqcuires electrons in excess and the other loses electrons from the outer shell orbit. Consequently, one will attract particles rich in electrons, the other will attract particles poor of electrons. This type of magnetic attraction is not recommended because one will weaken the energy of normal cells, the other increase the negative potential of the skin of the cancer cell, thus facilitating the growth of the cancer.

No. 4 - Thermomagnetic field. The thermomagnetic field is the product of the Thompson-Peltier effects combined, known in physics as the Seebeck effect.

The thermomagnetic field is responsible for the general gravitation system: heat (sun) attracts cool (planet) and vice versa. According to Dotto law:

can be applied only between two masses having the same temperature.

This type of magnetic field is the only type of energy proven to be beneficial to animals and humans. Since humans for millions of years have lived in this constant magnetic or gravitational field, the body has become very sensitive to any variation.

What is the Thompson Effect?

One end of a copper rod is heated and the other is cooled. If the hot side is heated high enough, it will thermally increase the kinetic energy of the outer orbit electrons to a point where their kinetic energy (1/2 mv squared) will be greater than the work function and allow them to discharge into space.

Due to the copper conductivity the electrons, instead of dissipating into the air, will shift in tremendous quantity toward the cool side in straight lines, following the heat propagation velocity. By reaction, excited electrons from the cool side will travel in the opposite direction at the speed of a particle (1/2 mv squared) toward the hot side encircling the copper rod by gyroscopic phenomenon and following the Fleming's rule.

The product is very low voltage (few millivolts) as a resultant of the electrons traveling in circular motion. But, as in any electrical circuit, the EMF in the copper rod is governed by the Ohm's law (E/R=I), and will be in the range of several thousand amperes.

Peltier Effect

In a metal alloy bar (such as constantan, 60% Cu, 40% Ni) one end is heated and the other is maintained cold. When the hot end is heated enough, electrons of nickel and copper atoms become excited. The electrons of nickel force the electrons of coper to reverse orbital spinning (as described in Part 1). By centripetal force electrons from the cool side shift toward the hot side. The hot side becomes negative in respect to the cold positive side, exactly opposite to the Thompson effect.

Of course, the Thompson and the Peltier effects are temporary; they last only until the proportion between the cool and the hot side reaches the electrons numerical balance.

Let's now combine the Thompson and Peltier effects together in the thermocouple fashion.

In the Thompson effect the electrons move from the hot side toward the cold side.

In the Peltier effect the electrons travel from the cold toward the hot side, and back to the hot side of the copper to complete the circuit. The temporary phenomenon of the Thompson-Peltier effect now combined becomes permanent for as long as the temperatures of the hot and cold junction are maintained unbalanced. In physics this is known as the Seebeck effect.

Let's now reduce the Peltier effect rod to the minimum possible length according to the equation Con R=Cu Rx pi. The electrons, in the reaction phenomenon described in the Thompson effect, instead of traveling toward the copper hot junction, will be attracted by the centripetal force of the electrons spinning in the Peltier effect, and the free electrons in the Peltier effect will be attracted by the hot junction of the Thompson effect.

Furthermore, to obtain a sawtooth effect of a unijunction transistor, a silicon pellet is added between the two cold junctions, and the EMF becomes unidirectional with oscillatory frequency of approximately 1.9 megacycles.

In this condition 95% of the EMF traveling in linear velocity motion equal to the heat propagation will be accelerated time and time again by the hot side of the ring, and the resulting kinetic energy in the orbital electron spinning will be so great that the various electron shells will travel on the same orbital plane.

As a result, portions of the atom proton energy will be exposed toward the center of the ring. The phenomena then that occur in the Ring Device are unique in their nature and not replaceable by any artificial means.

In the 'Ring Device' the following phenomena can be detected:

  • 1. The voltage is maintained at a minimum of 25 to 45 millivolts. This EMF will produce 120 gauss at the ring circumference, and 10 gauss at the center of the ring. This is approximately 5 times the earth's magnetic field. This magnetic field is sufficient to maintain the orientation of the human body, but too weak to jeopardize the orbital spinning in the H bonding of the DNA.
  • 2. In the electromagnetic field and permanent magnet the electrons travel from the south toward the north pole. If this type of magnetic field is applied to the human body it will have the same deteriorating effect as if the jumper used to start a car is connected to the opposite polarity of the battery. In the ring the EMF travels from the positive pole toward the negative in the same fashion dry batteries are instantly charged by inductive methods.
  • 3. Like in any electrical circuit, the energy across the ring is regulated by the Ohm law where (E=.045 volt/R=5 X 10 to then negative 6th)I = 9,000 amp., as explained before.
It is quite obvious that there is enough energy to supply every one of the 6.3 trillion human cells the proper energy needed. The energy from the ring is transferred to the body by an inductive method similar to the one used to instantly charge a dry battery.

During the treatment the ring is maintained at constant slow motion of 1.5 inches per second. This velocity is sufficient to cause energy transfer from the ring to the body by inductive method, but not fast enough to create any disturbance to the electron orbital spinning in the DNA H bonds.

In the process, the parasite cells (cancer cells) are also charged to the energy level of the healthy cells, and like a faulty car battery, they release the energy and reverse polarity at each end of the inductive effect.

Four to five passages of the ring near the tumor are sufficient to deprive the cell energy and to reverse the orbital spinning of the electrons in the phosphate bonds. In this condition, the bases of the DNA repel each other and the DNA dissolves. At the end of the cell life span the tumor disappears.

Of course, for the 'Ring' to be effective, the treatment must start when the disease is first detected. Radiations of any nature prior to the ring treatment will accelerate the orbital electron spinning in the DNA H bonds, and will jeopardize the benefit of the Ring treatment.

From the above clarification it is quite evident that the 'Ring Device' does not remagnetize, reorient, and homogenize the magnetic field in the body by external magnetization, but by energy transfer in the inductive fashion.

Let's explain with an example:

Consider an electric generator where the rotor is formed of a plurality of magnetic poles.

If the rotor is rotated by external means, the coil winding of the stator absorbs and transfers EMF at the expense of the magnetic pole (electric generator).

If EMF is supplied to the stator winding, the rotor generates power (electric motor) at the expense of external EMF, while the magnetic pole of the rotor will gain intensity.

The human body is like a rotor with an infinite number of poles, DNA frequency, field orientation, etc.. By applying energy from the stator (Dotto Ring) the body will create power, while the magnetic level, DNA H bond and the field orientation gain intensity. The Ring then transfers energy to the body and does not force the body to give up energy by means of external magnetic field.

Furthermore, as will be explained later, the electrons at the end of the sugar phosphate rod and in the atom of hydrogen (H bonds) present at the ends of the bases (nucleotides) have the electron orbital spinning in different directions. This is to insure that sugar is bonded only with phosphate, Adenine only with Thymine, and Guanine only with Cytosine.

When, in the 6 billion bases joined together to form the human DNA, one or two electrons spinning in the phosphate bond are forced to reverse orbital direction by means of a cosmic ray, radiation, high energy photon, microwave beam (Radar), permanent magnet, high intensity electromagnet, laser, etc., due to the property of the sugar crystalline of rotating the plane of polarized light to the right, the DNA immediately will release the hit base and attract a new one to reestablish the genetic code.

But now it is quite possible that the new base connects itself upside down: phosphate with phosphate, sugar with sugar, and Adenine or Thymine with Cytosine or Guanine. The elements attract each other because of oposite directional spinning of the electrons in the H bonds and not because of different chemical composition.

The DNA now is completed again but with a wrong sequence in the genetic information. By reestablishing the homogenuity of the magnetic orientation of the DNA by means of inductive energy, the wrong base is rejected again and the proper one is attracted. In nature plants like peach, apricot, etc., restore the proper DNA sequence by means of Glycosides, always present in the fruit pit.

Glycosides are solids, generally crystalline, and most have a bitter taste. Their solution shows the property of rotating the plane of polarized light to the left. Under the influence of naturally occurring substances (enzymes) present in trace amount in neighboring cells, Glycosides can be split into one or more sugar and non-sugar portions termed Amygdalin.

The Amygdalin shows a greater property of rotating the plane of polarized light to the left than the crystalline sugar to the right. Under the influence of ultraviolet light coming from the sun, the plane of polarization is shifted to the left, and the proper orbital electron spinning in the phosphate base is restored.

The DNA readjustment effect is proportional, of course, to the amount of ultraviolet light available to the plant. For humans, the use of inductive energy is more effective and less complicated.

The Thompson-Peltier effect then, such as produced in the 'Ring Device,' is unique in its form and energy creation and cannot be replaced by any artificial means.

The ring is capable of creating a field feasible for use on the human body as a product of the voltage intensity similar to the voltage measured across a normal cell, but with a current intensity greater than the total amount of energy measured across the entire human body (3-6,000 amps).

Dotto Rings installed at the Foundation

Aging Process

To understand the human aging process, let's now examine the structure and the function of the DNA. Imagine a flexible ladder 1 meter (39" long) composed of 6 billion steps. Each step has the form of two capital T's facing each other. The horizontal line of the 'T' has 70% of its length made of sugar and 30% of phosphate.

The vertical line is of a different composition; Adenine or Guanine, or Thymine, or Cytosine.

At the vertical ends of the 'T' there are atoms of hydrogen. (The hydrogen, first element in the atomic chart, is composed of one proton and one electron.)

At the end of the phosphate rod the orbital electrons spin clockwise. At the end of the sugar rod the orbital electrons spin counter-clockwise.

In the hydrogen atoms, at the end of Adenine and Thymine the electrrons spin clockwise and in the hydrogen atoms at the end of Guanine and Cytosine spin counter-clockwise.

This type of 'T' is called base or nucleotide. The DNA is then formed by 12 billion nucleotides facing each other and connected in a straight line to form the double helix (deoxyribonucleic acid) or DNA. This is the genetic code and every one of the 6.3 trillion cells of the human body has at least one.

To form a new cell the DNA must repeat itself. This is accomplished by splitting the ladder along the middle of the step and reforming two DNA's absolutely identical and in the same sequence. To form two DNA's, another 12 billion nucleotides are necessary.

Inside the cell nucleus there are constantly at least 8 different types of virus, 4 RNA types (negative charge), and 4 DNA type (positive charge). Every pair of virus (one RNA and one DNA type) attract each other to form a bipole. They do so first to protect themselves against any external magnetic disturbance, and second to accumulate energy in the following manner;

Inactive viruses are crystal forms, but in active status, such as inside the cell nucleus,they reveal one RNA or DNA core covered with protein. Of course, even in active status they still maintain all the properties of a crystal, and as a crystal they are very sensitive to the high sound frequency.

Under sound frequency up to 5 megacycles the two viruses continuously strain each other and produce energy due to the piezoelectric effect (the same principle is used in the energy conversion effect of the supersonic generator).

In the ultrahigh sound frequency over 5 megacycles, an isolated inactive virus can be excited to alter the transition temperatures or Curie point and disintegrate (Ruben). The human DNA (like a YAGI antenna one meter long) is tuned to any radio emission between 375-385 megacycles.

Furthermore, the DNA is under the constant influence of charged ions traveling through the nervous system and acting as a modulation frequency. The combined action of the two physical phenomena force the DNA to emit a high frequency sound in the range of 1.9-2 megacycles in order to detect, by returning echo, what type of protein is missing in the cell.

These sound frequencies are not only necessary to the DNA in scanning the type of RNA to produce; but also maintain active the virus in bipole form by means of the strain effect.

To control the energy level from the piezoelectric effect, the RNA type virus covers itself with phosphate and the DNA type virus with sugar. In forming this special type of coating the virus, like any living organism, produces waste. These wastes are accumulated in the center of the rod just formed and will be called Adenine, Guanine, Thymine or Cytosine, according to the type of virus in the bipole.

The process to make the coating is accomplished at the expense of the electrical charge accumulated by the piezoelectric effect. At the end of the charge, to remain active the group of viruses removes the coating that now is in the form of a capital 'T' and exposes itself to the high frequency sound produced by the DNA and the process starts all over again.

Due to the described phenomena, the DNA has always enough bases available to produce RNA strains and to reproduce itself. Now, let's go back to the flexible ladder composed of 6 billion steps.

Suppose we twist this strange ladder so many times as to have only a few steps for every turn of the coil so formed (these steps are called base pairs per turn).

Since every base has different polarity according to the code formed by passed generations, the DNA can be compared to the multi-polarity rotor of an alternator. In the alternator, the speed is inversely proportional to the number of poles and the output power is directly proportional to the energy applied.

At every electrical impulse flowing through the nervous system the DNA moves back and forth as many degrees as one base is separated from the next one. The more base pairs per turn the less degree the DNA has to move and less energy is required to make it vibrate.

Then three are the controlling factors for the DNA to reproduce itself and create a new cell;

  • a) The kinetic energy of the electron in the H bonds.
  • b) The number of the base pair per turn in the double helix (DNA).
  • c) Energy and the frequency of charged ions traveling along the nervous system; i.e., the DNA of the embryo cell in the mother womb has 46 base pairs per turn; the kinetic energy of the electrons in the H bond is weak; charged ions coming from the mother's body are strong.

    Result: the DNA produces one cell per second. After 6 weeks of pregnancy, the DNA in the cell of the embryo has 34 base pairs per turn; the kinetic energy of the electrons in the H bonds increase, the charged ions from the mother are unchanged; the DNA produces one cell every minute, and so on...

    By the time the fetus is in the 10th lunar month, the single DNA (half from the mother, half from the father) has already reproduced itself more than 6 trillion times.

When the baby is born, the slowing process of reproduction increases. At the age of two, the DNA winds again to have 22 base pairs per turn, 14 at the age of 21, and 10 at the age of 35. From the age of 35 to 55, the 10 based pairs per turn in the DNA do not change.

At approximately the age of 55, the base pairs per turn are reduced to 6. By this time the kinetic energy of the electron in the H bond and the energy of the charged ion become very weak and the DNA stops reproducing itself and the aging process begins. To slow down the body aging process, three factors must be considered;

  • a) Ways of stretching the DNA to increase the base pairs per turn back to ten, by means of energy in motion up and down along the body as in the 'Ring Device.'
  • b) Increase the electron kinetic energy in the H bonds by means of proton pulling force. The proton energy available (as previously explained) toward the center of the ring is high enough to attract (in the vacuum) one electron 20 feet away.
  • c) Increase the energy of the charged ions in the nervous system by means of exercise and proper diet.
At this point it is necessary to clarify one important factor that is the basic secret of life creation. Without explaining the working principle of this secret, we will never understand the vital importance of the homogenuity and orientation of the magnetic field in the human body.

All the 6.3 trillion DNA's of the human body are absolutely identical, all are tuned to the same resonance frequency, all have exactly the same genetic sequence code. Yet the 6.3 trillion cells in the human body, where each DNA is enclosed, are all different, and each one of these cells fits exactly the proper place and functionality in the human system. How is this possible?

The human DNA, as mentioned before, is approximately 39" long (1 meter), has 6 billion steps formed by 12 billion bases. The entire length of the DNA is necessary to maintain and transmit from generation to generation the entire genetic code. Yet only a portion of the DNA (different in every cell) is used to create a specific cell. How is this accomplished?

Suppose we have a thread one meter long. On this thread we insert 46 nylon light beads 1/2 inch long. Let's insert now, this strange chain, in the center of an electrostatic tube with bipole orientation.

After a few seconds all the nylon beads will be charged with the same electrostatic energy and they will repel each other, leaving an interspace between them. They will repel each other, but not with the same force. The interspace between the static charge will be shorter; gradually toward the opposite polarity of the tube the interspace will be longer.

Now the only part of the thread we see is the one not hidden by the beads. Let's now call the thread DNA and the 46 beads chromosomes. Since the chromosomes act as a shield, the only portion of the DNA that controls a specific cell is the one of the interspace between the chromosomes, which for every cell has a different length according to different magnetic intensity, polarity and orientation in the human body. Each chromosome encloses 1,250 DNA's lengths (genes) and each gene is formed of 100,000 base pairs (microgene). Of the total 6 billion steps of the ladder (DNA) only 250 million are really controlling the cell life.

The chromosomes appear immediately after the DNA is formed and they disappear when the cell is completed and just before the DNA is ready to repeat itself, to reappear again only in the new DNA. If the chromosomes of the new DNA, due to the phenomenon previously explained, have the wrong interspace sequence. It is quite possible that the DNA will produce (i.e.) in the neck a cell that belongs to the kidney or vice versa. This also can be called cancer.

Furthermore, like in a musical instrument, the sound produced by the DNA in the scanning system has different harmonics according to the chromosome's interspace.

The virus responsible for the creation of nucleotides in a different group of cells of different harmonics, adjusts the equilibrium potentials of the component charges in the crystal lattice. This pressure effect in the electrical field distribution governs the final crystal structure of the many compounds of the virus.

If a group of RNA type of virus with final crystal structure as a result of harmonics of one group of cells is transferred by means of electromagnetic reaction in a different group of cells, under the influence of the new harmonics, will alter the transition temperature (Curie point).

In this transaction it will lose the protein coating and release the core RNA to control the protein creation in the new cell (Ruben). As a result a new type of cell will be created different from any surrounding cell, and this also will be a cancer cell.

From the above described phenomenon, well known in physics, the Temin theory that the RNA type virus uses its own RNA core as a template to modify the structure of the genetic code and create the reversal of the DNA is absurd.

If the phenomenon exists, it could not be a creation of the present civilization, but has existed from the beginning of time. And there are no record available of claims of apes deriving from humans.

Theories #1 and #4 of the introductory explanation support the principle that some form of cancer and leukemia are caused by isolated virus. In this case a physical principle known as the Pyro piezoelectric effect will be the solution to the problem.

If a Rochelle salt crystal is rapidly cooled from 25 degrees to 0 degrees C, the polarization increases so fast that the normal conductivity cannot bring about equilibrium and a transient potential as great as a thousand volts can be produced between the two electrodes contacting the crystal (Ruben).

Since in the isolated virus crystal, the RNA or DNA type core acts as an electrode between the two poles, when the voltage potential overcomes the core's DC resistance, the energy discharged across it will be so great as to disintegrate the virus core as a common electric fuse.

The same phenomena, of course, is applied to the joint virus (one DNA and one RNA type) existing in the cell nucleus and responsible for the DNA creation. Because of the electrical principle that in an inductance, two joint EMF's opposite and contrary they eliminate each other, no voltage will appear across the joint virus.

In an experiment with dying AKR mice (mice carrying leukemia), a constant laboratory temperature of 35 degrees C was maintained. The cage containing the mice was placed two times a day for 20 minutes each time in a small refrigerator where temperature was kept at 0 degrees C.

After five days of treatments, the mice were sacrificed and pathological studies revealed no evidence of lymphosarcoma.

A piezobaric chamber, where a temperature body change of 25 degrees C can be obtained in less than 1 minute is under construction to repeat the experiment.


By evenly re-establishing the orientation of the body's magnetic field, the virus groups responsible for the manufacture of the nucleii (necessary to the reproduction of the DNA) are bound to stay only in the specific group of cells tuned to their own resonance frequency with no chance of spreading to other parts of the body.

With the correction of the environmental resonance frequency of a group of cells, a virus out of position will become inactive in the same fashion as a portion of a variable capacitor not facing the stator. In Theory #3 (Dotto), the Ring re-establishes the proper number of base pairs per turn on the DNA double helix due to the phenomenon known as 'Wunder' effect.

In a vacuum, a suspended secondary coil inserted in a primary coil of fixed number of turns, adjusts itself to the same primary number of turns when voltage is applied, with capability proportional to the current intensity and inversely proportional to the square of the spring reaction strength of the secondary coil. This principle is widely applied in automatic tuning devices for modern color television.

By applying to the human body voltage, EMF and magnetic intensity similar to the value existing in the DNA of normal cells (in the human between the ages of 35 and 55) a voltage of 45 to 70 millivolts maintains a linearity of 10 base pairs per turn in the double helix (Crick-Watson). The DNA of the cancer cell adjusts itself to the proper level of functionality, regardless of cell condition, since absorbed energy will be inversely proportional to the existing cell energy level.

In the case of 6 base pairs per turn in the double helix (humans over 55), when the DNA stops the reproduction capability, the base pairs per turn are triggered back to 10 and so remain as long as the magnetic intensity is reapplied at least once every 14 days. This results in slowing down the aging process.

Another important factor must be clarified; In widely known mice experiments (Pressman, Barnothy), a combined action of a constant permanent magnetic field and microwaves in the gigacycle range proved to be very efficient in causing tumor recession in mice. This phenomenon is caused by the disturbance action of the microwaves on the normal orbital spinning of electrons in the DNA H bonds. But we must not forget that to the humans we must give the right to live not merely to survive.

However, frequency in the range of 1 to 3 megacycles and modulation frequency of 80 to 200 kilocycles, is known to penetrate deeper into the human body and is capable of breaking the thin skin of the cancer cell without jeopardizing the DNA code of normal cells. (Pressman)

For this reason, the Ring is pretuned on the Peltier junction to the average frequency of 1.8 megacycles, and modulation frequency of 100 kilocycles to obtain current fluctuation chopping effect similar to a unijunction transistor. The Ring is also a 350 ohms television antenna, where the lower band resonance is tuned to a VHF (Thompson effect junction), and the upper band (Peltier junction) is tuned to UHF resonance. The upper frequency then maintains, on the correct level, the activity of the normal cell, while the penetrating low frequency neutralizes the activity of the cancer cells.

Theory #2, which postulates that cancer cells, to some extent, may be considered as parasitic cells, is proven correct as far as the Ring is concerned.

The Ring is an an inductive coil. In the motion along the body, the Ring recharges the cells to the proper desired level. While the normal cells retain the charge, the cancer cells behave like a faulty battery.

At the passage of the Ring, the temporary magnetic charge collapses in the same fashion as transformer lamination.

This collapsing effect is detectable by electrodes of an EEG sensitive to electrical brain impulses. By synchronizing a recorder to the Ring velocity, the location of the collapsing tumor can be detected with 5 cm accuracy.

Many years of investigation have proved the Ring to have no detrimental or side effects. On the contrary, it has proved to be very helpful for people who have suffered from exposure to radiation, cobalt, liner accelerator, etc..

For all the reasons stated above, the Ring should be considered primarily as a tool for physicians in disease prevention and disease control rather than a cure.

Signed : Dr. Gianni A. Dotto

Montgomery County
State of Ohio

The above document was signed before me, a notary public, by the said Dr. Gianni A. Dotto this 8th day February, 1972.

Photocopied signature unreadable - Notary Public

Notes from Jerry Decker

Years ago I had the pleasure of knowing Arthur Coleman, at one time a key research scientist in Research & Development at Rockwell International. Arthur had a small research lab in Rockwall, Texas and he was part of our group in Dallas.

Arthur was a brilliant engineer and scientist, having developed an iontophoretic device for treating all kinds of disease conditions. In his lifetime, he had been involved with many unusual experiments, some he could only hint about.

One of these was this mysterious Dotto ring which was said to heal cancer and reverse aging. After two years of teasing, one day he called me for brunch, saying he had something for me. We met and he said he had decided to give me a copy of the Dotto papers, explained it and asked me not to post them publicly as they had been handed to him in confidence on a trip to Washington for consulting. I promised.

About five years later, I happened to be at a conference where my friend Dr. George Friebott was speaking. After his presentation, we went to lunch and I asked if he'd ever heard of the Dotto Ring. George said he had and later showed me a copy of the same papers Arthur had given me.

On my return to Dallas, I called Arthur and told him about it, he said now that it was finally out I could do with them as I pleased. They were then shared with friends and other networks as well as presented on several occasions over the 8 years of the Dallas Roundtable meetings.

Nexus printed a version of them a couple of years ago. I'd mailed out many copies to people requesting them but never found time to put them online, so here they are. I do see them being sold elsewhere.

Some correlations and concepts you might find of interest;

David Hudson claims monoatomic elements are superconductive and so can store energy. When ingested, he believes they lodge in the tissues and enhance the energy of the 'aura' or Kirlian field which is, in his opinion, a result of dynamic superconductivity. I like to call it an 'attenuated dynamic Meissner field'. Turns out new growing tissues are in fact superconducting, so over time, with ingestion of this material, it is supposed to heal and change your body. I have no direct experience or trustworthy reports about this, but I remain intrigued that a PURE CURRENT as superconductors possess, and which have little if any voltage (produced by resistance) is exactly what Dotto produces with his ring.

Nature tends to seek equilibrium, therefore, immersing a body in a high energy DC magnetic field would cause an energy transfer which would 'pull' up the energy in the body due the 'enriched' background. In this case, I think it could well 'brighten' the aura or the 'Meissner field' which is produced by superconductivity.

Nordic people, Swedes, Danes, etc. have been reported to sit in a hot sauna for a period, then run out naked and roll in the snow. Others jump into freezing water after a hot sauna. Note Dottos mention of the piezoelectric effect where high voltage can be produced inside the body from drastic, rapid temperature changes. Arthur told me he had bought a metal coffin with the idea of lying in a bath of hot water, then rapidly flushing it with cold water and repeat it as with the mice experiment quoted above. The mice were exposed to 0 degrees C for 20 minutes, but humans might take longer because of the thickness of our body. The point is to create as rapid a temperature change as possible.

There are reports the Ring technology was suppressed because the machines would levitate from the floor due to the high magnetic field repelling against the earths field.

Other reports claim Sloan-Kettering removed all funding and destroyed the machines because they actually cured cancer, can't have that as cancer is a very lucrative business.

The last I heard, Dotto had moved back to their family castle in Italy, was now in his 80's and shall we say immersed in religion.

Arthur Abraham Coleman, 73 years of age, passed away on October 23, 1997 in Rockwall, TX. He is best remembered for his invention of the chemical milling process for bonding metals together which is used on most airplane wings, as well as his remarkable electrotherapy device used by many doctors.

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The Dotto Ring patent is 3,839,771

Dotto's Electrostatic Wand patent 3,785,383

Weight Loss Experiments with Peltier junctions

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