Producing An Atmospheric Vacuum


The Outer Surface of a VTA

The following page is the authors interpretation of one possible process of manufacturing the electronic vacuum generation equipment for any size vacuum thrust aircraft.


The outer surface material.

Hex blow up

Figure 1

The above image is a magnification of the hexagonal cells that go into making up the entire outer surface of the aircraft.


A cut away section of cells.

Figure 2

The above image is a magnified open view of the multiple hexagonal cells that go into the make up of the VTA surface material. The top aluminium layer has been removed for closer inspection. The cathode electrode of each cell is shown as a chrome pointed cone in the centre of each cell. The entire outer frame structure of the VTA is coated in multiple hexagon cells that are manufactured together in one process. A single cell consists of a tiny geisler or crookes vacuum tube.  The air in each cell is removed during the manufacturing process and replaced with a mild vacuum of inert gas.


A Schematic Cross Section a of Single Cell.


Figure 3

The schematical cross section shown above is a magnification of a single hexagonal cell within the outer surface material of the craft. Each tiny cell is like a small geisler or crookes type of vacuum tube, which are manufactured in a multiple process to produce the overall outer layer. The critical component is the aluminium outer substrate that will allow the vital cathode rays to pass out of the hexagon cell. Without the aluminium (or possibly the aluminium-bizmuth laminated) layer the cathode rays would be confined to the internal walls of the individual cells. Aluminium appears to be the vital element in transmitting cathode/lennard rays outside the confines of cathode cell tubes.



A Single Cell Producing an Electron Stream.

Figure 4.

The above image is a computer generated view from inside a single hex cell. You can see the cathode electrode in the foreground streaming electrons to the grid or slice plate and then onto the aluminium anode plate.

The author has theorised the use of a slice plate similar in the generation of microwaves. The focus of the electron stream from the physical cathode hits the slice plate an is turned into microwaves. You may require a small toroidal shape magnet in front of the cathode electrode in order to focus the electron stream into a beam ? The microwave fluctuations produced then oscillate in the cavity chamber between the slice plate/grid an aluminium anode outer layer. The anode rays then intercept the microwave fluctuations at a 45deg. angle, thus producing cathode or lennard rays. The lennard/cathode rays then escape through the outer aluminium layer and decompose the air to produce the desired vacuum. 'It is not the cathode rays that produce the vacuum'. Its is the ability of the surrounding medium to absorb the disassociated molecules after they are deformed or ionized by the cathode/lennard rays. The quicker the deformed molecule is absorbed into the surrounding medium, the greater the intensity of the vacuum; the greater the thrust available to the craft. The researcher may like to experiment with a slice plate or a mesh grid, an adjust the cavity spacing between the aluminium anode layer and the slice plate/grid for optimal generation. The air is evacuated out of each hexagonal cell during the manufacturing process. The correct combination of inert gas and vacuum applied in each cell may also be a contributing factor. Owing to financial constraints the author has done only minimal research in the above field. I sincerely hope others find the above material useful in their avenue of research.

It should be noted, that if anyone attempts to build the above cathode generation device that they acknowledge all necessary avenues of caution and safety. Be very careful as cathode/lennard rays are dangerous; they decompose the air and water molecules almost instantaneously. Research material at hand suggest that cathode/lennard rays will cause problems with the kidney or liver region of the body should anyone come into direct contact with these dangerous rays.

*** Please use all available caution. ***

Please share your findings with others. Don't let ego and greed cloud your better judgement.
The time for fame and fortune is well and truly over with. Its now time for action, the 'earth' : our home is in dire despair... we, 'each individual' must build on an act on this research for ourselves -- nobody else is going to do it for us. This means there will be 'no' pat on the back for a job well done, no huge rolls of money flowing in, no name up in lights. Without a planet to live on there will be no banks to deposit all that money from all your famous work. So looking for fame and fortune from this type of research is totally redundant. Hard yakka (work) an trouble times is all we have to look forward too. But when the going gets tough the tough get going... or so they say.

The above images and schematical representation of cathode ray generation is the authors interpretation of how a craft might utilise the cathode ray generation hardware into the design of a craft. It is not intended as a functional working model. I offer the above theoretical research material in the hope that it may benefit other peoples  research into the utilisation of electrical vacuum field. The above theoretical vacuum generation information  should not detract the reader away from the factual realisation of how vacuum thrust aircraft fly. I welcome any feed-back from scientists, researchers or people in general who have specific knowledge in the utilisation of the electrical vacuum generation field.

The author G.D.Mutch excepts no responsibility for the use or misuse of the information supplied on/in these web pages. The information here in is supplied in the interest of valid research only. The researcher experimenter excepts full responsibility with the utilisation of any material presented herein.

Author G.D.Mutch .
Copyright © 1997 . All rights reserved.
Revised: November 11, 1997.

G.D. & C.M Mutch

Geoff Egel (Solaris)

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