Structural Shape and Design ?

Why choose a disc shape design ?

The available pressure from the atmosphere is 1.033kg/cm2: with comparison to an absolute vacuum. The following example will give the engineer an idea of the forces you must contend with when choosing a structurally safe design. The following simple design is the taken from the calculation of a 1 meter diameter round flat disc. For further understanding of the enormous forces involved please consult the Disc Data Tables on the following pages.

Example (1m Dia):

R = 50cm (radius)
Pi = 3.1416 (Pi rounded)
Ap = 1.033kg/cm2 (atmospheric constant at sea level.)

R2 x Pi x Ap =
((50 x 50) x 3.1416) x 1.033 = 8113kg.

8113 kg equates to 8.113 tonnes of atmospheric force on a mere 1m Dia flat disc.

Using the above example you begin to realise the enormous forces available to the craft designer /engineer of a vacuum thrust vehicle. An engineer has to choose a design that would with-stand the enormous pressures involved in the structure of the craft. The most likely choice for a VTA design is a triangle shape, as a triangle gives the strongest support of any engineered structure. The ideal shape for the design of a vacuum aircraft just happens to be a obtuse rectangle or two triangles placed back-to-back. This is the most common sense shape given to a high percentage of vacuum thrust aircraft. The craft design itself will be under enormous physical pressure on one side, while under extreme vacuum on the opposing side. These two complementary forces place a tremendous strain on the physical structure of any VTA design. If an engineer where to choose a cubic or rectangle shape; they would then need to incorporate additional structural support in areas that would normally be set aside for capacity carrying or loading space, thereby reducing the carrying capacity of the craft, plus adding unnecessary additional structural weight to the overall design. So the reader may begin to appreciate the reason why Vacuum Thrust Aircraft are shaped like disc's, or sometimes called by their un-intellectual phase: 'flying saucers'.


A triangle is the most sound structural design.

Vacuum Void
Full Atmospheric Pressure
The purpose of the aircraft design being triangle structured is to contend with the enormous physical stresses involved. A triangle allows for maximum structural loading giving maximum internal space. No other engineered structure allows for this combination and flexibility. The purpose of the aircraft being round at the centre is to contend with sub-sonic noise associated with corners or raised edges while flying the aircraft at low speed. The vehicle always travels into a vacuum, therefore the craft will not heat up from friction or interact with forward air pressure to produce any noise or sonic boom. The centre strut shown in the above picture has three purposes. The first is to improve the structural strength of the craft. The second being that the centre strut is also hollow and contains an electrical air turbine to produce all of the electrical power needed to run both the internals of the aircraft, plus the cathode ray generators in the outer surface of the craft. And the third most important: the centre strut provides a fail safe valve in the event that the electrical supply should glitch, fail or shut off rapidly for a short period while in flight.

If the electrical supply to the cathode generators should fail while the aircraft is in hyper sonic flight; the atmospheric pressure would fold back onto the craft with a tremendous force. This would literally create enough heat to possibly vaporise the vehicle right where it is situated. The centre strut plays a vital roll as a fail safe release value, in that it supplies enough air through the turbine shaft venturi to alleviate the possibility of the full atmospheric pressure returning directly onto the craft. Not all craft will be designed with an air turbine in the centre, but all must have a fail safe electrical back up supply in case of an emergency.


Sustained Flight

The obvious advantage of a V.T.A. should start to become apparent to even the most non-technical of persons. The utilisation of these types crafts are limited only by your imagination. The power to produce the necessary electrical current to the aircraft comes from nature as well. If you skipped ahead and read the disc data tables you would have realised that there is a huge margin of excess thrust that is not being used by the craft. The craft is readily designed to use a maximum load of around 1/12th of the gross calculated thrust. This leaves a huge amount of force/energy that is not in use. Some of this excess energy can be redirected up the centre structural shaft of the VTA. an through the venturi of an air turbine. A cap situated at the exit above the turbine shaft will direct the air downward over the craft in the case of emergency, plus limit the air rushing through the actual turbine itself. The excess force from the vacuum created is well in excess of the structural capabilities of the turbine blades physical strength. The excess force can easily strip the turbine blades from their housing. With a little insight it is not hard to see that this power generation technique has many possible commercial advantages for direct use in our modem age.

Air Turbine in the Centre Shaft.

Air Turbine
Centre Strut of V.T.A.

The above image is a computer generated cut away section of an air turbine placed in the centre strut of a V.T.A. The amount of atmospheric pressure on the turbine blades is well in excess of the force needed to power the craft with plenty to spare. If the craft is designed with the turbine placed in the centre strut, you will in effect have a vehicle capable of indefinite self sustained /powered flight. This means no need to carry fuels or propellants of any kind. This safety factor alone should make people pursue the use of these aircraft to no end. But alas, deliberate fear and scare mongering and belittlement over UFO's is the main reason why these types of simple aircraft have not made it into public fruition. With your help you may begin to realise how simple these aircraft operate; the margin of how much safer, cheaper ,cleaner and free from toxic wastes these aircraft function by.

Why is it now when the planet is in dire despair that people are only just starting to realise the wonderfully simple things that we have missed; examples that could have made life much more easier, cleaner and safer for all concerned. All I ask is that you see the common sense behind this easy paradigm an inform as many friends as you can that these aircraft are no longer UFO's but, simple factual every day aircraft that have been in possession of many governments for about the last 30 years.

It's high time to let simple common sense prevail. You now have the chance to show all people the truth.

So be it...

Author G.D.Mutch . 
Copyright © 1997 . All rights reserved.
Revised: November 11, 1997.