May 2000

Does the Homopolar phenomenon share similarities
with the Biefield-Brown effect ?

Luc Lachapelle

The goal of the present paper is to tentatively establish a link between the Biefield-Brown effect relative to the Homopolar phenomenon, on which I have had the opportunity to make some investigation. For the benefit of the reader I deliberately alleviate to consider the vector potential A and poynting vector, and only use the traditional approach.

Background information

The Homopolar Phenomenon ...

This effect has been brought forward by Michael Faraday in the years 1820. The Homopolar phenomenon can be explained in few words by outlining the intrinsic relation between the electric field and the magnetic field.
In the Homopolar generator, electricity is generated when an electric conductor is moving while being submerged in a magnetic field. Briefly, if the movement ( Magenta ) of the electric conductor is perpendicular to the magnetic field ( blue ), then the generated electrical current ( red ) will start flowing in a direction perpendicular to the two first.
The opposite is also true when used as a motor: A displacement of the electrical conductor is noticed when a current is flowing perpendicular to the magnetic field. This displacement, in a system only making reference to hitself, must certainly occur in relation to the surrounding medium, also called the Aether.

I theorize that the flowing electric current in relation with the flowing magnetic flux imparts a flowing motion to the Aether which by reaction provokes a displacement in the same direction of the physical mass. The relationship between these 3 flows can be observed in many other instances.

The Biefield-Brown effect ...

This effect has been investigated upon as early as in 1924, by Paul Biefield, Director of the Swazey Observatory ( Dennisson University ) and Thomas Townsen Brown, collaborator and dedicated independent researcher. Their research has since been often cross-documented and eventually has grabbed the attention of the US Air Force.

This E gradient effect relates to the kinetic reaction of dielectrics, to exhibit a thrusting power when charging to a higher potential. In a planar capacitor, when charging, always exhibit a forward trust toward the positive electrode.

The effect can be intuitively best explained when considering the Aether's flow through the system, which is absolutely distinct from a probable ion flow around the embodiment. In fact such a system will continue to produce thrust in a hard vacuum, albeit the trust is said to be significantly reduced ( by many order of magnitude ).

T.T. Brown has determined through extensive laboratory experiments that the effect strength was dependant on the following criterias :

  • The dielectric capacity ( size and dielectric constant ( K )).
  • The capacitor's shape.
  • The capacitor's energy accumulation rate.

T.T. Brown used a capacitor fabricated from a vast number of lead ( oxide ? ) foils laminated throughout the entire surface of the canopy. Most probably he wanted to reach the highest capacity value as possible for his capacitor ( it is well known that the capacity is at its highest value when the dielectric is the thinnest as possible ). Additionally, since both electrodes was also separated by air, this feature enabled sufficient electric isolation in order to bring the canopy to a high electric potential.
He has furthermore determined that the most suited shape for his contraction would be one similar to a flat bell, permitting the most area of influence. Here we can see in the adjacent drawing that the shape takes the form of a convergent nozzle for the Aether, between the canopy and the negative electrode.

The similarities
It has been demonstrated that when such a circular capacitor is being charged, a rotating magnetic field is present between the two plates and its flow direction is determined by the electric current's own direction . The magnetic field vanishes when the charging is complete or in other word when the electron flow extinguishes.
Since in a capacitor, it is the dielectric which stores all of the charges, I visualize that the magnetic flux strength is in direct relation with the amount of electrons flowing into the dielectric.

I also anticipate that the effect should be more pronounced with an increased speed of the electron, and the use of " HIGH K " materials like the ferroelectric dielectric Barrium Titanate compound ( BaTiO3 ) or an ambient temperature Charge Density Wave ( CDW ) material.
So when the electric current ( red ) is flowing in a perpendicular direction to the magnetic flow ( blue ), quite similarly to the Homopolar phenomenon, the noticed trust ( magenta ) is imparted to the system in the determined direction, as demonstrated at the beginning of this paper.
This probably also explain TT Brown's observation that the trust exhibited in a vacuum was not present upon the discharge ( at the dielectric's breakdown ) of the capacitor but only immediately afterwards, as soon as the potential started again to build.

Furthermore, the fact that the effect's strength diminishes considerably in the hard vacuum substantiates the prerequisite of a intense electron flow in the system, as the air is a much better electric conductor than the vacuum. This has been recognized by researchers in the MHD field ( Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic ) where, in order to have a reasonable flow of ions around an airship fuselage, the plasma has to be seeded with a radioactive particle, such as Cesium, to increase its conductivity and augment the Lorentz force.

All of the above has been taken into consideration in the design of a differently new system I am investigating, one which I theorize and hope will exhibit a continuous and strong thrusting action. This project is actually what pushed me to study the Homopolar phenomenon, as I was in need for a autonomous and reliable electron pump, the conclusion of which is the Dynamotor.

I hope you find this information useful, and I extend to all my kindness regards.