The Ion Wind Tests on Transdimensional's Lifter
By Jean-Louis Naudin
created on October 10th, 2001 - JLN Labs - Last update October 15th, 2001
All informations in this page are published free and are intended for private/educational purposes and not for commercial applications

In the Birmingham Business Journal ( July 19, 2001 ) we can read : " The scientific community has also mistaken Power3 for ion wind propulsion, although Transdimensional says ion wind contributes less than 2 percent of the system's total motive force. "

So, I have conducted two tests to check if the fact of removing the ion wind is able to cancel the upward thrust.

Ion Wind Test #1 :

The Lifter1 that previously tested on Oct 1, 2001, has been used for these tests. The three thin copper wires has been completly insulated with Three 5 mm diam plastic tubes so as to remove the ion wind previously generated by these thin wires.

With these plastic tube the Lifter1 is not able to self-levitate, so it has been placed on a Roberval balance and insultated with a polystyren box.

TEST RESULT : When the High Voltage power supply is switched ON ( 41.9 KV @ 90uA - 37.7 Watts ), the Lifter1 goes upward and the needle of beam balance move to the left. ( see the photo and the video of the test below )

The Ion Wind Test #1

Ion Wind Test #2 :

To check again if the main lifting thrust is not generated by the ion wind. I have used a thick cardboard sheet between one wire and the main armature. In the case of the ion wind generates all the thrust, when a cardboard shield is placed below one of the wires, the Lifter must tilt on one side due to the resulting asymmetrical flow.
A such test has also been performed by Transdimensionnal Technologies ( see : )

TEST RESULT : When the High Voltage power supply is switched ON, the device remains stable and continue to hovering at the same level. ( see the photos and the videos below )

The Ion Wind Test #2

Conclusion : It seems that after these two tests, that the ion wind generated by the thin wires isn't the source of the main upward thrust observed on the Lifter device.

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