Index to movies on this CD

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The version that I know works is Windows media player version 9 Windows media player 9 series
A free copy is availabe from the microsoft website and works well with windows 98
Advanced version of windows should work ,but I can't confirm for sure.

Don Adsett 200 machine demonstration
Two disk spiral p/Magnet Motor Idea
Two pulsed capacitor with an assym pulse
Two pulsed capacitor with an assym pulse part 2
Three disk spiral p/Magnet Motor Idea
Animation of three cones as used for hamel device
Electrostatic three arm spinning disk
High voltage corona discharge
The Barkhausen electro magnet effect
Suspect Floyd Sweet VTA demonstration
Vibrating coil on cold ice (carbon dioxide)
Flying saucer Disk
Room Temperature magnetic levitation
Several high voltage discharge in sequence
Spiral coil discharge in a magnetic discharge
Fan and Lit bulbs suspect Floyd sweet type demo
High voltage discharge in tube spiral pattern
High voltage discharge in tube
Electro motor gyro scope demonstration 1
Electro motor gyro scope demonstration 2
High voltage flame discharge
high voltage in twin tubes
high voltage discharge corona
Lord Kelvin water drop experiment setup
Toriodal high voltage discharge
Toriodal high voltage travelling discharge
Hollow circular terminal high voltage discharge
High voltage discharge in convential light bulb
High voltage discharge in what appears to be magnetic influence
Twin high voltage discharge from one terminal
Demonstration of a home made levitron
Another demonstration of the levitron
sonics and water
liquid nitorgen and magnetic levitation 1
liquid nitorgen and magnetic levitation 2
liquid nitorgen and magnetic levitation 3 spinning disk
liquid nitorgen and magnetic levitation 4 driven motor
Plasma discharge in microwave oven
Plasma discharge in microwave oven within light bulb until destruction
Plasma discharge in microwave oven from single terminal
Plasma discharge in microwave oven and resulting fire
Plasma discharge in microwave oven with tin foil hill
Plasma discharge in microwave oven more tin foil
Corona discharge from top of telsa coil
Corona discharge from top of telsa coil
High voltage discharge in incandescent bulb
High voltage discharge with introduced conductor
High voltage discharge igniting conductor
High voltage discharge and a quick flame produced
Small smot demo
Germany Video of the Philipines water var
South African magnetic motor
Newman motor and Fan motor demo
Joseph Newman device demo
Ball bearing levitating
Unknown but appears to be a linear motor
Unknown but appears to be a linear motor2
Unknown but appears to be a linear motor3
Two working pendulums of same length but different weight shapes
A Solar powdered radiometer (toy)
electromagnetic repulsion
larger electromagnetic repulsion
linear smot motor
Super Plasma hydrogen cracking chamber
Side views of Testakica in operation
Ultra sonic water disassociation
Ultra sonic water disassociation 2
Using light buld to find node points in radio transmission lead
A water vortex producer in cyclinder
A part water vortex produced in cyclinder
A water vortex with egg levitated in vortex
Vta demostration
Priciple of Adams motor explained
Priciple of Adams motor explained
Don Adsett linear motor demonstration
Aqua fuel demo
Aqua Fuel producing demo
A metal Don Adsitt
ARDA aircraft First Test Flight
ARDA aircraft First Test Flight 4
Bruce Perrealt year 2000 conference Lecture
animation showing how disks are fitted in hamel saucer project
animation showing how disks are fitted together
A constructors attempt at building hamel disk
simple demo hamel spinner
another hamel demo
water vaporized by sonics
Magnet and ball bearing repulsed
Balance fixture demo by Butch Lafonte
David haun coil energy to battery
Bottle shattered and exploding
High Frequency power and light demo
Calvin Bahlmanns Inventions 2000 BAP conference
Calvin Bahlmanns Power wheel
Water to fuel and cutting a can
The Coanda effect demo
Meuller Motor coastdown
Coil test Meuller motor test
Possible ufo sighting
Exploding wire due to current flow
MP3 Carl Dingle Water Fuel car audio interview
Don Smith teaser from Bruce Perreault conference.
Wimshurst electrostaic generator driving motor
Electrostatic motor driven from Wimshurst machine
Linear electrostatic motor driven from Wimshurst machine
Close up of linear electrostatic motor
Enhqanced Brown Biefeld effect rotor
Magnetic exit ramp experiement
Neo Magnet /black sand coil experiment
Mueller motor explaination
Jim German electric motor explanation
Thomas bearden audio explanation of the Vta Device
180 magnetic ram test
Finsrud magnetic device
Another view of Finsrud magnetic device
long shot view of the Finsrud Device
Plasma flame demo
Floating neo magnet
Front view of Jim German device
gravity pump
animation super martin demo
another animation if the super martin
gravity converter
another gavity converter animation
another gavity converter animation
another gavity converter animation
another gavity converter animation
gravity converter
Geet powered motor
Gyroscopic inertial thruster 1
Gyroscopic inertial thruster 2
Gyroscopic inertial thruster 3
Gyroscopic inertial thruster 4
Gyroscopic inertial thruster 5
Gyroscopic inertial thruster 6
Gyrosopic inertial thruster animation
Gyrosopic inertial thruster animation 2
gyroscopic theory animation
gyroscopic device
Griggs hot water pump possible overunity
Griggs hot water pump possible overunity fire station use
Daniel Dingel water car project
Newman ype motor generator1
Newman ype motor generator2
Newman ype motor generator3
Newman ype motor generator4
Newman ype motor generator5
David Haun Nuclear Kid
Helium 3
High voltage toriod discharge
Close up discharge from wimshurst machine
A lawn motor fitted with a Gitt device
A lawn motor fitted with a Gitt device 2
A lawn motor fitted with a Gitt device 3
Lord Kelvin water drop experiment
Kronzen Motor
Jacobs ladder discharge
Jacobs ladder discharge 2
Basic triangle lifter
Jim Germans load off demostration
Long track magnetic demonstration
magpro animation
small single disk testakica device
Large testakica device
large testakica bulb lighting
Stanley Meyer fuel cell demo
Stanley Meyer working on water powered dune buggy
High voltage toroid discharge
John Bedini type 9 voltage pulse motor
John Bedini type 9 voltage pulse motor
John bedini 3 coil motor
Muller1 motor
Muller2 motor
John Bedini student motor
Magwheel animation
unknown water experiment1
unknown water experiment2
unknown water experiment 3
unknown water experiment4
unknown water experiment5
Newman motor demo1
Newman motor demo2
Newman motor demo3
Newman motor demo4
Newman motor demo
Newman Fan demo
Newman Fan demo
New plasma motor
Non magnetic clogging edison model ford generator
a very simple hamel spinner
cold fusion cell
cold fusion cell 2
Power lifter
testakica may not work with some computer
triangular power lifter experiment
octogon power lifter
power lifter
power lifter
power lifter
power lifter
power lifter
suspended magnetic disk spinning
Noth pole pulse motor
Rmogdemo motor
rotary arc plasma
pvc cannon
high voltage toriod dischare
Anto gravity John Schnure (German dialouge)
Jim Germans motor/generator running when shorted out
side view of Jim German motor/generator
small motor does not stop when shorted out
Smarpak Techology workshop Lecture
Smartpak Technology William Alek
Smartpak lecture of William Alek
smot wheel of Stefan Hartmann
smot wheel of Stefan Hartmann
Possible ufo footage from space shuttle
Ice flow from space shuttle
Testakica demo
more of the Testakica demo
close up of lit light bulb of the Testakica
lower part of the testakica
Tomi linear motor movie number
Tomi linear motor movie number 1
Tomi linear motor movie number 1
Tomi linear motor movie number 2
Tomi linear motor movie number 3
Tomi linear motor movie number
Tomi linear motor movie number 5
Tomi linear motor movie number 8
Tomi linear motor movie number 9
High voltage Telsa donut toroid disscharge
Ufo lifter v1.0 demonstration
The A.R.C. disk Motor
Schaffer Vortex 2nd law violaton experiment
Naration by Tom Beardon on the Floyd Sweet Vta

Movies of Cold Fusion from Jean Louis Naudan

Cold Fusion reactor 1.2 with carbon cathode
Cold Fusion reactor 1.3 with carbon cathode
Cold Fusion reactor 1.4 with a th w loade cathode
Cold Fusion reactor 1
Cold Fusion reactor 1.0 input/output measurements
Cold Fusion reactor v2.1 test
Cold Fusion reactor v2 test
Cold Fusion reactor v3 demo
Cold Fusion reactor v3 test run 2
Cold Fusion reactor v4
Tiny cold fusion demo
CFR power input measurement with a power meter
Cold Fusion reactor v1.1 with K2CO3

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