Bright Idea gif

Your Inventions and Ideas are needed now

To make this website as comprehensive as possible you are invited to submit articles for inclusion on this website or other sites in the solaris site group (all articles will be linked to the contents page here at this site )

The articles should be related to the following fields

Free energy

Flying suacer possible flight technology

Anti gravity

Green Conservation Technolgy

Tidal energy

Alternate energy

Renewable energy

Wind Energy

Solar energy


Over unity

Scientific Discovery relating to the energy field.

or any device that could make life better for the inhabitants of this planet.

Digital photo graphs of your device or devices would be must helpful

If you are unable to supply photograph a gif drawing or drawings would be helpful in describing the invention.

The article it self should not exceed 25 K's in length with photo and drawings included in this total.

If your article exceeds this length then split it in two or more txt files.

Please remmber some of the viewers may not be technically trained so keep your articles as simple as possible so that all may understand where possible.

The body of the article must be sent in a txt file format

This web master reserves the right to edit your articles but this will be kept to as little as possible

All articles and photographs should be free of copyright restrictions and be your own work if possible.

Please include your name and email address and WEBSITE URL if you have one, so these can be added to the website page ,so that others can contact you for more details and the credit remains with the inventor or idea originator.

If you do not wish to have your name displayed on the site, this too will be honoured .

Please note I am not in a positon to offer payment for articles submitted

Send all articles ,digital photo's and picture gifs or jegs to the email address at the bottom

or Alternately to

Geoff Egel
18 Sturt Street
Loxton 5333
South Australia

Looking forward to hearing from you soon

Solaris home page