
From time to time I get an interesting email and not having any proper place to put them on my site I have created this page for type of information and will add others from time to time to help others that may be interested.

Regarding The Testatika

I currently think the energy comes from a different dimension, and

that a toroidal-type oscillating magnetic field can be a catalyst for

an energy transfer. (This is a loose and poor description)"

he knows for a fact that in the middle of the magnet stacks in the large

containers is a "wire". Now, this is what Don Kelly from S.E.A. tells me.

Could find out if the wire was an electrode like the one Prof. Stefan Marinov described in the small

machine. In a post card Prof. S. M. Said, "The capacitors have a cylindrical

grid, cylindrical plastic insulator and a copper spiral in the center. I saw

in one of the small machines there are NO MAGNETS." I'm thinking there is a Hall effect involved.

I'll have to look in to this more.

Kind Regards, Ken

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