Forgotten or overlooked Petrol Patents
> Author Geoffrey Wayne Tilga and George Wiseman
Download txtgif zip first of the series Please read below following first
Download vaporgas.zip the next updated version from here but Please read the following first
The zip file contains a paper on vaporising gasoline in internal combustion
engines by use of radiator heat and mechanical action. The conventional
carburettor vaporises only a small fraction of the distillates
in gasoline, the remainder enters the intake manifold as droplets
of gasoline and leaves the exhaust manifold of the engine as unburned
hydrocarbons.(I.e.:pollution) The simple method discussed in this
paper uses a heat exchanger to vaporise those elements of the
gasoline that will vaporise at temperatures of @150 degrees fahreinght
and below, and feed them in to the carburettor for dispersal in
to the intake manifold. This will result in a greater efficiency
of combustion of the engine, and a sharp reduction of pollutants.
This design is meant for use in stationary engines, such as an
irrigation pump or an electric AC generator, for example. It could
perhaps also be used in an on-board generator/recharger for the
new electric vehicles. The system given is only as an example-over
500 US patents on these types of systems are cited, spanning the
time period from 1997 to 1900. George Wiseman's system is crude,
and capable of a great deal of refinement-the system invented
by the Canadian inventor CN Pogue in the late 1930's using exhaust
heat to vapourize-as the majority of these patents do- is several
orders of magnitude more efficient. The article was written for
persons wishing to apply the principles described and develop
them-it is not a theoretical paper. It is practical "hands
on" engineering. It is for the engineer as well as for the
educated layperson-the farmer who wishes to improve his/her equipment.
A history of gasoline vaporisation is given, and over 37 references
from scientific journals are cited.
The article are in text [I.e.:
*.txt] format. It is packed in 'textgif.zip' attachment, and is
called "Vaporgas.txt" It is 33278 bytes packed,141830
bytes unpacked.An excellent GIF file reader that works in DOS with all IBM compatibles
from 386 up to 686 is called Gifprt51.zip, and can be downloaded from:
We have found that this zipfile 'txtgif.zip' can best be opened
The enclosed material is on alternative energy. It is using an old,
forgotten technology to get the full chemical energy out of the
gasoline you pay for and put in an IC engine. All described material
in the article is based on accepted principles of physics, and
is footnoted accordingly. In runours in the chair of a barber
shop(that's where I heard it in America when I was a boy) you
may have heard about 'suppressed' patents that get tremendously
improved performance on a gasoline engine. We have found a number
of these, which are cited in our article. All US Patents cited
are downloadable in their entirety if you have Windows95 operating
system from US Patent Office Website and IBM company 'womplex'
site. We tell you how to do it in the article. You may put this
on your site as a download/freeware. Its contents may not be altered
in any way, but a seperate file containing comments may be attached
or placed in the same directory for download by visitors to your
site. We look on this endeavour as a continuing dialogue-improvements
in the simple design by those who have downloaded and worked with
this material can be shared with others who could further improve
the designs presented. Of the 500 US patents cited-why has not
any of this technology shown up on shelves in our stores? By Socratic
questions I lead you to draw your own conclusions on this matter.
Share this with as many persons as possible. You may give it/upload
it to the websites of others who are interested, as long as they
abide by the simple conditions mentioned=downloadable as freeware
and file not to be altered in any way. Could you suggest to me
any sites in Australia/New Zealand that might be receptive to
this? Am thinking of alternative farm people, enviornmentalists,
engineers, hobbyists who build gasoline engines, etc. Our idea
is to spread this information as widely as possible-so people
ask why. Please use the 'Abstract' given above as a description
of the contents of the file "textgif.zip" You have my
permission to upload this to your site and spread it to other
sites in Australia/NZ you feel are reputable. Geoffrey Wayne Tilga
My colleague and co author George Wiseman is of one mind with
me on this, and has encouraged me to dissemnate this material
over the Internet. 3/29/98
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