A Free Energy Experimenters Viewpoint

This is an edited letter sent to me by an Australian Experimenter

by the name of Chris Scott

Most people I have met wanted ONE magic thing (usually 240 volts and petrol!) to solve all their problems not realising that with modern materials and good design, systems and cycles can be built which are free once installed.

They will still require similar resources to create them that we

currently use. Why would I want to run an inefficient washing machine on my

efficient energy generator? All washing machine motors should be melted down!

( If they don't do it themsevles that is, and take your generator with it! )

Truly efficient appliances are hard to get. One full size electric refrigerator is available that uses one TENTH the energy of any other on the market. It simply has extra insulation and a ~90% efficient D.C. motor sealed unit, which is a standard Japanese make. Several voltage DC. models and mains transformer models are made in America. The hot stuff is mounted on top of the icebox for access and efficiency. See the 'Real Goods Mail Order Catalog'

Pre this government, Australian industry had finally agreed to this type of

change in standards and had tooled up to carry it out based on the Rio D. J.

Greenhouse gas treaty. This would have meant MASSIVE reductions in pollution,

and gone a long way to reaching the set targets,BUT, Jeff Kennett's Energy

minister vetoed the Australian agreement at the last minute. All the parties

concerned had reached agreement and ONE man could be seen to have been

responsible for some of our current waste.

Coober Pedy once had the worlds largest solar still to treat the water supply.

Now all it has is a broken windmill, because the governments who build these

things never budget for maintenance. The outback solar furnace stations in NSW

are closed because one mans salary to clean the mirrors costs them more than

it does to prospect, mine , refine, and transport large amounts of diesel to

the remote areas ? The Mintabie opal fields in the 80's had the Southern

hemisphere's greatest concentration of heavy earthmoving machinery, and

Diesel fuel use. I dont know if the solar ponds in Alice Springs or S.A. have

been kept running.

An simple example of a free energy system is to connect a 3 way

refrigerator to a solar panel. Peltier modules or Ultrasonic refrigeration

also matches well and I have installed the first 2 mentioned. The Australian

inventors of the piezo-electric-utlrasonic refigerator moved off-shore.

No moving parts is good for long life.

Someone I know said that this costs too much etc. and wasn't TRULY free

energy. I went ahead and did it, he spent lots of dollars AND hours trying to

make free energy. I can have a cold beer and tinker with ideas without running

a diesel everyday like him. Wood is also burned in winter in an efficient

heater, but the hot water and refigerator runs off bottled gas.

General Electric / Westinghouse and others make excellent Peltier

generator modules that won't oxidise in air at 900 celsius.

Spaceprobe Stirling engines are also in one of their old catalogs.

Some Installed applications were Himalayan Border beacons, Sonar buoys and

mines and other such inaccessible sorts of places

Apparently when thermocouples were discovered ~1840 they were more

efficient than the steam engine.They could have burnt coal or focussed

sunlight to heat banks of thermocouples to produce all the electricity they

needed but they had no electrical appliances to speak of. Georg Ohm used one

as an accurate current generator to define the unit bearing his name. Ice,

steam, thread and a needle were added to make an sensitive instrument.

The vortex tube you mention is a Hilsch tube invented in Germany ~1930. It

has a vortex chamber at the injection point and a throttle valve on the hot

end. It can achieve -60 celcius temperatures. They apparently were used to

cool lathe tools during use. Scientific American has a good starting plan.

Real ones are commercially available somewhere. Compressors are usually

inefficient unless you can power them for free.

Heat pipes are another oddity currently used to cool lathe tool tips.

These conduct more heat than Diamond OR Silver and are trivial to construct,

in Copper or stainless steel.

I saw a free pump in a 1970's Popular Mechanics. Your pump has a bit

missing. There is an amazing book on water pumping technology put out by the

United Nations. Giant Humphrey pumps were tested on the Murray last century. [ still working on long weekends for tourists web master]

I know a guy that had some pigs. I reckon he alone could have run all the

towns tractors and cars instead of letting it run over his neighbors place and

into the river. It wasnt a large piggery either. Larger quantities of methane

can be made using plant matter. If an engine runs on this fuel it is

essentially free and almost neutral as an air polluter. Efficient methane

compression is a big problem for portable uses. Hydrogen or home brew will

also do. It seems that for real Portable power nothing comes close to solid or

liquid fuelled engines/burners for the power to weight ratio. Flywheels could

exceed them.

Food or fertiliser are more valuable than any fuel however.

A crankless vibration free internal combustion engine was built ~1930 in

this country by Mitchell who invented the Marine thrust bearing. He built

three compact 8 cylinder engines, one of which was still in use in the 60's

without an overhaul. These motors were also experimented with in flying boats

by the U.S. Navy. This engine design requires only straight or round machining

and can be made on a lathe. Some car air-conditioning compressors use a 12

cylinder Mitchell configuration. My friend found some scale blueprints for the

original motor in a university library. I intend to build one from ceramics,

There is no existing patent on this motor. Pritchard's Steam Car is also worth

looking at, or ANY steam car for that matter, they have many advantages,

having the highest torque available.

They can be constructed from off the shelf parts.

A Victorian consortium is working on a fuel burning Tesla turbine. An

interesting photo of a prototype appeared recently in a solar energy journal.

(See AUSTRALIAN INVENTIO-(NS) (RS)? edited by Leo Port. At any libray)

This book was inspired by the ABC inventors series in the 70's

ELECROSTATICS By A.D. Moore (recently republished and updated) ~$16 U.S.

(A.D. Moore was the worlds greatest electrostatic consultant.

Electrostatic web sites tell his story, and review this book.)

It's written for children/adults but It gives full plans for many Improved

electrostatic generators and devices.(giant ones made from junk are discussed)

His Dirod and Radial generators have greater efficiency than Whimshurst and

other generators. Watch it in the dark to see where it leaks. I built several

20 years ago for shocking fun. I also tried a one-shot Kelvin rail gun. The

current edition has a new construction section for the whole family of

generators. I built my original two Radials from a basic table of dimensions

and some tiny photos given in the first edition. The bizzare spray patterns

from the Kelvin were my favorite, real spooky in the dark.. This book is

essential if you play around with electrostatics in any form. A water or

camera flash capacitor can EASILY kill under the wrong conditions. This book

shows how to do things safely. I foolishly connected with a small water bucket

capacitor charged up with nothing but a hand spin from my machine. I didn't

recover properly for 2 days! A whole family of people said that they saw

lightning strike a metal pole not 3 feet from where I sat during a storm but I

never noticed it ! (it was one of those VERY bright and loud thunderstorms)

ELECTROSTATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS ( in industry )?? Edited by A.D. Moore

This has some very strange devices in it!

Self exciting direct capacitor disharge distributor drop in replacement.

Lucas fleet trialled 100's of them in the 50's. The engines can run submerged

in salt water with bare wires to the spark plugs. The original was a Whimhurst

on a Rolls Royce silver ghost ~1930. The Lucas unit was pressurised with a

small amount of hydrogen gas at ~300 psi. The thrust bearing or seal would

fail. Their research stopped after a few years.

A distributor using the Wiegand Wire effect to directly fire plugs was

described in Electronics Australia.

St. Elmo's Fire Machine.

Take one radial aircraft engine and propellor.

Inject oil into the exhaust manifold.

Ionise the exhaust with a high voltage.

Blow Ionised Aerosol at target.

At night Depending on the weather, trees and objects downwind for long

distances over land and shorter distances over water were observed to break

out into spectacular corona. No wonder!

This has probably been tried since with a jet or rocket engine.


Airborne sand curtains and particle deflection systems. Suitably excited

electrodes resembling fence poles and screens raised and sustained vibrating

sand curtains which were accurately steered by voltage control. Insect

trapping and ejection was also investigated. Electrostatically deflected ink

jet printers and mineral separation systems exist.

The worlds best electrostatic research was carried out at Grenoble in

France. Many electrostatic industries are based there. Reports from there

were/are available. SAMES DC generators. (parley vous Francai?)

I also built a small Adams motor and took it to Mr. Adams at the Sydney

Nexus workshop in 1995. A Farmer from Queensland built a 1 metre one costing

$0000? and his son showed a video of it. Mine cost nothing to build from

recycled junk, The magnets were made from an old IBM washing machine size hard

drive servo assembly magnet and one was cut into 6 pieces and hand ground to

identical cylinders weighing within 0.01 of a gram. The 6 magnets were epoxied

into a perspex rotor and a 5 inch floppy drive provided the bearing and drive

coils as well as the hall effect device. Fake leadlight adhesive copper foil

was used for interconnetions. It has a 5" by 1/2" or so rotor sandwitched

between 6 drive coils with room for more coils,and it will run at 15,000 rpm

on 24 volts for fun, but this motor overheats because the prewound coils and

poles dont match closely. The first ever motor that I helped a friend to build

did not overheat and the ocilloscope showed 24 amp pulsed coil currents and

ran cool using 3 mosfets. Unfortunately the magnets got loose on the first one!

My disc Adams

motor has a strangely shaped power curve, (The current required drops

dramatically as a load is applied.) This was done using true RMS measurements

and there are several reasonably sharp resonant modes in different direction

and timing positions. Some AC motors are more efficient when under load but

not quite like this. I have had no free time to investigate further except to

build a rougher smaller motor out of an ag-pipe end cap, with relay coils for

drive. 50 amp power mosfets are used for all motors, Motorola make the most

rugged devices and lowest 'on resistance'. 75 amp are available in TO-220

packages which are easy to parallel.

The Queensland one had a Special grade non magnetic stainless steel rotor

and when the son saw my small one he said "Why didn't we try a small one

first!" Mine was the same design. Both were built on farms! Adams could have

simply proved that his design worked by bringing a motor to the conference,

starting it on a battery and then switching it over to its own power to let it

run stand alone as claimed. He didnt. He has stated that he wants to help

solve the energy crisis, he better hurry up as he was in his mid 80's at the

time! A man has to eat but the rest of us can starve! I don't blame him

really. Whether it is free is another thing but the motor alone is an

excellent design for many uses. I need to pursue it further. An aquaintance

claims to economically split water using the pulsed output from this type of

motor. I haven't had enough time to check it out. All the texts I have seen

say a fixed amount of electrical energy produces a fixed amount of gas.

(Faradays laws) Some conventional devices RELY on this known quantity. This

amount of electricity is HUGE for the amount of gas produced. (Aluminium

production is worse.) It is better to use the electricity directly if

possible. However, commercial hydrogen manufacture uses pressurised cells to

increase gas production. There is no mention of pressure in any of the

scientific texts I have read.

Energy is only one of our resources! Not many things can be built to last

for more than 20 years before wearing out, The ultimate in energy conservation

is to delay the need to recycle the material, Perpetual motors included.

Current solar panels are Guaranteed for 20 years, no other energy product

comes close to this.

I liked the windmill instructions but it's

properly called a Savonius Rotor. A drag type as opposed to lift type of

windmill. It can be made in many configurations and blow over at right angles

to light winds due to the Coriolis Effect. The Flettner rotor sailship of the

1930's used this effect. It's inefficient but cheap. I would like to find out

more about vortex energy. I always thought those printing plates were good for

something but I never knew what. I have some good books on pedal power,

windmills and kites. Major parts were ratted from my electric bicycle to fix

the Adelaide University's Solar bicycle. I wonder if they got it all together

in time for the start.

Making Diamond tools

Diamond tools are still made simply by rolling or casting diamond

into copper. Sand works well. I have ground many valuable gems to dust with

these primitive methods and am not alone in this opinion, as all the

Lapidary people would agree.

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