The Longitudinal Magnetic dielectric wave experiments.


 There appears to at present two fields of thought on how the best way is to handle and distribute electricity.

 With the normal method we commonly use today is called TEM the side effects are at the power output level isto have both heat for any capacitor or coil in the output section.

 That is the Dielectric (capacitor) and the magnetic field (coil) becomes warm.

Another disadvantage is that we are unable to store large charges in the capacitors causing a flash off when the voltage limit has been reached. Some people believe this is not the ideal way of handling electrical energy.

 With the second method which some indicated is better the following is true

At the output the magnet field coil remains warm but unlike the first circuit diagram the capacitors will remain cool and we find that it is possible to have large voltages rivalling the effects of the Tesla coils and also some interesting effects with television receivers have been claimed.

 With modifications of the design 1-watt illumination becomes possible.

 Their experiments in this case can be done by anyone without too much difficulty as the main component capacitors and coils are usually found in the junk box.

Whilst only three building blocks are shown in diagrams additional construction blocks may need to be added to get better effects.

  Please check out the Tesla page for more information about the longitudinal wave.

 This web page is short and experimentation is perhaps the best way to find more out yourself,when you attempt to do some experiments.

I would like to hear how you got on when you do.

Geoff Egel 18 Sturt Street, Loxton ,5333, South Australia ,Australia