The  Feberrus  cell
a variable ply orgone pump


Thanks to Didi and Onieros


This produces a lower concentration of hydrinos at one end and we get a moving hydrino stream.

The end of the variable ply was connected to the fuel intake of a two stroke weed wacker motor.
After 5 min. "saturation" it was started.

Pass this info around the cosmos !

by Didi Feberrus

Power can be generated from small atoms of a special form of hydrogen called
hydrinos. The electron orbital in a hydrino is collapsed far below the
ground state of hydrogen.
Turning hydrogen into hydrinos releases alot of heat energy as the collapsing orbital gives off it's power.
Turning hydrinos back into hydrogen by a spark gap absorbs heat from the enviorment createing a cold flame that can rust proof metals.
Hydrinos are produced by the sun or by reacting hydrogen gas with a hot pottasium catalyst. The hydrinos are so small they can pass through most materials. Water absorbs them.
To collect them for power usage a metal container is wrapped with alternating layers of
organic and inorganic sheets (like wax paper and aluminum foil) the box must
have metal as the innermost layer and organic as the outermost. This setup
was once called an "orgone accumulator" that concentrated "orgone" energy.
This is what it actually does however.
The accumulator can supply hydrinos to a car engine which will run cold as the hydrinos expand into hydrogen form absorbing heat.
Hydrinos can also make neat new chemical compounds such as a 10 kilogram battery that supplies 150 horsepower for 1000 miles. It is being made by a company called Blacklight.

To make a flow of hydrinos construct a pipe with varying amounts of layers that go in descending order.
This will make hydrinos flow to the less wrapped end.
To make the hydrogen efficently from water use a recently discovered electrolysis secret:
get two flat plates to serve as positive and negative electrodes.
Then put 3 neutral plates between them.
Hook the positive and negative plates to a battery.
Then put the plates in water. Hydrogen will accumulate at the negative
electrode. You can then turn it into hydrinos. The neutral plates create
MUCH more efficient hydrogen generation.
For more info: my email is:

Caution ! Read this first!
If you're building this device: Be careful, don't point the hydrino beam onto any radioactive material
or similar like screens and so on.
This could result in DOR which is deadly orgon (read the book from Wilhelm Reich about this!).
It would create serious health hazards to anyone around for a long time.
Also don't put yourself or other people into the beam.
Connect the hydrino (= orgon) beam only to a motor to run it as described,
and especially look at the answer given to question nr. 5.
Be careful!
You build at your own risk.We are not responsible for any damage possibly resulting
from making and using the device described here, or following the instructions given,
nor for anything else you do with it.

Questions and answers:

1. In one of your emails you said you used a copper pipe, on the web page
it says aluminum, which is it or doesn't it matter?
Didi's answer:
Mine was copper. It does not matter however.

2. The wrapping of the layers, does each layer have to be wrapped
individually or could one use a long aluminum foil sheet and wax paper
sheet and roll them up slightly crooked so that it was slightly shorter
each turn then cut them off even with the other end of the pipe? This
would make construction much easier.
Didi's answer:
As long as it follows the standard rules for an accumulator do what you

3. Must you generate large amounts of hydrogen with electrolysis to make
it work, or can it just collect enough from ambient as does the "joe cell"?
Didi's answer:
Oh my no! I told you the hydrogen method so you could travel at
nighttime. during the day the sun will shoot the hydrinos into the
accumulator for you. at night use heated pottasium to turn the hydrogen to

4. You said you attached it to the fuel line, does it have to be aluminum
all the way or was it cut and attached to the rubber hose fuel line as
would be typical for a weed whacker?
Didi's answer:
We made the connection flexible, it was rubber. Electric tap an glue.
Hey I don't have BB's budget!

5. Does the two cycle engine sieze up after running a while without the
normal lubrication provided by the oil in the fuel?
Didi's answer:
Onieros took care of that. I think castoral syntex is added through the
accumulator periodically.

6. If you are generating hydrogen, is the engine powering a generator to
drive the electrolysis thus proving self-running?
Didi's answer:
You could have it power blacklight batteries for night travel. But we
don't have a generator, this was a proof of concept run.

7. Is the output nearly all water vapor or some water vapor and mostly
hydrogen?  If it is mostly hydrogen that could be cycled back to the
potassium catalyst. If it is mostly water vapor that would indicate that
you are actually getting two explosions in the chamber, first hydrinos to
hydrogen and then hydrogen to water.
Didi's answer:
There is a fair amount of hydrogen but mostly water

8. Is the simplest way to test if you have a working tube
just to try a sparker next to the end like one you would use to start a
propane torch? Or does it have to be an electrical spark?
Didi's answer:
electric spark gap

9. If the hydrinos will just pass through most materials
does the choke work regulating the engine speed?
Didi's answer:
I am not sure but it could be modified so your chokes can use plys.

10. How is it to be connected to the end device?
Didi's answer:
Just hook the end with tap or putty to the fuel intake. You can use a
rubber hose. If the tube has plys it is even better. it is to be used for

11. What is the reason that the hydrinos concentrate on left side of the tube.
Also, what was the reason that having concentrated on the left they would want to flow to the right?
Didi's answer:
In an accumulator the hydrinos are concentrated and trapped.
They start behaving like a gas. The higher plys exert more pressure. The
lower plys less. I have given you a solid state hydrino "pusher". The gas
flows to the area of least resistance.

12. What are the dimensions of the copper or aluminium tube?
Didi's answer:
My pipe is copper 7 cm diameter, about a foot and a half in length.
The size ist not important. It's just variable plys on any tube.

More comments:

It appears that the hydrino generator you propose is much less complicated than the JOE cell which as far as I can tell uses a similar principal. I was thinking that the two factors mentioned in the description of the device.
That is that heat is generated when water is converted to hydrinos, and that heat is absorbed when a hydrino reverts back to hydrogen in the presence of a spark.
One of the difficulties of the JOE cell appeared to be that the motor ran so cold that the water in circulation in the car motor froze. It was proposed that the water in the cars cooling system be replaced with hydraulic fluid which doesn't freeze as readily.
I was thinking that as far as a functional car goes, there is a need for a heater in the cabin. These are generally run from the heat generated from the running of the motor, a JOE cell powered motor would lack this. Also the modification of the impeller to cope with hydraulic fluid though effective would possibly be unnecessary.

My question is have you thought about combining the generation of hydrogen to produce heat and hydrogen gas, and the hydrino stream from the hydrino generator being cycled into the hydrogen gas to make more fuel to run a vehicle?
You make reference to combining the two. I was wondering whether it would be possible to integrate a hydrogen generating cell into a cars water cooling system. For example attached to the header tank of the cars radiator.
How do you focus the beam of hydrinos to where you want them to go?
How did you attach the end layers of the hydrino generator to the carburetor of the weed wacker?

Thanks for forwarding these concepts they are exciting and I want to try some for myself,

Didi's answer to Paul:
No my engine is MUCH simpler than Joe's. There is no water to keep
warm. The sun just beams the hydrinos into the accumulator. The whole thing
is dry. I told you how to electrolysize water so you can get hydrogen to make into hydrinos for night-time use.
But the water is not directly converted to hydrinos like with Joe. You get the hydrogen, then react it with pottasium.
That makes your night-time supply.

  Here is an alternative thought about these hydrinos :

     Since these things are supposed to come from the sun, might they be
     muon-hydrogen? Muon-hydrogen is a normal hydrogen atom but it has the
     electron replaced with a mu-meson (muon for short). The muon has the
     same charge as an electron so it is electrically neutral like regular
     hydrogen. What make it different is that a muon is much heavier than
     an electron (207 times). This means that a muon will orbit much closer
     to the proton (again 207 times closer). What this gives you is a much
     smaller hydrogen atom (almost).

     Anyway, perhaps if you put this muon-hydrogen in an electric arc, some
     of the electrons could replace the muons. The now normal hydrogen
     atoms would expand and the spare muons would decay like how muons do.
     The expansion does the work.

     What bother me most about the 'below ground state' is the instability
     of the atoms. Would the background ZPE take them back to ground state
     almost instantly? Isn't there just too much energy around the sun for
     below ground state hydrogen to exist for long? Doesn't a muon-hydrogen
     atom seem more stable?

Didi's answer to Martin:
all right! theory number 3! HYDRINOS AT A LOW ENERGY STATE DID
This theory is also possible.
But let's remember what I said: They can be "evil spirits" as long as they do
what they are supposed to. Yes you are correct it could be this theory is
right but how do we prove any of these?

It is the concentration and trapping that makes me silly. How can you
either concentrate or trap something that is structually much smaller than
the trap?
You can't catch water in a fishing net because the nets holes are so much
bigger than the water molecules.
You can concentrate coffee grounds from coffee by using a coffee filter
which traps the bigger grounds and lets the smaller coffee chemical

Didi's answer:
Big old tokamaks trap little plasmas with magnetic fields. And it has
something to do with multiple reflections and absorptions (metal, organic).
The best analogy I can do is that of a dynode that succesively amplifies
power. Maybe a magnify glass helps you visualize the process. For me it's the

Link:  Nu Energy Horizons -