Chapter 7


" Nature is the embodiment of the simplest conceivable mathematics. "

Albert Einstein.

To calculate the height of the cylinders for maximum efficiency, proceed as follows:

1. As covered in greater detail in the chapter on " Charging the water ", make sure that you have your chosen test current flowing through the cell. I normally adjust my electrolyte to obtain a repeatable current flow of 1 Ampere with 12 Volts across the cell.

2. Place a known voltage across the innermost cylinder and the outermost cylinder. For car use, I suggest 12 Volts from a car battery or equivalent. The negative goes to the inside bottom of the innermost cylinder, ( normally 1" diameter ), and the positive goes to the outside top of the outermost cylinder, ( normally 4" or 5" diameter ). Measure this voltage accurately!

3. Now leave one lead of the voltmeter on the inner cylinder, and with the other lead, find the half voltage point radially from the inner cylinder to a point in the water. Do your best to memorise this point. Now place one lead of the meter on the outer cylinder and with the other lead, find the half voltage point radially towards the inner cylinder. Note this point. It will be close to the first measured point, but not necessarily the same point! If there is a difference halve the difference and record.

4. Measure diametrically the distance from the centre of the innermost cylinder to the half voltage point as measured plus the difference, if any. Double this measurement! This is the diameter of the " seed " circumference. For example on a 4,3,2,1 cylinder cell, the total diameter was 2.24" and for a 5,4,3,2,1 cylinder cell, the total distance was 2.83"

5. By using the natural logarithm of the height of the cylinder, we can interpolate and work out our optimum cylinder heights. The formula is: h = e to the power of d ( h = height of cylinder, e = 2.718281...,d = seed diameter ). All measurements must be in inches. I have worked out some standard size values for you. You can easily work out your value from the following table.

Cylinder Seed Cylinder Seed

height diameter height diameter

6" 1.79" 13" 2.56"

6.5" 1.87" 13.5" 2.60"

7" 1.95" 14" 2.64"

7.5" 2.01" 14.5" 2.67"

8" 2.08" 15" 2.71"

8.5" 2.14" 15.5" 2.74"

9" 2.20" 16" 2.77"

9.5" 2.25" 16.5" 2.80"

10" 2.30" 17" 2.83"

10.5" 2.35" 17.5" 2.86"

11" 2.40" 18" 2.89"

11.5" 2.44" 18.5" 2.92"

12" 2.48" 19" 2.94"

12.5" 2.53" 19.5" 2.97"

20" 3.00"

6. So in 4. above, we would use inner cylinders of about 9.4" for the 4 cylinder cell and we would use 17" cylinders for the 5 cylinder cell. If this height is too long for you, you can use the next submultiple for the longer cylinders, ie. 8.5" for the 17" cylinders, etc. There is a corresponding loss in " breeding " output, but as long as your cell is not too leaky and you are not travelling in a strip of low level Orgone you should get away with it.

7. At no stage should you use inner cylinders of a length of less than 7" of cylinder height for the most common cubic capacity car engines. Of course, for test cells, you will be able to get away with lower surface area cylinders. I use 5 inch ( 125 mm. ) high cylinders in my test cell, as this allows me to use less water during experiments.

Final note on the above. Many many cells have been built without going to, or knowing about, the above table and they all work to a degree, well enough to start the car. As a simple reliable rule that works, use 7 inch long inner cylinders and a 9 inch long outer cylinder for a 4 cylinder cell. Use 8 inch long inner cylinders and a 10 inch long outer cylinder for a 5 cylinder cell.


The contents of Joe cell chapters
What is the Joe cell
Some Properties of orgone
Some names for the life force
Orgone Polarity
Theory of Cell Design
materials and design
Sizes and diameters
Water types and relations to cells
Charging the water cell
Connectioning to motors
When Things go wrong
Miscellaneous Thoughts
Some Readers contributions
Brotherhood of Man A Joe cell parts supplier
index page where the contents of these chapters came fom