The hamel device a constructors report

This a device built by an US constructor and I have no additional info apart from whats at this volume.

After a year of experimenting with small scale devices I began to prepare to build the "big one", the device in the 45 gallon drum, as Hamel says if you don't built big it won't work (he's right). I wrote David Hamel asking for any information he could provide about this experiment. I was surprised to receive a thick envelope back, sent by express post (that cost him $5).I opened it, and there inside were complete plans for the 45 gallon drum experiment. I have scanned thedocuments and put them here. They contain all the measurements and design details required to build it!I am gathering materials and getting ready to start construction right now, and hopefully WE ALL will beable to build this thing and make it work!

This render I made is what the fully assembled device will look like (more or less).This arrangement is lowered in a 45 gallon barrel (or some other 24" diameter steel cylinder). The steel shell is very important, itsomehow "traps" the magnetic energies inside, and it is the "magnetic compression" inside the barrel that causesthe energy effects to be produced. I think that the device will run out side of the barrel, but the cones will onlywobble continuously, no energy effects would be produced. This possibly would be good for demonstrations, we can onlyspeculate at this point what would happen.

Other important details

-A 45 (Canadian) gallons drum and a 55 (American) gallon drum are the same thing.

-If the device successfully runs for 1 hour I will turn it off and re-enforce the container with steeland cement, as you may recall Hamel's 45 gallon barrel device imploded after 2 hours of running. By that timethe device had been glowing red. hopefully longer run times will produce more effects like his larger devices did.

If you have any suggestions or comments or additional informations please email the original author at He would like to get feed back from other people experimenting in this area. If the device He constructs based on Hamel's plans worksHe will post the FULL construction instructions (that has a nice ring to it, eh?) at his Underground Sciencez site below.
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