Reproduction of a "Magnetstromapparat"

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The Hans coler device a description

The following document is a record of an experimenters attempt to re-construct a "Magnetstromapparat". Before you get excited, I must say that so far, I have not been able to get my device to work. The purpose of this document is to prevent someone else making the same errors. My disappointment does not of course, mean that Hans Coler's device did not work!.

I have only been able to construct my example based on the information available from the B.I.O.S document widely available on the web and a photo kindly provided to me. It is hardly surprising that my device does not work as a great deal of detail is missing . Perhaps with your help the device can be refined and made to work. That is the object of this document!

As I have said, a number of important construction details were missing from the document, so assumptions had to be made.  These will be mentioned later, but for now I shall detail my device.

Item                No          Type                Detail                                   Comment.

Magnets            6            Alnico              100mm x10mm diameter        Special Order. The 10mm dia was a guess.
Coil wire                         26 AWG          Copper enamelled wire           A guess, no detail available.
Breadboard       1           Hardboard        500mm x 500mm approx.       Make it 600 x 500 next time!
Capacitors         2          Ceramic             22pf  radio caps                    Value guessed no detail.
Inner coil           1           Cardboard         25.8mm Dia.(2.25")              The coil was 100mm long.
Outer Coil         1           PVC                 17.6mm Dia(3")                     The coil was 100mm long
Nuts and bolts   many     various                                                            nothing special
Masking tape
Cable ties.

The adjusters were made from PVC electrical conduit for hiding wire in household installations. 6 pieces were cut to 120mm
length .


First the magnet/coils were made. The North and South poles were established and marked. Then the magnets  were carefully measured and marked out with a pencil and the short wire (300mm allowed ) soldered on after carefully cleaning the spot and ensuring all the enamel was removed from the end of the wire . A high powered iron is needed . The other end was soldered on connected to a reel of  26 AWG wire about 1/3 of the circumference from the first connection. .

Paper was cut to length an attached with masking tape. the coil was wound , bound and secured. 300mm was left over for connections. Attention was paid to get the correct direction of winding for each of the six coils.

These were attached with plastic cable ties to the top section of the PVC conduit to make a slider arrangement.

The centre of the magnet system was determined and using a protractor, 60 deg angles were marked to give the positioning of
sliders. This centre is offset on the board to allow room for the sliding coils.  Holes were drilled and the base of the sliders were attached to the board. Care is taken to ensure short bolts are used so that the cable tie does not get caught on the bolt, restricting the movement. (A better way of securing the magnets is needed as the free ends of the magnets attract each other during close adjustment!!)

The "solenoid" coils were made next. These consisted of a single layer of the same wire each wound to 100mm length on 150 mm formers. This is probably where the biggest error is. there is no data to suggest the size, length, diameter etc of the coils.
Before winding the coils, holes are drilled to anchor the wire and to provide points to secure the coil to the board.

The outer coil is mounted with bolts, centrally, but on one edge of the board. To provide the adjustment arrangement, the same PVC conduit was used. Three pieces are needed. Two base sections about 250mm set at each end of the outer coil centrally straight out from the edge of the former. The smaller inner coil had a 400mm top section placed centrally through the inside and bolted on .The  inner was inserted into the outer and clipped on. Again short bolts are needed to ensure free movement.

The whole assembly was wired together in accordance with the B.I.O.S document.


A cheap "digital" voltmeter was connected to the terminals.
All sorts of adjustments were made over many days. sometimes the device was left to sit for hours after which readings were taken.

No output was noted.

The only encouraging observation is that when the sliding coils were moved in and out a small voltage was noted but it soon disappeared.

What do you think?? (polite answers only please!) All constructive comments are welcome particularly if you have made one of these and got it to work. Please reply to the energy 21 newsgroup you can join this list at the sign in button below................................
