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How To Build A Gravity Car
by Dan A. Davidson - 01/28/98


Last summer I published my 5th book, "Shape Power", which describes in detail the experiments which Joe Parr and myself have been doing. The simpler experiments we term the "Gravity Wheel Experiment".

Joe discovered the basic effects and perfected the instrumentation. I was interested enough to hop on the band wagon and duplicate the simpler aspect of the experiments. The results from these experiments showed that we can

regularly get anywhere
from 30% to 800% weight reduction

under some strange conditions with the gravity wheel instrumentation, the simple version of the experiment, a 2D version.

The three dimensional version of the experiment, the "Centrifuge", regularly got over 100,000 times inertia increase.

The three dimensional version of the experiment produced so much energy that it destroyed the equipment on a regular basis, prompting Joe to develope the simpler 2D version to study the effects.

I wrote the Shape Power book to try and elicit interest in duplication of the simpler experiment so we could get a world wide data collection going to map the energy conduits or stargates as some have called them.

Only a couple of people have shown enough interest to request the total documentation package; however, they haven't got there yet so this little diatribe is to try once again to get some of you purported researchers out there in weird science land to give a hand.

I don't think I got your attention the first time so let me spell it out for those of you who perhaps haven't read the Shape Power book and didn't get it. And after you read this don't bother me until you've read "Shape Power" as I am not interested in taking you from square one to square 100. I expect YOU to do the "dead work" as Keely put it.

Using this newly rediscovered technology, I propose the development of a 'Gravity Car' to verify that it can be used in a controlled fashion.

The Gravity Car

The GC can be of any shape but let's say we have a small triangular shaped craft with a total weight of 800 pounds with payload of 200 pounds giving us a combined weight of 1000 pounds.

The GC will have a pilot compartment and the pilot can be the payload. The craft could be made of any material, a fiberglass shell would do fine. The mainframe of the craft would consist of a plywood frame supporting the shell, pilot seat and controls and the gravity lifters.

Now most of you have a little imagination and you can figure out the details of the shell and frame. What is important is the gravity lifters.

Gravity Lifters

The gravity lifting drive is based on the follow table parameters and some are derived results from those numbers. The basic numbers are taken directly from the Shape Power book derived from many years of experimental evidence.

Craft Weight

1000 pounds

Weight of pyramids

2 ounces each

Number of pyramids

72 (3 lifters with 24 pyramids each)

Inertial amplification/pyramids


Pulse rate of ampl(/s)


Pulse Duration

0.05 seconds

Lift (lb.) for Duration


% time Lift acting


Total Lift (lb.)


Est. Cost (Redneck version)

+/- $2000

Est. Cost (Fitted out w/shell)

+/- $10000

The pulse rate of 0.05 is based on an average number of energy pulses which the experiment gets every day. This number is actually much better during a conduit.

Similarly with pulse duration. Most pulse last about 1 to 10 seconds. I used three lifters to give a three dimension 3 degrees of motion control (i.e., X, Y, Z).

As the reader can see, with the above conservative parameters we get 1252.5 pounds of lift which would easily overcome the 1000 pounds weight of the craft.

Any takers?

More Information from Dan A. Davidson

The Parr Gravity wheel

The Gravity Wheel