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Dear Everyone,                        Has any of you ever experimented with the Parr Gravity Wheel?  I constructed one a while ago but did not have much success.  Please let me know if anyone has done it.  Joe Parr recons he can regularly get up to 800% weight reduction.    

The Parr Gravity Wheel Experiment:

Around the periphery of the wheel are copper triangular shapes. When the motor spins the wheel the copper triangles move between permanent magnets mounted statically on either side of the wheel. This new experimental set up is depicted in figure 8.

The author had been following Joe Parr's experiments over a several year period and after Joe had some initial success with the new experiment the author, with Joe Parr's assistance, built a duplicate experiment.

Figure 8. Parr Gravity Wheel Experiment Design

It took several months to get my version of the experiment to operate successfully. Tuning involved getting the experimental setup oriented properly and proper grounding. The shaft must be oriented east-west. A negative ion source is set within a few feet of the spinning wheel to feed the force fields which form around the copper triangles on gravity wheel.

The experiment is set on a delicate scale which measures accurate to 0..5 grams. The static weight of my experimental setup is about 1200 grams. Joe Parr's version is about 1800 grams. My experiment used machined maplewood to hold the motor and shaft, and the stanchions which hold the magnets and Parr's experiment was made of machined aluminum.

During experimental operations the weight of the experiment can drop from 0 to 6.5 grams. When one considers that the gravity wheel with the copper triangles weighs about 24 grams the total normal operational levitation effect is on the order of 25% weight loss. This by itself in a remarkable experimental effect and deserves acute attention.

The scale which is used in the experiment is an Ohaus Precision Plus purchased from Cole Parmer. The scale can measure accurately within 0.1 grams over a range of 0-4000 grams. The scale has an RS-232 serial interface which allows the scale to be interfaced to a printer or computer.

The scale outputs the weight continuously except when there is a scale upset. The upset weight can be varied and it was set at the maximum of 5 grams. This means that if the scale weight is changed more than 5 grams within a couple of milliseconds then the RS-232 interface stops outputting the weight.

My preliminary hookup of the scale was to a computer; however, the intense forcefield which builds up around the experiment destroyed two computer interface cards. Since the RS-232 interface stops outputting data on a scale upset, the serial output of the scale was converted to a voltage level and used as an indicator.

When the voltage drops, a scale upset has occurred. The voltage level was/is interfaced into a pulse counter. This provides a count of scale upsets greater than 5 grams. Figure 9 is a graph over time of scale upsets. This shows the count of when the gravity wheel changed weight over 5 grams. If the 6.5 gram weight loss is added to the 5 gram upset, we are looking at about a 50% weight loss of the gravity wheel. Joe Parr's data showed a correlated hit with my experiment's data on April 11th.

Figure 9. Data from Dan Davidson's Gravity Wheel Experiment

There are two basic types of force fields built up in and around the experiment. There is an ovoid shaped forcefield around each of the copper triangles.

When these small force fields build up in intensity they cause a drag on the motor which can be plainly heard in the lab. There is a larger forcefield which builds up around the entire experiment setup.

Independent tests with a clairvoyant, a clairsentient, and a dowser all verify the large force field around the experimental setup. Figure 10 depicts the approximate shape of the large force field.

What seems to be happening is the earth moves through energy conduits which go from our sun to other planets and star systems. When the gravity wheel experiment crosses one of these energy conduits, the forcefield around the copper triangles intensifies to the extent that the bubble starts moving either toward the conduit or away from the conduit very rapidly and a scale upset occurs.

Attempts at simulating the energy conduit thus far have failed. We are in the process of evaluating the data and we have found some correlation with planetary and stellar conjunctions where the earth gets lined up with other planets or stars and our sun.

The data analysis is currently in its infancy so we can make no statements of solid fact other than that we are getting some very impressive gravitational effects.

.Figure 10.

Ovoid Forcefield Around Gravity Wheel Experiment and Small Energy Bubbles Surrounding each of the Triangles of the Gravity Wheel.


How To Build A Gravity Car

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Kindest Regards,

David Mason...