The David Hamel update

In follow up to my first page on David Hamel I am pleased to present additional information on his magnetic devices.

This three grear design is from David Hamel! It is his design! . The magnets are suppossed to be around the circumference of the gears. It is not show in this pic. A contact of mine is at present is constructing this device and when I hear more I will add his progress to this page.

There is a lot of speculation that ancient Egypt may have had access to technology unknown at present to us. If you look closely at the above picture you may see a connection to the device below.

David claims aliens told him all along that they had contact with ancient cultures. It is interesting to see the arms of the people in a pushing position but seemingly not touching anything.

Look at the eyes on each person as they seem indicate a level position and balance. On the whole the entire picture seems to indicate balance to me.

The knees of each person are bent indicating to me energy ready to spring upwards but held down. The hands on the ank seems to pushing upwards but if you look closely you see the weight finely balanced on a small middle section of the picture centre..

Notice too the dome top but there is a gap between the top and the weight.

Wonder why they choose an oval type drawing here and not something man made with straight lines a triangle or a square. (interesting a magnetic field is decribed in science as on circular oval shape. Interesting too also to see three sets of figures on either side of the dome and those also pushing against something unseen also. Notice also a wooden disk at the bottom seemingly floating above the bottom of the drawing in the white gap space

Using two human like figures make be also mean two parts of the same things there appear to be the same but on closer examination each is wearing a different head dress.They could also be be a male and female ( probably making a wild assumption here but what about representation of North and South )

The two figures seem to be sitting on something either like aladdin type lamps maybe to indicate light or perhaps they look like birds possibly indicating flight. Or they could also be Egyptian rafts seemingly to indicate movement. I am usure what the wavy lines on each side represent maybe they indicate magnetic waves or water type ripples etc.

There may be many other unseen forces you can feel an invisible push against but there only one that I can think of and that is magnetism in a replusion field.

All parts of this design appear to have the magnetic forces in a repulsive mode and in balance overall The device is seems able to rotate and tilt in any direction. The base seems to have magnets in an attraction arrangement as displayed in the diagrams below.

Hard to so say what these two diagrams but assume one plate sits on another with four rotating balls at the corners help to keep the two magnet arrays apart. expectecting more details on this shortly assuming the drawing are correct this would mean the magnets here are in an attraction arrangement..

Diagrams showing the tilting rotation of the three magnetic cores in relationship to one another.

Don't have much information on these yet but I assume they are two parts in a repulsion or attraction mode balanced on either a non ferris ball maybe granite as David has indicated in his book the Granite man and the butterfly.

The Hamel Experiments

The Hamel Spinner


animation showing how disks are fitted in hamel saucer project
animation showing how disks are fitted together
simple demo hamel spinner
another hamel demo

A constructors attempt at building hamel disk

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