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Free Energy Designs and other related Inventions

65 ways to save electricity and your money

The Flasher

The Wimhurst electrostatic generator Hints

Solar Cardboard food cooker and an umbrella version

making a self high voltage charging electret

making your own Vande graf high voltage generator

A modern Lord Kelvin experiment

Simple experiments for you to try

Stronger electromagnets with a different type winding

Making a permanent magnet same article as above

Windmill based on Viktor Schaubergers Repulsine

The hamel Spinner

Photo and Drawings from David Hamels Flying Disk

The Hamel Experiments updated

The Dunlite electrical Wnd Power System

The inventions of Lester Hendershot

The Humphrey Pump explosive gas water pump with photos

Articles on a Magnetic gyro and Lenz motor

Articles on electrostatics from the original constructors

The Ted Pritchard Steam Car

Sterling cycle liquid piston engine

The Invention of Harry E.Perrigo

The Inventions of Viktor Schaubergers

Magnetic Rectifier

Electrolytic Decomposing gas generator

A magnetic experiment

The Floyd Sweet Vaccum Triode experiments

Pulsed Capacitor Disharge Electric Engine

SWISS ML Testakica could be the one that will work

Turbine based on the work of Viktor Schauberger updated

A new type of liquid pump

Pulsating wind generator

Free energy device design using batteries

Reluctance type motor updated

The free energy devices of captain Hans Coler

Interesting flying saucer design

Pump salt water using magnetic and electro fields

The temperature wheel of Wally Minto

Electrogravitational desalination of saline water for clean water and electrical generation

Earth Batteries

Another Solar Desalinator

Other free energy UFO and science related sites

Roger underground radio

Cheap twin flex cord antenna

Solaris home page