
Chapter 1.

" Since corrupt people unite amongst themselves to constitute a force, then honest people must do the same "

Count Leo N. Tolstoy.



My intention ( to the best of my ability ) is to remove some of the mystery, secrets, guesswork and plain misinformation that surrounds the construction of the " cell ". The aim is to help the constructor make a cell in a laid out, step by step, method that I employ to make my own cells. My knowledge comes from making the cells. As I have built many working cells, this experience has given me the knowledge, not by guesswork or reading someone's book or listening to second or third hand " expert " opinions. I now pass this information on to you. and it will always stay as my opinion and information until you build your own cell. Only then will you know how to make a cell, and not before!


In approximately 1992 a new form of a generator was constructed in Australia. In preparation for this book, I spoke to both the designer and his fiancee, regarding my wish to give him the due credits, etc., for his 7 years of work and cooperation with all involved parties. Unfortunately due to the lunatic fringe and money grabbers that dealt with him, this poor, victimised individual has decided to relinquish any further involvement with the cell that bears his name. So in respect to his wishes, he will simply be referred to as Joe. I would simply like to say, dear Joe, that if it was not for rare individuals like you, we the vast brainwashed majority, would never find the true beauties of Mother Nature's gifts.

It is now probably to late to save Mother Earth from the years of pollution and desecration caused by the thoughtless money-grabbing multinationals. As a species, we are unique. Even a little simple bird keeps its nest clean, yet we the most intelligent of creation, destroy our only home! Yet, individuals like Joe show us that there is a better way, a simple pure way, Nature's way. Without the benefit(?) of years of dogmatic mind shrinking education, Joe found, by intuition, how to ask Nature a question in such a way that it answered. The answer was a method of powering machinery without the use of our primary resources or the creation of pollution. This method is well known to the select few and the technology has been around for centuries. Joe has made a crude easy to build version of this generator. The generator is called a Joe cell.

What is a Joe cell?

To find out, let us look at some of the characteristics of the cell as stated by Joe:

* The water in the cell is not consumed.

* The cell runs cold to the touch.

* It takes a period of time before the engine will run from the cell. It then has an erratic

power output and works in an intermittent fashion.

* When the cell is removed from the car, the engine takes an appreciable time to return

to " normal " and run from the original fuel.

* If the cell is left in the car for a long period, the engine becomes " charged ". From

this point, the cell is not required for the motor to run.

* All spark plug leads can be removed and the engine will still run as long as the

ignition coil and distributor remain functional.

* The output of the cell, does not have to be connected to the internals of the engine, a close

external coupling will do.

* The cell requires the " charging " of the water to work.

* The " charged " water can be poured from one container to another without losing the

" charge ".

* The cell requires a specific style of construction, little understood by most constructors.

* An empirical construction style has evolved with little, if any, science or success.

* The source of power for the cell and its use has great value for some individuals. These

* individuals are creating misinformation, cloaking operations and fear to the cell constructors.

* Human presence can affect the operation of the cell in a positive or negative way.

There is much more information on the Joe cell that is available to the privileged few, but we have enough information from the above clues to identify the energy type. From the above, it is plain to see ( as I will explain to you ) that without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, the Joe cell is a crude Orgone accumulator, and that the cell runs on, or collects Orgone. There is a 100% correlation with Orgone energy and its properties. As these accumulators have been and are in use all over the world, the constructor can share in this vast pool of knowledge. For example, as early as the first of January 1867 a French patent, number 60,986 was issued to a Martin Ziegler for an accumulator of a living, non electrical type of force . The experimenter can with a little research, and notes like these, bypass the myths, misinformation and the mongers of secrets and get on with scientifically based facts. Also, he can be prepared to realise and meet the DANGERS that await the rash and fool hardy.


The contents of Joe cell chapters
What is the Joe cell
Some Properties of orgone
Some names for the life force
Orgone Polarity
Theory of Cell Design
materials and design
Sizes and diameters
Water types and relations to cells
Charging the water cell
Connectioning to motors
When Things go wrong
Miscellaneous Thoughts
Some Readers contributions
Brotherhood of Man
A Joe cell parts supplier
index page where the contents of these chapters came fom