

" To obtain real knowledge, we must feel the truth of a thing, and understand that it is true,

and know the reason why it cannot be otherwise.

Max Heindel.

Acid A substance which releases hydrogen ions when it is added to water. The hydrogen ion is solvated ie. a water molecule adds on to it, to give the oxonium ion.

Acetic acid The common name for ethanoic acid.

Accumulator In our case, a rechargeable Orgone concentrating container

Alkali A base which is soluble in water. They are usually metal hydroxides eg. sodium hydroxide, but ammonia solution is also an alkali.

Alloy Is a mixture which is made up of two or more metals or which contains metals and non-metals.

Aluminium The most abundant metal in the Earth's crust, ( approximately 8% by mass ). It is obtained by electrolysis of Bauxite

Ampere The unit of electric current. It measures the rate of flow of charge. 1 Amp = 1 coulomb/second.

Anion A negatively charged ion.

Annealing A process of heating a material for a given time at a given temperature, followed by a slow cooling. It is a common form of heat treatment.

Anode When a solution undergoes electrolysis, the electrode with the positive potential is called the anode. In the Joe cell, it is the outer casing.

Atom The smallest indivisible particle of an element that can exist.

Battery A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

Brass An alloy of copper and zinc.

Bronze The combination of >90% copper and <10% tin.

Capillarity The tendency of the water in a Joe cell to move up the sides of the cylinders depending on the relative attraction of the water molecules to each other and to the cylinder walls.

Cathode The negatively charged pole in a battery or electrolytic cell.

Cation A positively charged ion.

Cell Defined in our case as an accumulator of Orgone energy.

Conductor An electrical conductor is a substance which allows an electric current to flow through it.

Current Electric current is the movement of electrons through a conductor. It's measured in Amperes.

DC Direct Current. The type of electrical current produced form a simple cell or battery.

Diamagnetic A repulsion by a material from a strong magnetic field. It will try to find its way to the weakest part of the magnetic field.

Distilled water Tap water and rain water are not pure. They contain salts and dissolved gases. Water is often distilled to increase purity. Most of the salts are left behind but the water may still contain dissolved gases. The presence of carbon dioxide reduces the pH of the water considerably.

DOR Deadly Orgone. An " unhealthy " form of Orgone energy in the atmosphere.

Under agitation by materials that act as irritants to Orgone, the Orgone

energy eventually becomes immobilised and " dead ".

Electrode An electrode is a conductor which dips into an electrolyte and allows the current ( electrons ) to flow to and from the electrolyte.

Electrolyte A solution which contains ions.

Electrolysis When a direct current is passed through a liquid which contains ions ( an electrolyte ), chemical changes occur at the two electrodes.

Electron A fundamental negatively charged particle, part of an atom. If an atom loses an electron, it becomes positively charged ie. a cation, or if it gains an electron, it becomes negatively charged, ie., an anion.

Element A pure substance which cannot be broken down into anything simpler by chemical means.

Ethanoic acid It is one of the simplest fatty acids. Vinegar contains 5% or more of ethanoic acid.

Fuel A fuel is a substance that releases heat energy when treated in a certain way. In most fuels, the energy is released by combustion. So, strictly speaking, when the car is running on the Joe cell, it is not using any fuel.

Heat treatment The subjection of metals and alloys to controlled heating and cooling after fabrication to relieve internal stresses and improve the physical properties.

Hydrogen A gaseous diatomic element. The atom consists of one proton and one electron.

Insulator A substance which, in our case, is a poor conductor of both electricity and Orgone.

Ion An atom which possesses an electrical charge. When an atom gains or loses an electron, it becomes an ion.

Ionisation The gain or loss of an electron in an atom.

Iron The most widely used metallic element. One of the main problems with iron is that it rusts.

Leaky The inability of our cell to retain the Orgone charge over a period of time.

Litmus This is extracted from lichen and used as an acid-base indicator.

Mass This is how much material a substance possesses. It is usually measured in grams or kilograms.

Magnetic material One of a number of substances that are strongly attracted by magnets and can be magnetised. These include iron, nickel, and cobalt, and all those alloys that contain a proportion of these metals.

Meniscus The curved upper surface of the water in the Joe cell, caused by capillarity action.

Molecule The smallest particle of an element or compound which exists independently.

Nucleus The part of an atom where the mass is concentrated. It contains protons and neutrons.

Neutron One of the particles which are found in the nucleus of all atoms except hydrogen. It has approximately the same mass as the proton but no charge.

Nitrogen An unreactive diatomic gas which forms about 78% of the atmosphere.

Orgone The cosmic life force. See section on Orgone in book.

Oxonium ion The loss of an electron from a hydrogen atom leads to the formation of a hydrogen ion. This is a proton.

Oxygen A gaseous non-metallic element. It makes up approximately 21% of the atmosphere.

Paramagnetic A material with a slight attraction towards the region where the magnetic field is strongest is said to be paramagnetic ( As opposed to a diamagnetic material ).

Petrol A mixture of hydrocarbons which is used as a fuel.

pH pH scale from 0 to 14 used for measuring acidity or alkalinity. A pH of 7.0

indicates neutrality, below 7 is acid, while above 7 is alkaline. Strong acids such as those used in car batteries, have a pH of about 2; strong alkalies such as sodium hydroxide are pH 13.

Acidic fruits such as citrus fruits are above pH 4, fertile soils have a pH of about 6.5 to 7.0, while weak alkalis such as soap are 9 to 10.

The pH of a solution can be measured by using a broad-range indicator, either in solution or as a paper strip. The colour produced by the indicator is compared with a colour code related to the pH value. An alternative method is to use a pH meter fitted with a glass electrode.

For our Joe cell work, the paper strip indicator is more than adequate ( and cheap ).

Pipette A piece of glassware used for measuring and transferring a volume of liquid.

Polymer A large molecule in which group of atoms are repeated.

Proton A positively charged subatomic particle found in the nucleus of the atom.

Rubber A natural polymer. It is a hydrocarbon. Rubber is a good insulator.

Seeding The initial capture of the Orgone force in our cell.

Steel An alloy which contains iron as the main constituent.

Sump The lower 1 inch area under the cylinders in a Joe cell.

Suspension When a solid is added to a liquid and the solid neither dissolves in the liquid nor sinks to the bottom, the mixture is referred to as a suspension because the solid is suspended in the liquid.

Vinegar A solution which is made by the action of bacteria on wine or cider. It contains about 4% ethanoic acid. It is used widely in the food industry for preserving foods.

Water An oxide of hydrogen. It is one of the most common compounds on the earth. It does not conduct electricity in its pure state although it can be electrolysed if small amounts of acid or alkali are added. The products are hydrogen and oxygen. The water which we drink is never pure.


The contents of Joe cell chapters
What is the Joe cell
Some Properties of orgone
Some names for the life force
Orgone Polarity
Theory of Cell Design
materials and design
Sizes and diameters
Water types and relations to cells
Charging the water cell
Connectioning to motors
When Things go wrong
Miscellaneous Thoughts
Some Readers contributions
Brotherhood of Man
A Joe cell parts supplier
index page where the contents of these chapters came fom