The BingoFuel Reactor v1.0 by JL Naudin
created on April 2, 2003 - JLN Labs - Last update April 14, 2003

All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.


The BingoFuel Reactor (*) uses ordinary tap water and low voltage electrical energy for producing a synthetic gas. A high temperature ( 3000-4000°C ) plasma is generated underwater by an electrical arc between carbon electrodes. The BingoFuel Reactor produces a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen (COH2) and this gas can burn very cleanly in oxygen or air, and so it can be used as fuel for an internal combustion engine. When burned, COH2 produces carbon dioxide and water vapor, so it generates very little, if any, pollution to the environnement.

<< This gas burns cleanly, producing water vapor and only the amount of CO2 that was originally absorbed by the biological mass when it was growing in the ground. Contrast this with burning fossil fuels (oil and natural gas) which resurrect old buried carbon and add it to the atmosphere from ancient cemeteries in the ground. Instead, biomass gas burning recycles recently absorbed atmospheric carbon dioxide. The input energy is typically about a thousand watt-hours or about 3300 BTU to produce about 250 liters per hour of carbo-hydrogen (8.5 cubic feet per hour). With a heating value of over 500 BTU per cubic feet, the COH2 output energy exceeds 4000 BTU, often approaching 5000 BTU in high efficiency designs. Thus, this biomass gasification process has an overunity efficiency of about 125% to 150%. However, when the entire energetics of the system are accounted for, including the ultraviolet light radiation, heat loss, etc., estimates of 200% to 400% are reasonable. >>
( Document source : Future Energy Technologies by Thomas Valone )

Below, an analysis of this synthetic gas by the NASA (1) :

Hydrogen 46.483 %
Carbon Dioxide 9.329
Ethylene 0.049
Ethane 0.005
Acetylene 0.616
Oxygen 1.164
Nitrogen 3.818
Methane 0.181
Carbon Monoxide 38.370
Total 100.015

This device is fully based on the Hilliary Eldridge patent US 603,058 "Electrical Retort" granted on April 26, 1898.

Today, there are a lot of names for this synthetic gas such as Aquafuel, Aqualene, Magnegas, TrueFuel, Carbo-hydrogen™....

The BingoFuel Reactor is filled with tap water and uses a low AC voltage ( about 30V ~ )

The BingoFuel Reactor converts tap water into a synthetic gas which can be used as fuel for an internal combustion engine....

Above, the ignition sequence of the BingoFuel Reactor v1.0

Animated video of the BFR v1.0

See the video of the BFR v1.0 in action

To see the video, the free downloadable RealPlayer is required
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Test RUN #1

Click on the picture above to see the video ( 613 Kb )

Test RUN #2

Click on the picture above to see the video ( 581 Kb )

Test RUN #3

Click on the picture above to see the video ( 634 Kb )

Click here to see an MPEG video of the BFR v1.0 in action

( 04-03-03 ) Gas OUTPUT Measurements :

See the video of the Gas OUTPUT measurement

Click on the picture above to see the video ( 1 Mb )

Volume of Synthetic Gas

Volume of Fuel mixture


0.5 liter

3 liters

10 sec

3 liters

18 liters

1 minute

180 liters

1080 liters

1 hour

Comments from JL Naudin : The Synthetic gas produced at the output by the BingoFuel Reactor is not able to burn itself, it must be mixed with air in proportion of 1/5 ( one volume of synthetic gas with five volumes of air ). So, the Fuel mixture useable for an internal combustion engine is 6 times more than the gas produced. The BingoFuel Reactor is able to produce about 1080 liters per hour of Fuel mixture.

Interesting documents :

(*) Bingo Fuel is a term used by pilots - a prebriefed amount of fuel that would allow a safe return to the base of intended landing. Bad weather would force higher "bingo fuel" amounts. A radio call of "bingo fuel" would lead to an RTB ( Return To Base )
Aquafuel is a trademark from Aqualux Corporation, Magnegas is a trademark from Hadronic Press Inc, TrueFuel is a trademark from Advanced Energy Research Corporation, Carbo-Hydrogen is a trademark from DW Energy Research

See also :

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