BingoFuel Reactor v1.1 tests by JL Naudin
created on April 2, 2003 - JLN Labs - Last update April 14, 2003

All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.

You will find below some tests of the BingoFuel Reactor v1.1, this is an improved design of the v1.0. The purpose of these tests is to use a portable power supply ( a portable welding unit ) and to measure the power input required for getting the 180 liters/hour of synthetic gas ( or 1080 liters/hour of fuel mixture ) at the output of the reactor.

The BingoFuel Reactor is filled with ordinary tap water and uses a low AC voltage ( about 30V ~ )
BingoFuel Reactor converts tap water into a synthetic gas which can be used as fuel for an internal combustion engine....

The BingoFuel Reactor is powered with a portable welding unit ( CEA AS170 - 140 Amperes AC )

TEST #1 : with Digital Multimeters and a current transformer

The voltage is 30.8 Volts AC 50 Hz and the current 81.6 Amperes.
The current is measured with a current transformer ( 400:1 ).

Animated video of the BFR ( videos only from the net) v1.1

See the video of the BFR v1.1 tests

To see the video, the free downloadable RealPlayer is required
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Video of the TEST#1

Click on the picture above to see the video ( 841 Kb )

TEST #2 : with a Digital oscilloscope and a current clamp

The measurements have been done with a Digital oscilloscope Fluke 123 and a current clamp

Video of the TEST#2

Click on the picture above to see the video ( 963 Kb )

Comments from JL Naudin : The Synthetic gas produced at the output by the BingoFuel Reactor is not able to burn itself, it must be mixed with air in proportion of 1/5 ( one volume of synthetic gas with five volumes of air ). So, the fuel mixture useable for an internal combustion engine is 6 times more than the gas produced. The BingoFuel Reactor is able to produce about 1080 liters per hour of Fuel mixture.

Volume of Synthetic Gas

Volume of Fuel mixture


180 liters

1080 liters

1 hour

It is interesting to notice that in this test of a 1 cell BingoFuel Reactor, the current used is 81.6 Amperes (see Test#1 ). With a same value of current used in a 1 cell electrolyser the volume of the of H2 is 36 liters per hour ( at 20°C ). There is 46% of H2 in the synthetic gas generated by the BingoFuel Reactor, so it produces about 83 liters per hour of H2. The BingoFuel Reactor produces 2.3 times more H2 gas than a common electrolyser.

The fuel mixture produced by the BingoFuel Reactor is about 1080 liters per hour, a common 1 cell electrolyser produces about 54 liters per hour ( at 20°C ) of mixture of H2 and O2, so the BingoFuel Reactor produces 20 times more of fuel mixture than a common electrolyser.

The next step is to connect the BingoFuel Reactor to an electrical power generator as its main source of fuel...

See the next test :

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