Alternative Fuels researches
created on
April 2, 2003 - JLN Labs - Last update April
18, 2003
All informations and
diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.
A 5HP electrical generator fully powered with the BingoFuel Reactor
BingoFuel Reactor
Burning gas tests with the Bingo Fuel Reactor
BingoFuel Reactor
The BingoFuel Reactor v1.0 ( 1080 liters/hour of fuel mixture )
How to build a cheap and simple AquaFuel generator
Please note the following information only available from the net
Tout sur le processeur multi-carburants de Paul Pantone par Quant'homme
Des véhicules rétrofités avec succès...
- De nombreux conseils techniques pour les constructeurs du PMC par M.David
Tests et plans d'une tondeuse équipée du PMC par Jean-Louis Naudin
Full tests and diagrams of a lawnmower retrofited with the PMC by Jean-Louis Naudin
Tests d'un groupe électrogène rétrofité avec le PMC by Philippe Driot
Test of an electrical power generator retrofited with the PMCby Philippe Driot
- Plans et conseils pour faire fonctionner un moteur classique avec de l'eau
- The ALF Vaporizer system manual by Alan Francoeur ( with diagrams and photos )
- The Brown's gas generator by Milan Manchich ( with diagrams and photos )
- A working and tested water engine patented by François Cornish ( with diagrams and photos )
Unless otherwise noted, all materials at
this site (including without limitation all text, html markup, graphics, and
graphic elements) are copyrighted ©, 1997-2003 by Jean-Louis Naudin. The
material available through this site may be freely used for attributed
noncommercial educational purposes only. We ask that due credit and notification
be given the author.
All materials appearing on this website may not be
reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or used in any way for commercial
purposes without the express prior written permission of the copyright
Disclaimer:from the use or The author assumes no liability for any
incidental, consequential or other liability from the use of this information.
All risks and damages, incidental or otherwise, arising misuse of the
information contained herein are entirely the responsibility of the user.
Although careful precaution has been taken in the preparation of this material,
we assume no responsibility for omissions or errors.
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