The Jackson Chemical Hydrogen Generator

Although I have called this device the Jackson Generator, I do not take credit for the chemical reaction that this system uses to generate hydrogen I can claim the apparatus and the way in which I have applied it.

The reaction chamber is made of steel tube with at least 4mm wall thickness and the whole unit is of welded construction, Stainless steel would be better but quite expensive, I have used mild steel all round as it was just experimental and I wanted to build units different sizes which I am trying to run a vehicle with.

When assembled the chamber is opened and aluminium foil which can be bought at the local store, is torn into around 4" pieces and screwed up into a loose compact ball each ball is thrown into the chamber until the chamber is at least one third to one half full, then the top is sealed tightly as there will be lots of pressure generated.

Next the chemical chamber is partially filled (1/4) with a mixture of water and sodium hydroxide, I used a bake bean can and 2 cans of water to about 1 cubic inch of powdered sodium hydroxide, or around 14 to 1 I think from memory either way you can experiment with the mixture the more hydroxide the more violent, hotter and quicker the reaction that will take place, naturally you will get more gas faster over a shorter time if you increase it, I haven't seen a kipp generator in action but I suspect from descriptions I have read this generator will give it a run for its money

Next fill the scrubber about 1/4 full of clean water, and its better if you also use an extra second water scrubber in line , a full one this time the idea being to scrub, cool and clean the hydrogen gas, the first scrubber will probably absorb any overflow from the chamber and fill up to around half full,with dirty black water.


When the reaction takes place It will run very hot so be prepared to use it in a place where the reaction chamber can get extremely hot and not melt anything.!

You must use a one way valve in the this system as ignition of the gas may turn this whole thing into a bomb, don't leave it out!

Hydrogen is very volatile!

There is some added protection if you have a second scrubber as the water will help prevent any flame getting back into the chamber but you still need the one way valve just in case.

I used a non-return valve from a wrecked Mitsubishi sigma the valve was in the vacuum line which ran to the power brake booster.

I take no responsibility for any harm you may come to if you experiment with this device, I only put it forward as an idea for a device which I have built to generate hydrogen gas in large amounts, thus am only sharing the idea I will not nor cannot take responsibility for anyone else, if you choose to build this device you are on your own! it is not for fools and the onus is on you.

Having said that when all is ready pour the solution into the chemical tank making sure it is sealed tightly for when the pressure builds it will equalise the tank and help push the solution into the chamber, the reaction is very fast and depending on the mixture will probably run for about 1 to 2 hours and produce large volumes of gas enough to blow up balloons and let them fly etc

You can leave off the back pressure valve, it was something I used to increase the pressure in the reaction chamber but found it not needed.

So open the chemical control valve and way it goes, slow at first then quickly lots of gas, the chamber will run almost red hot, then afterwards you will have to wait for it all to cool, clean out the silver gunk in the chamber

flush it with clean water, put in more alfoil change the scrubber water and you are ready for another experiment.

If you have experimented with electrolysis and seen the mediocre stream of bubbles which probably wouldn't even run a lawnmower, you will be impressed by the amount of gas produced in this device, I have put a plug with a 3mm hole in the end of the supply hose after the one way valve and lit it, it burnt for about 1/2 an hour with a flame about 3" long.

One of the best ways to observe the output is to put the outlet hose into a plastic bucket of water.

Rubber 3/8 automotive vacuum hose, (yes it came off the same Mitsubishi sigma) I have found will stand up to the heat as it is strengthened with some sort of woven canvas and very strong, unless you have some Teflon tubing?, plastic beverage tube is okay from the output of the first scrubber although it will sometimes get soft use Hose clamps all round due to the pressure

ATTENTION if you experiment with this device at your own risk then please make sure you use it in a well ventilated place such as outdoors, not inside a normal modern room with the amount of gas you may be overcome, plus the explosive nature of all that gas accumulating indoors one spark and BOOM!

With the increasing cost of fuels ,I believe we should all be working towards becoming independent of the oil companies who seem to be profiteering, falsely elevating the cost of petrol and lately the gas prices have risen enormously, fully sanctioned by the government of the day it seems, especially in Australia where at present the fuel excise going to the government is almost 50% of the price of fuel, this despite the cries of the people.

The above description of a device that I have been working on which I hope can

and will be applied many different way's there are many forms of aluminium and

the chemicals are very cheaply obtained.

I would be very glad to hear any tried and workable ideas you might have of other ways to apply this system, so I may try them myself.

Apologies for my technical drawing prowess as I am no tech drawer

D Jackson

Doug Jackson Author and inventor of this device

Web editor note.

I am a little concerned the author has used mild steel in construction of his chambers as over a period of time I believe the sodium hydroxide may also react and break down this metal as well as the foil he is using.

The author mentions he would have like to have used stainless and I feel this may have been a better alternative.

Other hydrogen related articles at this website

part one of my experiements with hydrogen gas generation

part two of my experiements with hydrogen gas generation

part3 of my experiements with hydrogen gas generation

part4 of my experiements with hydrogen gas generation


Be warned hydrogen gas is dangerous to play with and could be lethal in the wrong situation

Have Fun and please be care full

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