Principle Experiment

With respect to the engineer's report the 'principle experiment' is set up in such a way (see diag 1) that when someone grabs hold of the swivelling cross-piece they transfer some static electricity from their body to the grilles of the cross-piece which, when vigorously turned back and forth will initiate a transfer of electric charge to the two blocks below them attached to the base. This is because anyone walking over a carpet or wearing man-made fibres will already hold thousands of volts of electrostatic charge - which will be enough to 'prime' this apparatus, after touching it, to get it to work; much the same as when a rotating influence machine has to be primed with an electric charge before it will work.

The use of mesh around the cross-piece guarantees a variable capacitance to the moving arms - and as these are moved quickly over the base blocks (again, alternated with mesh and Plexiglas) an amount of electric charge will be transferred to them EACH TIME the arms go backward-and-forward over them. Electronically, you have one variable capacitance acting upon another variable capacitance - which is why Baumann said that if metal foil were used instead of the mesh it would not produce the same effect.

What happens next is called "dielectric absorption", and the following extract, from "Dielectrics" by P.J.Harrop (1972) pp71, will explain;
"When a given dielectric [ie plexiglas] has a field put across it, and this field is then removed, the electrodes are briefly shorted out (not enough for all the ions and particles to relapse back) and the device left on open circuit one finds subsequently that it has partially charged up again.
This is due to the slow-moving charge carriers remaining in position. It can be a frightening phenomenon with practical dielectrics since a person who has briefly discharged a charged insulator may subsequently touch it and be severely shocked."
Some dielectric materials being more prone to this effect than others, and so obviously some experimentation will be needed to choose the best perspex, plexiglas, plastic, or acrylic materials so as to take the most advantage from this dielectric absorption effect.

Once the blocks are being charged up the electric charge simply flows into the two interconnected capacitors and accumulates.

Linden Experiment

A careful look at the diagram of the Linden experiment (see diag 2) shows a horseshoe magnet coupled to a closed-ended wire which acts as both an induction coil and an antennae loop. It can also be seen in this diagram that the wire coils around the magnet are sufficiently spaced apart so as to provide capacitance (between each coil of the wire) in the circuit. So, with capacitance, an inductor coil, and magnetic flux, you have all the ingredients needed to make an oscillating circuit - all that remains is an initial pulse or blip of electricity to start it off and you have a circuit that will resonate.

Indeed, because the wire has a 2 feet loop, it will readily act as an antennae to pick up electronic pulses, and all you would need to do is place this wire loop near something that is already oscillating (like a Testatika generator), or even if you were to just wave your hand near the wire loop, it will cause the wire, coil, and horseshoe magnet, to pulse and subsequently to continually oscillate. The frequency of resonance would depend on the values of inductance and capacitance included in the circuit.

And as with the Linden experiment if a block comprising two metal plates separated by a suitable dielectric material (such as plexiglas) is placed in an oscillating electric field the electric charge on the metal plates will permeate into the dielectric, and for the same reasons as detailed above for the 'principle experiment', will accumulate to a higher and higher voltage because of dielectric absorption. As I have already said elsewhere there is a great similarity between the phenomenon of the Testatika horseshoe blocks and the principle behind Patrick Flanagan's Electron Field Generator which energizes an electron cascade mechanism throughout the immediate environment.




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other pages concerning the Testatika in this series.

The index and information page for this series of pages
The electron field generator
The electron cascade effect
Some free electric notes
The Principle Experiments
Testatika demonstration 1999 report
Methernitha Testatika News
Testatika Machine ML converter pictures
A transcript from the Testakica video

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