My Contact with UFO's by Dino Kraspedon chapter one

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Preface to this second edition Introduction A Pleasant Surprise.

God Matter and Energy

Overcoming Gravity

Authors Note

Astro Navigation

Sundry Topics

Olaf Roemers Experiments

The Aberation of light

Man wasted Efforts

The atomic danger

Life on other worlds

Farewell and Conclusion

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To all those who fought, and are fighting, for the progress of ideas, against the bitter criticism and injured pride of their contemporaries, in a desire to create a better world: not for themselves, but in order to lighten the burden of life for future generations

"I am surprised that scientists of Earth should continue to put their trust in their false science, in spite of all its errors they have so far been unable to rectify, and to deny the supreme science which is God They are like glow-worms enamoured of their own light, crying out to other glow-worms, The Sun does not exist; the light in my tail is the only light there is'"

(The Captain of the Flying Saucer)

Preface to Second Edition

WHEN we wrote this book we had not expected so rapid a confirmation of many of our affirmations. A month after the first edition had come off the press a Dutchman announced that he had been in contact with beings from Venus who informed him that another Sun would come into our planetary system, which is in accord with what we wrote. A Professor of Roman Law at the Catholic university of Santos said he had been in contact with the crew of a flying saucer, and his story is similar to ours, including details of the system of propulsion by the creation of a vacuum, which no one had mentioned before this book was published. Counties like the U.S.A. and Great Britain published the results of their researches and announced that they hoped to construct interplanetary craft using ionisation as a means of propulsion similar to that described in this book.

We have said that gravity is a combination of phenomena in which the atmosphere plays a large part and beyond which one is almost entirely free from gravity. We showed that all objects have the same rate of fall in a vacuum which disproves Newton's law as it shows that the mass of the objects is attracted by the vertical, component of magnetism. Many "boffins" would be highly amused at this, but the success of the sputniks shows there is some truth in what we have said.

The Reds announced that they had launched an artificial satellite weighing 86 kg. whereas the Americans, obstinately clinging to the laws of gravity and relativity, doubted the truth of the Soviet announcement, having calculated that only a satellite of 5kg. could maintain itself in orbit.

The Soviets replied by saying that not only was there an 86 kg. satellite in orbit, but that the third stage of the carrier rocket had, contrary to expectations, also gone into orbit round the Earth; and the rocket weighing much more than the satellite. The theory of gravitation is therefore a non sequitur.

At this height, free of the atmosphere and subject only to a small proportion of the vertical component of magnetism, the satellite becomes more subject to its horizontal component and moves at a certain speed corresponding to the relation between its mass and the magnetic impulse. As magnetic lines of force describe a circular path around the planet, both these bodies launched into space went into orbit round us.

We should have been happy to have received even the smallest scientific confirmation, let alone this wealth of proof which has accumulated in so short a time.

It was apparently not God's will that proof should be lacking, as even the Soviets have declared that planets are repelled by the light of the Sun and not attracted by it.

This statement is to be found in our book, and we can go so far as to say that it is the backbone of the system we have described.

We could make a long list of all the proofs such as observations of aurorae, properties of electrons, etc., but it would tire the reader's patience as he would have read about these himself in the Press. We would, however, like to publish a letter from the U.S.S.R. addressed to one of our scientific friends:


Please note I was unable to convert the Russian script for the address (web editor)

Moscow, 26th September, 1957

Dear Sir~

We have your letter, together with your book My Contact with Flying Saucers which we have passed on to the astronomical section of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (Bolshaya Gruzinskaya St. 10), asking them to reply directly to you. We are of the opinion that Soviet astronomers will be very interested in the work of their Brazilian colleagues.


(signed) Constantin Chugunov.

(Head of the American Department of Voks).

We would like to point out that our friend, who shall remain anonymous, sent a copy of this book to a friend of his in Russia without asking for any comment from the Academy of Sciences. He only wanted to show that the West was taking some interest in flying saucers. Being a scientist and not wishing to give the Russians the impression that he was a raving lunatic, he told his Soviet friend that our book was in the nature of space fiction and was a sample of a new type of Western literature. However, the Head of Voks, who is also a scientist, when he had taken note of the problem, passed it on for study by the greatest academy of science in the world. Surely the Reds are not idiots. Why should they waste their time studying a work of fiction? Could it be that they found something more in it than light reading?

The book was sent off in June and as early as October the U.S.S.R. published the results of its researches on the effect of the repulsion of solar light Far be it from us to say that the fruits of the Soviet scientists' researches were based on this book, but we are in any case grateful for the moral support which we have derived from them. If they accept our scientific theories, may they not forget to take note of our ethical conclusions also. May their hearts ponder on the humanist and religious aspects as fully as their minds have worked on the scientific ones. The deference that has been shown to our book by cultural institutions in the U.S.S.R. is flattering to us and should help to call our authorities' attention not to the book itself, but to the whole subject of flying saucers.

If they are loath to follow the Soviet example, they should at least take note of the desperate attempts that the Americans are making to obtain all possible information about flying saucers, which border, in certain cases, on the unscrupulous. This does not apply only to the Americans, but to the Russians as well.

Many people have attacked us and even those who believe in the existence of flying saucers are subjected to invective by the incredulous. We have disregarded them and not taken offence. It is not us they are attacking, but Truth, and this, whatever they may say now, will one day triumph. They can no more deter us with insults than pebbles can stop an advancing wave. The wave of Truth will one day break over them and submerge them.

Dmo Kraspedon

Sao Paulo. November 1957.



THE events which are described in this book have been kept secret since November 1952.

We wanted at all costs to keep quiet about them for fear of the criticism of people who believe only in an Earthly life and who could not credit the existence of other human beings in the solar system capable of reasoning in scientific terminology as good as, if not better than, our own.

This does not mean to say that our believing in the existence of other inhabited worlds beyond this nutshell in space, of which we are so proud, is just an act of faith; we are convinced that it is highly probable that life is not just an accident that happened to a globe with no special attributes, as ours is.

If this is a reasonable premise, then it is also equally possible that there should be an exchange of scientific, spiritual and other ideas between planets. Such exchanges between the inhabitants of other worlds who have been able to free themselves from the shackles that still bind the feet of proud homo sapiens are probably at a higher level than we can conceive of, and for reasons that are beyond our imagination.

In spite of our self-imposed silence, we were on one occasion asked to take part in a reunion at the residence of one of our generals where a young lad was to give an account of a strange journey which he had made to a distant planet with the crew of a flying saucer.

In order to give some moral support to the lad and put him at easer we told him some of the things that had happened to us, with the result that everybody wanted to know the rest of the story. We gave them some of the facts and remained silent about others which we did not consider relevant at the time.

It is, however, difficult for a man to keep quiet about flying saucers, especially when someone else is holding forth about them.

Within a short time we were being pressed from all sides to tell the whole story, which we had to repeat a number of times. We gave an account of fragments of it, so as not to impose on our host, but our attempts to cut the story short merely aroused greater interest. A certain gentleman who spent most of his time arguing with people who had seen saucers, and to whom we had confided a few things, promised faithfully not to pass them on. A few days later he invited us to visit a friend of his.

When we arrived, thinking that it was an ordinary social call, we were met by about forty people' who had been "specially" invited to hear us. We were surprised that this topic, which holds so much interest for the world, should have been handled so indiscreetly. As we did not wish to appear discourteous to our hosts, we invented some fairy stories about flying saucers which passed the time and gave full rein to our sense of humour. It was an amusing evening.

We mention this to show the reader that we never did have, nor have, any desire for publicity; the publication of this book has been brought upon us by force of circumstance. We had many cash offers for the story which we always declined in spite of our abject poverty.

This book does not contain all the information we received,

but represents a resume of it. There are certain things which we considered it our duty to withhold, partly in accordance with our informant's wishes, and partly on our own judgment. Furthermore, there are other things which we intend to publish in a separate book which do not really come within the scope of a work for the general public, such as this one.

We have also withheld the details of our first meeting with the flying saucers, as it was our sole intention to make known the viewpoints of the people that man these mysterious craft.

We wished thereby to avoid relating minor details which others have already done to good effect.

As far as was possible we have avoided bringing in religious questions, since an invasion of a territory reserved for those properly ordained might well appear as an impertinence on our part.

If we have here and there made reference to religion, it is because we have been forced to do so and because we did not wish the subject to suffer as a result of our being too unwilling to risk the possibility of treading on other people's toes.

The remarks in this book do not imply that we disdain the honest efforts made by our scientists and the sincere efforts of thousands of research workers bent over test tubes and various apparatus in search of the unknown, and to whom we, in fact, owe what well-being we enjoy, and the little enlightenment that is left to us. We respect their efforts and hold them in highest regard.

We are certain that if errors or omissions have crept into science it is not due to bad faith on the part of the scientists, who have dedicated their lives to the search for true knowledge.

The thing that appals us is that the long hours, the sacrifice of lives, and all the efforts of thousands of inquiring minds which only had the common good in view should have been diverted by pseudo-scientists towards the destruction of this humanity which produced so many geniuses and which is held in such high esteem by the truly wise.

We do not attack science as such, but only those who pervert it. Those who dedicate themselves to the nefarious task of destroying human life no longer have the right to call themselves scientists. It would be an insult to Newton, Galileo, Fleming, Laplace, Kepler, Lagrange, Hertz and all those others to include among their number the bloodthirsty individual responsible for letting off atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Pascal would turn in his grave if he should one day be compared with the individual who produced the" G" gas.

 It is possible for anyone to make a correct observation, yet draw false conclusions from it. Newton thwarted progress in the field of optics for about a century merely because he drew a wrong conclusion, but nobody could blame him for it, or doubt his good faith. Aristotle's philosophical theories blocked the path of human knowledge for several centuries, but he was honest with himself and his fellow beings. We could say the same for a great many others in all branches of knowledge where the flash of genius was accompanied by tremendous mistakes.

But we pay our respects to those whose only motivating interest was honesty and love of science, and do not dwell on the mistakes they were in some way or other responsible for, bound as they were by the limited knowledge of their times and a false appreciation of Nature's laws.

Everything is forgivable in man within the concept of perfection which we hold. What he can never be forgiven is wilful wrongdoing and the abuse of knowledge endangering the life and most cherished aspirations of his less enlightened and intelligent fellow beings.

Nor does this book intend to refute other works which have dealt with the question of flying saucers, and which describe different types and different principles from those shown by us. We know that even on one planet there are men of various types ranging from black to white, from pigmy to giant.

We believe these other stories, for we believe in other people's honesty.

We have confined ourselves to repeating what we heard. It is obvious that the words printed here are not the very ones which the captain of the flying saucer spoke.

Even if we had taken them down verbatim, we still could not reproduce the whole message. We have, however, tried to simplif3r matters, and used the same reasoning and the same logic as our informant, albeit a lamentably poor imitation, in an attempt to bring out the spirit of his replies rather than his actual words.

If we should later receive confirmation of the ideas put forward, perhaps this book will be looked upon as having contributed something to the unravelling of the mystery of the so-called" Unidentified Flying Objects." If, however, they are not confirmed, we lay ourselves open to charges of misrepresentation.

We are fully aware of the risks we run, if it turns out that we have been victims of a cruel deception, but we remain undaunted.

However, the last thing we -want to do is to give the impression that we are in any way better than the next man, or that we have vast knowledge with which to contradict everything that scientists have proclaimed to date. We do not wish to resemble that glow-worm which the captain of the flying saucer referred to, who was so proud of his own light endowed by Nature, that he cried out to all the other glow-worms:

 The sun does not exist because the only light there is is the one I carry in my tail.

Dino Kraspedon

 A Pleasant Surprise

The doorbell rang three times. My wife came and told me that there was a parson at the door who wanted to speak to me.

"What does he want?" I asked apprehensively.

"I don't know, but it looks as if he wants to preach at you, replied my wife.

Almost every Sunday Protestant parsons, or ordinary preachers, would come along to preach at us or try to convert us to their belief. As, at that time, I was an atheist in the widest sense of the word, I hated long biblical dissertations and, in fact, had an aversion to anything that smacked of religion.

We won't be able to go out with the children now," I remarked.

"No, I suppose we won't," said my wife," but never mind, if we don't go today, we'll go another day."

"It's not fair that the children should miss their walk. The will have to go out after lunch by themselves."

I had a good mind to tell the parson I could not see him, but then decided that he was probably quite harmless. After all, he was only coming to see if he could get me into heaven. I went downstairs far from pleased, but maintained an air of politeness, and managed to put on a smile.

Sitting downstairs, however, I found a well-dressed man in a good cashmere suit which fitted his athletic body perfectly. As a rule priests dress unostentatiously, but this one was singularly well turned out. He had a white shirt with a stiff collar, and a blue tie with white geometrical patterns. His shoes did not look as if they had been worn for more than a month or two.

My attention was drawn to the fine weave of his gloves, and I remembered where I had seen this type of glove before. As I came face to face with him, I almost lost my voice with surprise; I recognised him as the captain of a flying saucer.

In November 1952 I was touring with a friend in the State of Sao Paulo. On reaching the top of the Angatuba range coming up from Parana, we were confronted by five saucers hovering in the air. It was a rainy day and visibility was had.

I went back to the same spot later and spent thee days and nights there in the hope of seeing a saucer again. On the last night, after a series of episodes which we will not go into here for fear of digression, a saucer landed and we were given the chance of going inside it and meeting its crew.

We stayed on board for about an hour looking at the various pieces of equipment in the machine. The captain was kind enough to explain how they all worked. At the end of our visit, this fascinating individual promised to come and see us as soon as he was able. And now, four or five months later, he had come as romised.

"Your surprise is quite understandable," he said, getting up from the armchair and extending his hand, "but I have come to return your visit to my craft. I have come, not only because I promised, but because I very much wanted to have the pleasure of seeing you again."

"I feel I hardly deserve such a gracious gesture on your part, especially as I have nothing to offer you but the hand of friendship."

"If you were to offer me the whole Earth, but not the hand of friendship, it would be worth nothing. Only friendship has real value. I accept it with gratitude as I have come to offer you the same thing: my hand of friendship.

Please excuse me for having presented myself as a parson, but you must realise that your wife would be very disturbed if she knew the truth."

"It was a harmless subterfuge," I reassured him, "and I am grateful to you for it; my wife would certainly be unhappy if she one day thought her husband was mixed up in some subversive activity in partnership with a foreign agent who passed himself off as a gentleman wandering about in space.

"In fact I had never believed that flying saucers were extraterrestrial. The whole thing appeared to me as a deception on the part of people of Earth, presenting themselves as beings from another world, and exploiting humanity's vague desire to know that there is other human life within the solar system, in order better to carry on some nefarious activity or other.'

My visitor merely smiled. "I assure you," he said, "that your suspicions are groundless, but there is no doubt that it your duty to be on your guard against possible deception. Or thing is certain however; if I were a foreign agent I show long since have conquered the Earth, and you would have pa dearly for your curiosity which led you into my craft."

At this point my wife came in with the children. She told me that lunch was ready and that the "parson" was welcome to eat with us. She would be going out and would not be back until the evening.

During lunch I wanted to try out my guest's linguistic ability to see whether he would betray his origin by his accent. I started off by discussing the Christian religion and asked him if he could tell me the first words of the Old Testament in Hebrew, to which he replied promptly and without the slightest hesitation or embarrassment, "Bereshith bara Elohim,"*1 and proceeded to recite a lengthy passage.

I continued the discussion in the same vein without letting him know that he was being put through his paces. At one point I pretended to be day-dreaming and began reciting "hodie si audieritis vocem meam.. " and asked him how it went on. He continued .... . nollite obdurare corda vestra."

*1 In the beginning God created.

2 Today if ye will hear my voice.., harden not your hearts (Heb. 3:vii-viii).

Continuing on the same lines I said " nollite putare quoniarn veni solvere lege aut prophet.. .", he completed it for me, "non veni solvere sed adimplere."~

I spoke to him later in English and Greek and he answered me m each language perfectly. Not only was he a linguist, but it was obvious from what he said that he was extremely erudite, giving dates and places of historical events and the names of the principal figures involved. Only once in a while would his interpretation of events be slightly at variance with our orthodox point of view.

English was the only language he appeared to have any difficulty with at all, nevertheless his ability to discuss the most varied topics in that language amazed me.

When we returned to the sitting-room I decided to try to find out what his scientific knowledge was like; it is one thing to be able to discourse on history and religion and to have the gift of languages, but it is quite another thing to be able to talk on scientific subjects. Obviously when talking about science he should not only show he possessed all the knowledge that we have, but he should also be able to present something more advanced, If he could not do so, this would prove him to be nothing more than an inhabitant of this planet. Nobody makes up scientific theories on the spot unless he is a genius or unless they do not hold water.

What is your name?" I asked him.

"I have no name in your sense of the word. On my planet names are a picture of the character of the individual. Though them we know a person's merits and shortcomings, even if he is unknown to us. Our names are based on a combination of sounds which would be unintelligible to you, for whom one name is as good as another. Today I have one name, and if tomorrow I should be wiser or better, I should have a different one, and so on."

*3 Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil (Matthew ~: xvii).

"I see. Well, tell me, then, where do you come from?"

"I come from a satellite of Jupiter."

"From which satellite?"

"Not from any one in particular. Sometimes I live on Ganymede, and sometimes on Io, just as you move around from one city to another."

"But I have heard that men from other planets are diminutive, but you are tall-over six foot How do you explain this?" I asked him with the object of embarrassing him.

"We are not all diminutive. On the same satellite we have men who are small or large, white, black or dark. Earth men are generally tall, but there are also pigmies and people of medium stature, and the white, the red, the dark and the black. Nature reveals her unity in diversity."

"That is unimportant," I said. "One knows the leopard by its spots. You must be aware of our prodigious efforts to make certain discoveries. We spend vast sums of money on research, often without encouraging results.

I myself, as you can see from my books full of notes, do a lot of studying, but up to the present, I cannot say that I have learned anything. I appear to be lost in a tangle of equations, and the mere mention of a parameter in a calculation drives me insane.

There is one problem, for example, which our best physicists and mathematicians have worn themselves out on; it is one which I believe may be easy for you to answer, whose science has conquered space for you. The problem is to know whether it is energy or matter that exists in Nature. I would like to make it clear that I shall not be satisfied with some simple academic definition, and shall require from you a more detailed explanation, which you are obviously in a position to give. Can you enlighten me?"

The captain of the flying saucer seemed to withdraw his thoughts to some distant point, as though looking for some way of embarking on this subject in a simple manner, or as if he were trying to listen to someone who was speaking to him

from the depths of his soul. Then he answered me slowly, weighing each word as he said it

* * *

The object of this chapter is to explain to the reader how it was that we were able to start off a conversation on the highest level with this captain of the flying saucer. Therefore we would like to close it at this point and take up the thread again in the next chapter.

In this new chapter we will try to exclude all the unimportant words that passed between us, synthesising the whole conversation in the form of questions and answers.

The following pages do not represent the fruits of a single conversation, but a series of five meetings which took place as follows: Once in the flying saucer itself, once in my home, twice in the main square in Sao Paulo, and the last at the Roosevelt station in Sao Paulo. It is perhaps important to explain that the two conversations we had in the main square took place in the presence of a professor of physics and mathematics, who shall remain anonymous out of respect for his present high position.

It is possible that some of the replies do not reflect the true spirit of the captain, and owing to the time that has elapsed since some of the outlines may have become blurred. However, we have preserved the essence of the replies, based on notes made at the time.

We have also tried, in the part that deals with religion, to exclude anything which could offend the viewpoint of existing Churches or sects. There is just one thing we would like to state, as a matter of conscience. The difficulties we faced him with concerning the Bible were fully explained by him. He gave us answers about the creation of man, the resurrection of the body, the reason for human suffering, etc., which fully confirm the truth of this book. For us his arguments were so satisfying that we became Christians. It is possible, however,

that what appeared to be perfectly understandable to us may seem ridiculous to others. We shall refrain from publishing these questions, unless we are pressed to do so, for fear of prejudicing the main issue. With these reservations we shall now proceed with the subjects that appear most interesting to us.