My Contact with UFO's by Dino Kraspedon chapter twelve

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Preface to this second edition Introduction A Pleasant Surprise.

God Matter and Energy

Overcoming Gravity

Authors Note

Astro Navigation

Sundry Topics

Olaf Roemers Experiments

The Aberation of light

Man wasted Efforts

The atomic danger

Life on other worlds

Farewell and Conclusion

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We met at the Roosevelt station in Sao Paulo. To begin with we continued our discussion on various scientific subjects, and later talked about ethics and religion. Then he said to me: "Now I am going. If you wish to see me again, meet me on Angatuba Avenue between November 14th and 17th, 1956. Should there be any hitch from your side, I will see you again in 1959 if you are still here. Once again I shall keep my word.

"I should like you to always remember one thing, do not attach too much importance to all the scientific things we have talked about.

Science is only a means of giving us certain facilities, and of teaching us how to use the forces of Nature. Seek that science which will bring happiness to all, and above all seek God because only He has meaning in the Universe. Love is the true science.

"What shall it avail man if he knows all things and all the secrets of the Universe, if he should lose his soul? Science is like a law, it is only beneficial when it guarantees the tights of man, and when it protects, shelters and serves him. If it loses its protective character and becomes oppressive, then it is time it was abolished and replaced by another. Such laws cannot and should not be respected.

It is like the salt that Christ referred to, if the salt should lose its savour and its strength, it should be cast away. Science exists so that man may live well and that there should be an abundance of all things. But if this science, instead of being a gift of God, should become a source of destruction to the human race, then it should be put aside.

A man can live without science, enjoying all the things that Nature provides; but with no spirit of compassion and respect for the lives of others, life on Earth would be inexorably destroyed. God does not destroy anyone, but man the aid of science could destroy himself and his fellows.

"Do not seek the salvation of your soul through science. If this were a means of spiritual progress, on this false basis, men would have arrived in hell long ago. The possession of scientific knowledge has no significance.

Without it many could lead a spiritual life, but with it millions will meet nothing but affliction. Of what use is knowledge that used a whole people as guinea pigs, killing thousands, destroying innocent people and bringing grief to those Japanese cities whose names remain as milestones on the road to destruction.

"It is to no avail. All of us who travel through space, men from different planets, are moved when we see those cities and never tire of saying that here was where the first blow of brute power struck the Earth and its inhabitants.

Here are the paths which lead to Armageddon. Here Christian people crucify Jesus again and proclaim the supremacy of the Beast who is to rule the Earth. It is a pity that human beings have insufficient scientific knowledge to dominate all Nature, and not be as poor as they are now. Since science is a great evil for them, it would be better to live without it, because then they would at least live.

It is preferable to live in ignorance and allow others to live than for all to be drowned as a result of a little knowledge.

"They worship Christ in vain and fruitlessly pay homage to Him. The only thing that He wishes is that they should love one another.

Man should not pray so much with pretty words; God is not moved by rhetoric. Rather should they make a constant prayer of their own lives and their love for their neighbour.

"There is yet time to save the world, an opportunity is always given to him that repents. There is no criminal who cannot be pardoned. If the crime is great, God's love is greater still. If man needed time to be pardoned, God could make a fraction of a second into an eternity.

Divine acts are not subordinate to time and space. This is the reason why some criminals, in a moment of repentance, become saints and martyrs. For an instant they departed from the ways of evil with all the power of their heart, and by divine action this second's repentance was made permanent.

If God cares so much for a single soul, should He not care that much more for humanity? Therefore pay more attention to spiritual things and use science as a means of explaining them.

"I know that you will refuse to tell others about the meetings we have had, but one day you will have to do so by force of circumstance. Do not imagine, however, that when you do tell others, they will take much notice. Many have spoken without any apparent result, and the only reward you should expect is something which nobody can take away, because it exists within your heart alone. But there may be someone unknown to you to whom your work will be of great value.

"And now, farewell! I shall take with me some books in order to study Earthly science a little more. When I return I will do my best to bring you something in writing about our science and our ethics. Until that time we shall be linked in thought."

"Supposing I am not here when you come back," I asked him.

"It would perhaps be better if you were not here, because then you would be somewhere else where it would be easier for us to make contact. But do not leave without telling your friends that life extends through the infinities of space from sphere to sphere and from world to world, and that beyond death there is hope and consolation. Tell them that wherever there is spirit, God will have prepared a vehicle for it. In life, swans are mute, but they never depart without a song."

He gave me his hand and took leave of me again. I would like to have followed him to the place where he was to board his saucer, but he told me: "Why follow me? Do not come 'with me. My saucer is quite close and it would not be pleasant for you to see the circumstances in which I leave; you would be upset. There is always a moment of separation and before I got into the saucer you would no longer be able to see me. May God be with you."

I saw him vanish round a corner. I had a strong desire to follow him at any cost, but decided that this would be disloyal to someone who had shown such friendliness to me.


We have given an account of things as they happened, and have told you what we heard. The ideas expressed in this book, whether they be good or bad, are not our own.

We have tried to render them as we heard them, using our notes as a basis. Nothing has been added. We have, on the contrary, had to cut out a great deal, partly to avoid making the book too long, and partly because we saw no point in publishing things that could not help to solve our most immediate problems.

What would be the point in discussing the use of anti-electrons in breaking down matter, if this process were only to be used as yet another weapon of destruction, instead of being put to a constructive use? We already have enough ways of slaying one another.

Would that man did not use the knowledge he already has to the detriment of other people's lives and property.

All we have endeavoured to do, is to expound the ideas which could be used to improve human relations. Even in this sphere we have left a number of topics pending, until we see how this book is received. We have naturally not said very much about how saucers fly, and even less about the scientific methods used to give them their phenomenal stability.

It seemed unfair to publicise things that could be of use to our own country in solving many of the pressing problems that face it. With its vast area, its impoverished population in the interior, no country could derive greater benefit from a craft of almost unlimited speed and payload than Brazil.

The saucer is a vessel which makes all our knowledge of aerodynamics obsolete.

Its speed and carrying capacity are unaffected by its shape, which can be tailored to fit the cargo. Saucers can be made bell-shaped, flat, cigar-shaped, square, oval, etc. They are far more than winged cargo ships. Ten of these craft could transport the whole of the harvest from the Parana in a matter of minutes without having to have special landing fields built for them.

Roads and railways, slow and susceptible to climatic conditions, would lose their importance. In fact, one of the purposes of this book was to try to illustrate the forces the saucers use to navigate in our atmosphere, and the means they use to travel through space on interplanetary voyages.

Many people believe that saucers are Earth-made craft; others believe them to have come from other worlds. Some people even go so far as to assert that they hail from underground cities belonging to a civilisation that had hidden there to avoid contact with us. We have not gone into a discussion about their origin as this could not benefit anyone.

Why should people worry about where they come from?

What could be of great interest to our tortured and problem-ridden planet would be to know the methods they use, and then to modify our Earthly knowledge accordingly, and see whether we could not do the same thing, or at least something like it. Anything else is merely arid, academic discussion of no practical interest.

However, that is entirely our own point of view and the reader may well disagree with it. Our only crime consists in claiming to have been in contact with beings who say they are from another world. It is up to the reader to form his own judgment; whether this be one of criticism or of praise, our own conviction will remain quite unshaken.

It does not really matter whether people believe saucers come from outer space, from the Earth, or from below the Earth:

we know that the things that have been revealed to us are true, and we have good reason for saying this. Let us not forget the injunctions that man should follow a path of peace and compassion.

An appeal has been made at a time when the trumpets are summoning humanity to the holocaust that is to take place in the valley of Jehoshaphet, in honour of the god of war.

He has given us a categorical affirmation of the existence of God at a moment when the world is wallowing in iniquity, and has appealed to man to do good and to follow the path of moderation and restraint.

If he were only blessed with the capacity for making men remember God and follow his Commandments, and proving that everything written by the early Christians was true, anything else would, by comparison, be unimportant.