THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL– Col. Philip J. Corso (1997) – NOTES

(Page numbers are given for hardback edition)

The craft was able to displace gravity through the propagation of magnetic waves controlled by shifting the magnetic poles around the craft so as to control, or vector, not a propulsion system but the repulsion force of like charges.[p100]

raced among themselves to figure out how the craft could retain its electric capacity[p100]

The air force discovered that the entire vehicle functioned [101] just like a giant capacitor. In other words, the craft itself stored the energy necessary to propagate the magnetic wave that elevated it, allowed it to achieve escape velocity from the earth's gravity, and enabled it to achieve speeds of over seven thousand miles per hour.[p101]

it was as if gravity was being folded around the outside of the wave that enveloped the craft.[p101]

engineers marveled at the thin amalgam of the most refined copper and purest silver they had ever seen that covered the ship’s underside. The metal was remarkable for its conductivity, as if the entire craft was an electrical circuit offering no resistance to the flow of current.[p107]

accelerating from a near stationary hover above a given spot, like a helicopter, to speeds in excess of seven thousand miles per hour in a matter of seconds?

The craft itself was an electrical circuit.

• That the flight suits -"flight skins" is a better description - the creatures wore were made of a substance whose atomic structure was elongated, strengthened lengthwise, so as to provide a directional flow to any current applied to it.[p108]

The engineers who first discovered this were amazed at the pure conductivity of these skins, functionally like the skin of the craft itself and their obvious ability to protect the wearer while at the same time vectoring some kind of electronic field.[p108]

The debris and the spacecraft indicated that an engine didn’t somehow fall out of the craft when it crashed. A conventional engine was never there in the first place. What we found was that the craft seemed to have had the ability to store as well as conduct a vast amount of current. What if the craft itself were the engine, imparted with a steady current from another source that it stored as if it were a giant capacitor? This would be like charging the battery in an electric car [p109] and running it until the battery was drained.[p110]

the Roswell craft was simply a capacitor that stored current that was controlled or vectored by the pilot and was able to be recharged in some way or could recharge itself with some form of built-in generator.[p110]

scientists who had gone to the Air Materiel Command at Wright Field to see the debris were speculating that the electronic potential of the Roswell craft reminded them of the German and British antigravity experiments of the 1920s and 1930s.[p110]

Tesla and a number of other European scientists had been pioneers in the conversion of circumscribed small-area antigravity fields out of electromagnetic fields.[p110]

But, what if the flying craft already carried enough electric potential and storage capacity to retain its power, just like a very advanced flying battery? Then it might have all the power it needed to propagate and vector a wave directionally by shifting its magnetic poles. If the magnetic field theory experiments carried out by engineers and electrical energy pioneers Paul Biefeld and Townsend Brown in the 1920s at the California Institute for Advanced Studies were accurately [p110] reported - and the U.S. military as well as scientific record keepers at Hoover's young Bureau of Investigation kept very close tabs on what these engineers were doing - then the technological theory for antigravity flight existed before World War II.[p111]

The Germans did develop and had flown flying disks,[p111]

If the EBEs utilized a wave-propagation technology as an antigravity drive and navigation system, then they traveled inside some form of adjustable electromagnetic wave.[p114]

Molecular alignment metallic alloys[p115]

about the only possible process that could interfere with the electromagnetic field drive we suspected the aliens were using: a directed-particle energy-beam weapon that could disrupt the electromagnetic wave formation around the spacecraft and penetrate the antigravity field.[p245]

Tesla wrote about the theories behind the distortion or manipulation of a gravitational field through the propagation of electromagnetic waves, and the extraterrestrials seemed to have employed just that kind of technology for a propulsion system.[p249]

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Electrokinetic UFO
Four Great Primary Forces
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Rose Flying Saucer
UFO Note Page
UFO Plasma Engine-French physicists
UFO Propagation
The power of the vortex
WITNESSED - Budd Hopkins

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