UFO NOTES PAGE - (also see bibliography page) note 1) See "Sensitive Chaos" by Theodore Schwenk (1976); "Secrets of the Soil" by Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird (1991) p105-9. note 2) From "The Motion and Precipitation of Suspensoids in Divergent Electric Fields" by Herbert A Pohl in Journal of Applied Physics vol 22, p871,(1951). Also see 1980 "Annual Report Conf. Elec. Insul. & Dielectric Phenomena" (National Academy Press - Washington) pp82 (T.B.Jones). note 3) Molecular alignment is in his book "The Day After Roswell" p115 (p/back p125). In the same book Corso also says that one of the craft he worked with had an outer shell made from a thin alloy of pure silver and copper - and that this metal was "remarkable for its conductivity, as if the entire craft was an electrical circuit offering no resistance to the flow of current.", ibid p107 (p/back p117) (see a short summary of his references to ufo technology in the Corso Page). Presumably, as in the case of the Roswell samples, such extra ion content enhances the polarizability of the metal. The silver-copper combination was one that Viktor Schauberger also favoured for his bio-electric structures. "Living Energies" by Callum Coats p181 & p280. An extraterrestrial artifact of a miniature ufo found in England had an alternate coupling of copper (non-magnetic) – polystyrene (insulator) – copper; where (according to the lab reports from the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge and the Department of Metallurgy at Manchester University) the copper had a non-crystalline structure and the polystyrene had an unusually high mass, and spread throughout the various layers was a fine magnetic powder. Was it some sort of hint as to how a real ufo is structured? See "UFO Quest" (1994)(retitled "Unidentified Flying Objects" (1999)) by Alan Watts p47-8. The arced-toroid, while it should be made of an insulating material or a laminate of metal-insulator-metal materials, some descriptions describe it as a glass-plastic material, or that some metals inside the craft become transparent with an applied electric field – but this transparency effect must be down to an alignment procedure of the metal on a molecular level and must be established upon its construction-materialization process. Actually, the transparency effect of metals has been mentioned by many independent witnesses and experiencers, such as Travis Walton, Daniel Fry, Betty Andreasson Luca, and Bob Lazar, et al, so its obviously prevalent. And contrary to the misguided belief, by some scientists, that a ufo in order to travel through earth’s atmosphere has to withstand tremendous amounts of heat, a ufo, has at its outer shell-casing a temperature completely unaffected by air-friction, because through the electrochemical reactions and boundary-layer effects of the electronic ionizing of the propulsion systems it uses it produces a 'soft' buffer to the air-medium it travels through, and even against the 'supersonic barrier effect' - and so a ufo does not have a 'hard edge' to produce air friction with. Apparently, American, British and Russian physicists have for a long while been working on this very same principle, to provide reduced air-drag, for commercial aircraft (see an article called "Plasma Magic" by Justin Mullins in "New Scientist" 28 Oct 2000), and I do believe the B2 bomber had a similar facility too. note 4) An interesting point here is that if the toroid were made of conducting material (and suitably sectioned and insulated at the edges) the liquid flow within it would be anti-clockwise for the same charge polarity distribution. Further, if the toroid were constructed from a semi-conducting composite and its conductivity could be controlled to switch between conducting and insulating, then for the same direction of rotation of liquid flow the charge polarity zones could be switched from positive to negative and vica versa. note 5) On similar lines to this is what is known in electronics as an isotropic antenna (isotropic as derived from Greek meaning equal in all directions) only in the present application although such a propagation would be through 360º the outflow is directed only downward. note 6) The toroid’s outer curve edge charges up the shell, by streaming charges via the sharp edge at the outer perimeter. The dome-shell is curved and smooth-faced so as to accumulate the electric charge - but, as already mentioned in the main text, the actual dome-shell could hold an increased amount of charge if the shell material were laminated. note 7) There may be involved here, in the arms, a ‘semiconductor’ type of switch that allows voltage pressure accumulated by the large lower spheres to build up voltage pressure – at increased density – in the smaller top spheres - or there may be just a permanent link. note 8) I’ve also seen this mentioned by Tesla (in US patent 1,266,175 p2 :100-125). But its standard electrostatics tech. note 9) Another interesting correlation to these visual energy exchanges is that electro-aerodynes have on occasion been seen to energize so brightly and suddenly that observers have described the visually stunning spectacle as ‘almost an explosion’ (See Explosion Almost page for a link to a recent and major scientific discovery). note 10) When bismuth was first 'discovered' around the 1900s it was subjected to all sorts of weird and wonderful tests; it was found to create a 'bismuth EMF' displacement current (or current lag) (see, for instance, an article by George C. Simpson in "Philosophical Magazine" (Sept 1901) vol2 pp300): Kapitza in the 1920s at Cambridge discovered that bismuth changed its dimensions (by magnetostriction) in a strong magnetic field. And bismuth in more recent times is used for its Hall effect properties in semiconductor devices activated by magnetic fields. note 11) Copper or aluminium in a non-uniform magnetic field creates ‘magnetic drag’. See, for instance, "American Journal of Physics" Vol 50 (Dec 1991) pp1123. note 12) The phenomenon of pressure ionization occurs when, in a highly volatile and compressed state electrons are squeezed out of their high energy levels (ie Fermi energy) breaking the outer shells and detaching from the atom. See "Plasma – The Fourth State of Matter" D.A. Frank-Kamenetskii (Trans. J. Norwood) 1972; also see "Francis Bitter - Selected papers on Electromagnetism" ed: T. Erber (1969) p518-522. note 13) In astrophysics a similar structure is the axisymmetric spiral. See "Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics" E. Battaner (1996) pp163. Another example of such a spiral in space is when a star is formed, out of a rotating magnetic field which, when its windings can tighten no more, transmits angular momentum to the perimeter of that field – to then rotate the whole field, inner and outer, at the same speed. See "Magnetohydrodynamics" R.K.M. Landshoff (1957) p33. note 14) And with the sectors coiling round and cutting the magnetic field lines of the toroid as they curve around the center they create yet more currents (by magnetohydrodynamic generation) as well as an additional draw of air from outside. And when the magnetic field collapses, an even bigger generation of voltage by the reverse-emf process. note 15) Obviously, the most appropriate way of
getting this power out is to ‘tune the circuit’ so that it’s
charge-discharge-recharge cycle corresponds to a resonant frequency. There
would be such an array of charge backflows (or, reverse electromotive
forces) from the capacitive couplings, AND a collapsing magnetic field to
work with, AND a planar wave-guide that could function almost as a cavity
resonator, to enable this circuit to work repetitively so as to oscillate,
that, once the component parts of the craft’s capacitance and inductance
were controlled so could the output frequency be controlled, and so too
could its kinetic propulsive power be controlled. NOTE: If the liquid is polarized and its dipolar-molecules were aligned to the electric field, after discharge they would reverse-align themselves and, although the tendency would be for the reversal to ‘brake’ the flow of the fluid its inertia would bring the dipole-molecule alignment back to the original alignment. This would also have a bearing on the tuning of the circuit because it would act as an inductance in the circuit. Also see "Magnetic Fluids Engineering Applications" B.M.Berkovsky (1993). note 15a) It should be noted, that this Extra Low Frequency range (of 2Hz-8Hz) pulsing of ufos corresponds exactly to the ELF highest-power-output range of Professor Aquino's System G anti-gravitation discovery (recently announced through the Los Alamos National Laboratory website) which provides a NULLIFIED or NEGATIVE weight to a given mass - when that mass is pulsed with ELF electromagnetic waves; and that the amount of anti-gravitational "lift" could be controlled by regulating the frequency of that ELF power output. note 16) A rotating electric field stores kinetic energy and electrical energy (with its force-field acting from its center to its outside region)( "Plasma - The Fourth State of Matter" D.A. Frank-Kamenetskii (Trans. J. Norwood) 1972 p86). The magnetoacoustic wave of the plasma's expansion is in the same direction (ie longitudinal "Plasma - Fourth State" p116) as its propagation. Of a plasma with its magnetic field frozen inside it its propagation speed is given (p114) as:
A plasma can also possess a shock wave and under certain conditions of energy dissipation such shock waves can be propagated in space, and indeed do occur in space as a result of sun spot activity - whereby Earth has received some pretty huge jolts of electricity when such activity has been at its 11-year peak (vis Quebec, Canada in March 1989)(And the current peak of 2000/1 is being closely monitored by the Space Environment Center in Boulder, Colorado via NASA's SOHO satellite for just such disturbances - and after that its "2012...") (For more details see "Wicked Weather" in "New Scientist" 5 Aug 2000 pp36; and even "Just A Normal Town" in "New Scientist" 1 July 2000 pp20). When he worked in France TT Brown discovered that the electrokinetic effect worked better in a vacuum (see Philadelphia Exp page). A miniscule insight into the ET tech of manipulating electric energy out in space may come from observations that orbiting craft (ie the 'cigar' mother-ships) emit liquid vapour or 'steam' around their shells - whereby if it were as simple as water vapour (perhaps in the form of a thermionic emission) the movement of it could be used to generate electrostatic charges for the craft while in space (see "Watchers Two" Raymond E. Fowler p86). note 17) See "The Bridge to Infinity" by Bruce L. Cathie (1997) p25 note 18) see "Alien Contact" by Timothy Good (1993) p187; but also see Bob Lazar's video. note 19) ibid. p179 note 20) ibid. p188 note 21) US patent 7,326,715 (7 April 1989) note 22) See "Alien Contact" by Timothy Good (1993) p181 note 23) See "The Andreasson Affair - Phase Two" p154. And for the encounter of a similar craft by a US Army Lieutenant see "Glimpses of Other Realities Vol 2" by Linda M. Howe p93. Interestingly, the latest sightings of spheres in large formations, obviously on some sort of reconnaissance, have been in Wales (between November 1999 and May 2000) ("Western Mail" Cardiff 16 May 2000) ("Ufo Magazine" July/August 2000 p43) note 24) It will be obvious, to those into electronics, that projecting a negative electric field into the air some distance from the craft is a lot easier than 'projecting' a positive field. But as TT Brown himself explains his effect works not exclusively toward a positive electrode - but that it works toward the area of least density of electric flux lines (see Brown's patent 3,187,206 fig. 8C). So in the case of the orb-sphere, it's body could be positively charged and the ambient it electrifies above it could be negative (as long as the ambient is dispersed over a wide area). note 25) See "Living Energies" by Callum Coats p287. note 26) ibid. p288 note 27) See "Living Water" by Olof Alexandersson p95 note 28) A film shot inside the Russian base showing the central ‘fuselage’ of the ikee without its circular disc (but clearly showing the rear ram pipes that gives it horizontal thrust once the anti-gravity force-reaction gets it into the air) was broadcast on British TV in a documentary called Dreamland in the mid-1990’s ! So, all was not lost – all was not forgotten of such a great physicist. NOTE: I'm not sure if ikee is the correct spelling, please forgive me if its not, I believe it means to rush, to throw. Tarélka means plate or disc in Russian. note 29) See "Living Water" p94 note 30) See "Living Energies" p287 note 31) One small point, when a tornado gets fierce bolts of lightning can be seen to flash from the top to the bottom, which obviously, is where the separation of charge effect discharges the accumulations of opposite electricity – but why does the lightning flash perpendicular to the ground and not around the curve of the twisting air…! note 32) From the way Lazar explains the
propulsion system of the ufo he worked on it can't be an 'anti-gravity'
wave, or even a 'gravity' wave, that that ufo rides on. For he says, in
his video, that by using only one of the three gravity amplifiers it
pushes out a pulsing wave which it 'floats' on. And while it is weightless
the other two gravity amplifiers are used to create and project a
'disturbance' in the air-space ahead of it. This sounds like more
electromagnetic 'seeding' of the distant air-space to me (see Jon Farhat's "Bob Lazar"
website for sketches, pictures and text about UFOs and aliens)...
anyway, Lazar then explains that it works just the opposite to aircraft
thrust, in that as the disturbance is projected into the distance the
craft reacts to it as if it were running downhill to it - and thats how it
travels . We'll see... note 33) Perhaps M.K.Jessup knew a bit about this ‘cold concourse’ too, in "The Case For The Ufo" (1955) pp33. Also see "The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla" (1993) p270. And "Nexus Magazine" April-May 1996 pp55. And see "Plasma - The Fourth State" p118. In a more simplified form Wilhelm Reich also used a system of ionizing-at-a-distance with his 'cloud-buster'. note 34) An engram is a mental block which
contains mental image pictures, they happen when the person has gone
unconscious and is in pain, the conscious mind has closed down but the
subconscious mind is still recording the events taking place - in every
detail. How... Oh how, we have ignored the spirit on this planet... note 35) The essential ingredient proves to be the 'wide-brim' disc which shapes the electric field, and which creates the all-important differential in the electric field density between the upper area of the craft and the lower area. The Piatan ufo image is taken from "The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla" (1993) p298/299. Ironically, the T Townsend Brown endeavor to develop the ultimate electrokinetic ufo doesn't end with T Townsend Brown. For one of his co-researchers at that time, Agnew H. Bahnson Jr, must surely be given at least equal acknowledgement for his furtherance of Brown's work to quite a high level of success. He was granted four patents (US 2,958,790 (Nov 1 1960); US 3,223,038 (Dec 14 1965); US 3,227,901 (Jan 4 1966); US 3,263,102 (Jul 26 1966)), that basically follow on from Brown's arcuate 'umbrella' design (see fig 27 (v)). And while Bahnson's 3,263,102 patent offers the earliest method of applying DIRECTIONAL thrust to steer this type of design by, the electrogravitic designs of Bahnson's 2,958,790 patent includes an extensively developed flying disc version - that is remarkable not only for its ingenuity of construction but is also remarkable for its resemblance to one of George Adamski's ufos...(see Bahnson-Adamski Ufo page) (and see the T Townsend Brown family website for more information). note 36) From "Living Energies" p279 note 37) Although the structure of ET language looks complex, and looks even 3-dimentional, the ET alphabet is surprisingly straight-forward. It's letters basically correspond to the structures of the English alphabet – with either one 90° bend missing or one semicircular curve missing from the letter's shape. For more information on recent discoveries in ET symbol language see "Glimpses of Other Realities - Vol 2" pp195.
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