Website page index - (in alphabetical order)


The Brown-Bahnson-Adamski Electric Ufo page looks at the electrogravitic researches of T Townsend Brown and also the patents of Agnew H. Bahnson which seem to have progressed a lot further than Brown's own patents. The most advanced (published) electrogravitics tech available.

A short bibliography of useful books on the subject of UFOs and abduction experiences.

Some excerpts from "The Day After Roswell" by Col. Philip J. Corso that mention ET technological advances, and how the alien ufo propulsion system works.

Within the technology of electrogravitics dielectrics are non-conducting materials which are a vital part of the electronic circuit of the ufo.

Dielectric materials, as used by T Townsend Brown, and by Patrick Flanagan in his Electron Field Generator, can be doped in such a way that when they are energised they can create what is known as an electron avalanche in the air surrounding them. This energizing of the air-ambient is then used by the ufo to create propulsion.

The full content, with many extra illustrations, of T Townsend Brown's US patent 3,187,206 Electrokinetic Apparatus (1965). Provides a good basis for understanding electrogravitic motion.

One of the main pages to this site the Electrokinetic Ufo page gives a brief history and technical explanation of the physics and electronics behind various types of ufos, including an alternative look at how Bob Lazar's ufo, and Viktor Schauberger's ufos worked. Extensively punctuated by research notes, source notes, and technical diagrams.

One type of ufo uses an electrolytic flow (of liquid metallic conducting fluid) to generate electric charges used in the propulsion process, this page offers an insight into how the electric forces and magnetic forces interrelate with one another, in a magnetohydrodynamic flow.

As an additional page on the electron cascade effect which is used in the ufos to create polarized electric charge and how the ufo utilizes a converging non-uniform field to transport that charge into a central reaction chamber.

Basically, this is an extra patent of T Townsend Brown (#3,296,491 - 1967) to do with electrokinetic thrust derived from the use of charged particles in a converging non-uniform electric field - known also as electrophoretic thrust.

While ufos are in operation their electrical levels of power fluctuate between low and high levels of thrust, which allows them to hover motionless or to accelerate at many thousands of miles an hour. Because the thrust is a reaction to the electrification of the ufo's surrounding air-ambient the variation of thrust correspondingly creates a difference in the appearance of the ufo - or rather, the air around it, changing its colour. Some have noted that a ufo will look so bright it looks like an explosion almost about to happen.

The Grangemouth ufo photograph was taken by Phil Trevis back in 1991. It was taken at close range (only 200 feet or so above) whilst it travelled very slowly away and then dissappeared into the night sky. This page shows that this ufo may use a form of electrogravitics for its propulsion.

Various physicians have come up with theories which link electrics to electromagnetics to gravitational forces. Bob Lazar postulates that some ufos create a gravitational wave phase which is 'out of phase' with the one existing on earth.

The Four Great Primary Forces explains that a resonating electromagnetic field can produce a vector force which counteracts the gravitational force of this planet.

Ion Kinetics endeavours to explain the basis of T Townsend Brown's electrokinetic movement of the air-ambient around a metal object charged to a high voltage.

By a stroke of genius T Townsend Brown discovered a unique power-source which generated millions of volts so as to produce propulsive thrust - this is from his US patent 3,022,430 (1962).

The Andreasson ufo uses an electric field which is non-uniform and which behaves in a particular way to move electrically polarized particles towards its central chamber space, which then becomes so energized that a repulsion force is generated. This repulsive force is then transformed into a controlled propagation of electromagnetic waves. Non-uniform fields of high voltage potentials create powerful reactions.

Primarily this was to be a list of patents by T Townsend Brown but it has been extended to include the follow-on patents for electrogravitic thrust devices by A.H. Bahnson and J.F. King.

Reports on the work of T Townsend Brown were few and mostly date back to the early-to-mid 1950s, like this one (Philadelphia Experiment) from William Moore, which is a shame because most of Brown's really interesting discoveries occurred in the late 1950s to mid 1960s.

When the excessive amounts of energy become too much for the given volume of space at the center of the Andreasson type of ufo, and they repulse out from the center, a plasma of polarized particles is forced out through the ufo's circumferential duct as a flow of propagated plasma waves of kinetic energy.

The Rose report on T Townsend Brown's Flying Saucer was actually written for Rose by a nuclear physicist named Bradford Shank, formerly of Los Alamos National Laboratory - and it is a very knowledgeable one. Indeed, from Shank's descriptions of the electrogravitic effect he obviously knew what he was talking about (and even manages to explain it better than Brown ever has), and his diagrams are superb.

The stories that, at the end of the second world war Germany had produced a flying craft very much akin to a ufo, stem from the researches of Viktor Schauberger and his flying discs. His research provides valuable information to do with immense power generation through vortical motion.

Mainly to provide source details and additional notes for the Electrokinetic Ufo page and the UFO Propagation page the Ufo Notes Page is full of back-up information.

The French scientific community has for a long time been convinced of the existence of ufos, and they came forward, in the 1970s, with a link between magnetohydrodynamics and a circular magnetic field frozen inside an expanding plasma, which, when generated in a ufo plasma engine and propagated from a circular ufo provides propulsive thrust.

Ufo Propagation is one of the main pages of this site, with links to the graphic images, and covers much of the propulsion physics of ufos that use an electromagnetic wave propagation system. The beauty of which system is that it charges and discharges energy taken from the surrounding air around it - and thereby looses none of its own energy but constantly recharges its own power supplies.

The vortex is a very under-researched form of power generation, perhaps because science cannot comprehend the intricacy of its mathematics... May be why science cannot understand ufos.

There are a tremendous amount of ufo reports, from around the globe, which relate the same observations, that ufos glow with various colours and that these colours are always different for when the ufo is hovering, when the ufo is moving fast, and when the ufo is moving ultra fast - in Witnessed are accounts taken from a Budd Hopkins (1996) book describing typical colours describing typical energy outputs of ufos.


Some additional pages listed as of 3rd march 2001

Microwave EMW Propulsion

Jim McDonald's USAF report

Bob Lazar's Gravity Generators

Radio-Wave Controlled Electric Field Drive System

Return to Electrokinetic UFO page

Return to UFO Propagation

other pages in this series
Communicate with Author of this series
Electrokinetic UFO
Four Great Primary Forces
A brief descriptional outline of these pages
Rose Flying Saucer
UFO Note Page
UFO Plasma Engine-French physicists
UFO Propagation
The power of the vortex
WITNESSED - Budd Hopkins
Microwave EMW Propulsion
Jim McDonald's USAF report
Bob Lazar's Gravity Generators
Radio-Wave Controlled Electric Field Drive System

all pages copied from Paul E. Potters excellent website check out following website when next online for new updates

Check out Alien (UFO) Propulsion

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