![]() | Balash Ahmedov was born, 16 August, 1971 in Baku. He has graduated Baku Polytechnic Technicum in 1992 and has worked as engineer in Space Research Bureau. He works as a volunteer at peace organization - International Eurasia Press Fund, which deals with prevention and resolution of conflicts and protecting of human rights. |
Alternative energy sources in last years became very actual field for engineering. The issue become very actual, because of environmental problems and by reducing of traditional energy sources. Alternative sources include wind, solar, thermal, photohydrogen, etc. As an example alternative energy technologies are shown fuel cell, photovoltic and MHDG (Magnito-Hydro-Dynamic-Generator). MHDG based on plasma technology. And this technology for efficiency has most high index among those alternative energy technologies. As it is known, plasma technology also has been used in SANP-converter which were used as energy source in Satellites in 60th years. In all these technologies (MHDG, SANP) were used hot plasma. That is, for getting independent charged particles stream plasma should be heated until 2000C0-3000C0.
In my discovered energy converter has been used plasma technology, too. After 8 years of research work I could produce electric power from plasma, but I have used in my converter cold plasma, that
is for getting independent charged particles stream I have not heated plasma. And also because of low effect, I had denied using magnetic field for production electric power from plasma as it had been used in MHDG. For production electric power in my converter I used intensive electrical field, not electrostatic field. It seems impossible, but my experimental result and theoretical investigation has proved the rightness and superiority of my method. On the contrary using electrical field let me get wonderful results. I used electrical field for both getting plasma and giving speed to plasma's charged particles. That's why, efficiency of my converter is very high. Besides, in consequence of using electrical field I could make my design very simple and this makes their production easy and cost effective. During working process of this converter there is not any waste. Therefore, it is very desirable from the environment pollution point of view. So, this is an unusual and most effective method.
Referring to provided experiments and scientific calculations hereby I describe the working process and feasible project of my converter which is suitable for more needs.
In my converter the main element is ion device. Plasma is creating in that device. That ion device consist of glass vessel, in which were inserted two plain electrodes. Inside of that device should full of inert gas (neon) with addition cesium. The pressure of gas in the ion device should make 10 mm.m.c. (mm. mercury column). Cesium should add in amount of %40 (percent) of the whole gas volume. The ion device’s electrodes space size should make S=10cm.2 and midelectrodes distance l=2 cm. That time midelectrodes space volume would be equal to V = Sxl =10cm.2 x 2cm.=20cm.3
In normal atmosphere pressure (760mm.m.c.) in this volume may exist No=VxL=20cm.3x 2.7x1019 1/cm.3 =5.4x1020 gas atoms. Where L- is Loshmid number. In 10mm.m.c. pressure in this volume should enter N1 =N0/n=5.4x1020 / 76= 7x1018 gas atoms, where n=760mm.m.c./ 10mm.m.c.=76.
So, that ion device is producing electric power by next way. For getting plasma and also for producing electric power from plasma, I need in voltage source. Therefore, first, from industry electric power set is transferring a.c. on voltage 220V and with current intensity 2Ampere to the input of the raiser transformer. By help raiser transformer that current voltage w’ d be raised up to 2000V. That time current intensity index in the out circuit of the raiser transformer should be decreased till 0.2Ampere. Then high voltage current is transferring to the electrodes of the ion device. The electrodes of the ion device also is joined to the user element circuit. As it has been remarked above to the ion device added cesium. It makes ion device resistance very low. When high voltage current w’ d be transferred, then that current should flow across ion device circuit, not user element circuit. Because, in any case user element circuit resistance would be bigger than ion device resistance. This fact also was gotten from experiment. In the ion device should hold the next process. First, under influence intensive electrical field cesium atoms would easily decay to independent electrons and positive ions. These charged particles under influence the same electrical field will get a great fly speed and move to the electrodes. On way to the electrodes these charged particles would decay neon atoms to charged particles. If third part of whole gas atoms would be taken from cesium, then all gas atoms in the ion device should be decayed to charged particles and under influence intensive electrical field these particles would fly and fall to the electrodes. So, current will flow in midelectrodes space. This time the common charge of electrons (same ions) in the ion device would be Q0 =N1x e=7x1018 x1.6x10-19C=1.02 Culon, where e- is electron’s charge index. As above remarked, current intensity index of the high voltage current is 0.2 Ampere. As it is seen, it is very low. Therefore, when the transformer current would flow across ion device, then in this process will participate near %2 of the charged particles. As proved by experiment, the remain part of those charged particles (%98) will create current in the user element circuit.
Electrical scheme and experimental device of my design:
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T-raiser transformer, I-ion device, U-user element.
Voltage index of this current should be equal to current voltage that transferring to ion device electrodes. Because as known voltage index in the user element circuit is determined by electrons kinetic energy in plasma. These electrons are getting their
kinetic energy from potential energy of electical field. By law of conservation of energy in time of these energy turnings quantity of electrical field remains constant. That is voltage index in the user element circuit should be equal to 2000V but current intensity index depends on two parametres . First, from common charge and second fly speed of the electrons that create power in the user element circuit. Common charge of these electrons will be Q1 =Q0 x %98= =1.02Cx0.98=1Culon. Under influence intensive electrical field these electrons should get v=27000km/sec. fly speed and within a nanosecond would fall on the electrode. Meanwhile, positive ions should get near v=100km/sec. fly speed and in 0.0001second would strike blow to the electrode, breaking off independent electrons. That is, already in a 0.001 second all electrons (common charge is 1Culon) would fall to the electrode and ions would breake off electrons from the electrode. 0.001 second is the time of the one act of the electrons exchange between electrodes. Then, in a second such acts would happen 1000 times. That is, in the user element circuit in a second will pass 1000 Culon charge. By the other words, it means current intensity index in the user element circuit would reach up to 1000Ampere. Such big currents can be used in the powerful engines, transformers, etc. As remarked above, that ion device acts by a.c.. So, producing current also will be a.c..
I had discovered my new method of electric power production by practical experiment and have confirmed once again the reality of this method by holding many experiments in another devices. Many physices-scolars also appreciated the rightness of my method and experimental results. I would like note again that the work principle of my converter is based on Edison's effect and this effect was used as a work principle in many converters.
For more information, please, write to: akhmedovba@aznet.org
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